I see now that Huckabee is set to announce another go at the GOP nomination. Good Lord, by 2016 maybe even Kim Kardashian will run!! The GOP needs to get behind one person and run with the ball. No more cutting each other to ribbons in silly debates. Debates are stupid. We already know their stance beforehand. Besides, only an idiot does not know this very moment for which party they are going to vote for. I will pull the lever for the GOP candidate no matter who it is as NOTHING they do could possibly be worse than the moron we now have in office or Hillary . The GOP needs to reign these clowns in and get behind one person. Walker & Paul are the two most apt to win IMO.
Ayuh,.... Why corrupt the process,... Let 'em All run, 'n shake out the fluff,... It's waayyy early in the race,..... You seem to think the country is nothin' but Democrat, or Republican,... In reality, the Democrats are 'bout 30% of the population, the Republicans another 30%, 'n the remainin' 40% are Independent Voters, No party voters,... It's the 40% that the candidates need to Fight for,....
I agree with the OP. Why corrupt the process by allowing people to make a choice. Voting is for people smart enough to be able to read directions to get to the polls. We should let others decide who should lead us. Coronations are much less messy.
Well you can call me an idiot because I have no idea who I'm going to vote for. Personally I consider voting for party a ignorant action but then I tend to think understanding the person is far more important than the R, D or I beside their name. Debates give people an opportunity see if a candidate has the ability to think and react on their feet.
` Earlier this week, David Letterman summed it up by saying: "Who will lead the Republicans to Another Crushing Defeat?"
Well, at least many candidates seems normal(there is competition). And look at the democrats, they have only ONE potential candidate - Hillary Clinton. And i think it shows that they know who will win on 2016 elections...
I am a sure vagina voter. Hillary is most likely to destroy completely what remains of my beloved country and I want the rebuilding to begin as soon as possible. Jeb will ruin it but not as fast. Burn it down. Time for a cunning stunt. Go, Hillary!
Sounds like you were really disappointed when you woke up on the morning of January 1, 2000 and everything was fine.
There's a year and a half to go until the election. Personally, I like seeing a lot of candidates out there. Most of them bring differing issues to the table. I guess that's the conservative side of me which respects debate. If I was Democrat, I'd just march in mind numbed lock-step to the party establishment and go where they told me to go.
Absolutely correct. Both parties should be like the Dem Party and simply find someone to anoint as heir apparent. Less messy than fooling around with an actual democratic-republic election process. Though truth to tell with the Electoral College process I've always felt that the presidential primaries and then contest between party contenders phases have been more for show than anything else since when you get right down to it the popular vote is meaningless.
Really? The Democrats abhor guns and wish to negate the 2nd Amendment. I need look no further. I will NEVER vote for one. Period.
Personally, I like seeing many candidates in the race. As others have pointed out, it brings out differing opinions and debates which are healthy for any democracy. The Republicans will line up behind one candidate soon enough, but I like the idea of the primaries being a good way of weeding the pretenders out. I am one of the rare breeds that actually like the way our electoral system is set up and is usually managed. Look at almost every other "democracy" around the world. Their electoral systems are generally rigged toward one person who is usually power-hungry and very corrupt. Our election system is not rigged toward one person. We still have the power-hungry and the corrupt, but they don't always win.
It's entertainment! (and many hope to use it as a stepping stone to a sinecure in the thriving and lucrative field of responsibility-free right wing media where whatever bushwa you spout has no real consequences.) They'll all snivel and kvetch about Americans choice for president, both present and future, of course, as the ideological freak show of theocrats, pseudo-libertarians, womb dictators, militarists, science deniers, and all-around whingers vie to be the Willard '16. The nutjobs will savage the establishmentistas, and the establishmentistas will look presidentially smug, secure in the certitude that it is they that the Party's fat cats and bosses will bankroll and nominate. And amidst it all, the desperate plaint of Piyush Jindal will be cavalierly ignored: Stop being the stupid party! as the worst-educated states will again give whoever the Kochs and Carrot Top Adelson nominate their electoral votes in vain. The pervasive theme that unites them all will be fear (especially acute in one of them) that someone might evoke Dubya "Voldemort" Bush.
I bet you think the Looney Left's nomination process is better with all their social mutants, Feminazis & testosterone challenged males, correct?
Without spewing such hyper-partisan bilge, the duoploy's corrupt, nominative processes are seriously flawed. Those who have benefited from governmental redistribution of wealth in recent decades can purchase nominations to further their acquisitive agenda, increasingly under the cloak of anonymity. That the Democratic ritual is less comical that the Republican one this time is merely happenstance, and a reflection of the disparate factions currently festering in the GOP. - - - Updated - - - Great punch line!
Actually I sort of admire Hillary Clinton since she knows that 'the end justify the means' is the new (albeit unofficial) credo of both the Democratic Party platform but of elitist leftist types in general where their ideology and politics are concerned and so she no longer even pretends to have any fiscal ethics whatsoever; witness her and Bill's foundation taking in money hands over fists from foreign entities known to support the abuse of women. It's sort of refreshing that it's now all out in the open . . . on the Left.
I wouldn't be surprised if most Americans express your attitude, if not your sniveling disparagements, in a national election. All potential candidates are flawed, and all are capable of being transformed into demonic cartoons in the minds of anyone who finds that easier than assessing them realistically.
The more money they suck up from the base and hard-feelings they create between factions of the party fighting each other for the nomination, the better it is for the democrats.
After the nation's non-thinkers twice put Barack Obama into the Oval Office nothing in U.S. politics could surprise me. Dismay? Yes. Surprise? No.
Nah. Opposition hopefuls or gloomy supporters (depending on their party affiliation) always say that of either the GOP or DEM -- depending on a particular type of presidential cycle -- and yet always when the last contender left standing is formally nominated by his or her party everything starts to come together and then the real contest begins. For instance, despite the lengthy and bitter nature of the GOP primaries of 2012 and despite the MSM again campaigning for Barack Obama, still Mitt Romney stayed essentially neck and neck with Barack Obama right up until Hurricane Sandy hit; which gave the permanently in-the-tank-for-Obama MSM one last opportunity to portray THEIR president as a (chuckle) wise and compassionate leader. The last second blast of party propaganda by the MSM for Barack was what made the end result difference.
Nope. Mitt's religion did more damage to him within the GOP than the MSM's alleged bias. Romney was toast on a stick as soon as that 47% video came out and he was unable to spin it.
Nope. Despite every effort in the world pushed by Left leaning polling companies Mitt and Obama remained pretty much neck and neck until Hurricane Sandy hit.