Trump and the Press_A Suggestion

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by XploreR, May 31, 2016.

  1. XploreR

    XploreR Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Today Trump added the national Press to his growing list of those he's eager to attack. Trump has had the most massive FREE press coverage of any Presidential candidate in any election ever, and today he singled out several prominent reporters for scathing personal attacks. I have a solution. The Press should stop covering Trump's campaign activities entirely. They should boycott his Press conferences, boycott his public speeches and stop covering him altogether. Then, let Trump BUY press time from the various networks out of his legendary financial coffers.
  2. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    The press is a for profit business and the vast majority of their "coverage" of Trump is to print any lie and attack against Trump they can make up.
  3. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    the problem with your strategy is its terrible for business, people would quickly catch on to the "boycott" and then they would stop consuming those news sources and simply move to news sources who will cover him, and plenty will step in to take the business away from those who will not... in fact there are entire news organizations who depend on the like or dislike one one political party or candidate... you won't teach him a lesson, and their losses will far exceed their gains in his purchase of advertisements...

    its clear you've never run a business that had to worry about the bottom line and all its employees paychecks... cutting him out of the news, would likely jeopardize any credibility you have which would cost you the companies who routinely buy air-time to reach the demographics you appeal to... if they can no longer appeal to those demographics through you, they will go spend that money that used to go to you and your employees, on another company...

    they are in the business of selling advertising, they can't do that if they don't report the news that people will tune in for... just look at how many stations were fighting to get a republican debate this season, the media wanted dozens more, because it was huge for ratings and their bottom line when they sold the commercial time to companies...

    you don't risk 1 dollar for 1 penny... thats bad business... Trump will come and go, like everything else in life, why jeopardize your business because your feelings got hurt?

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