Trayvon Martin Proofs List

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by maxtor, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. maxtor

    maxtor New Member

    Sep 3, 2013
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    This is roughly the accusation against Zimmerman by the Left Wing;
    "Trayvon Martin, an innocent child coming home from the store with candy and an Arizona Iced Tea was profiled by a racist wanna-be cop white man named George Zimmerman that was a Watchman for the HOA. Although Martin was on common property, Zimmerman profiled him because he was a black male that wore a hoodie.
    Zimmerman operating under the HOA rules had no right to suspect Martin, to stalk him or to carry a gun. Zimmerman hunted down Martin after he ran to try to escape.
    Zimmerman was overzealous and forced a confrontation in which he shot the unarmed child who was trying to get home".

    There are many claims here and I will list most of them below. I say that none are provable. Anyone that would like to offer actual proof would be appreciated. This is a 'proof' thread, not a subjective-argumentative thread.

    (1) Does Martin meet the definition of a 'child' as relates to innocence and baring the responsibility for his actions?
    (2) Are there any proofs that Zimmerman profiled Martin?
    (3) Are there any proofs that establish that Zimmeman is white in the implied context?
    (4) Are there any proofs that Zimmerman is a racist?
    (5) Are there any proofs that Martin was on common property when Zimmerman first saw him?
    (6) Are their any proofs that Zimmerman profiled Martin due to him wearing a hoodie or that he was black?
    (7) Is the any proof that Zimmerman doesnt have the right to suspect Martin?
    (8) Are there any proofs that Zimmerman stalked Martin?
    (9) Are there any proofs that Zimmerman didnt have the right to carry a gun?
    (10) Are there any proofs that Zimmerman hunted down Martin?
    (11) Are there any proofs that Zimmerman was overzealous?
    (12) Are there any proofs that Zimmerman forced a confrontation?
    (13) Are there any proofs that Martin was trying to get home?

    Answer one, answer all.


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