Trump is tearing our country apart

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Sandy Shanks, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Nice dodge, but my answer was in response to the claim that NO refugees have ever committed an act of terrorism. Sorry, but yes they have.
  2. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    I know I don't. Like I said, I was a kid back then and I never developed any fear or hatred of the Russians. I wasn't steeped too much in that silly Cold War culture. One exception to that is classic Star Trek, but then it focused on unfriendly aliens that only metaphorically represented the Soviets.

    I'm saying that you and others need to get over that kind of cultural brainwashing and deal with the reality before you. If you've got a problem with the Russians, make sure it's for the right reasons and, for the love of humanity, don't be bigoted towards them all because of a few. Same with Muslims, of course.
  3. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Oh but you of course are a conservative. Here in CA, I have no clue at all what that means.

    What on the CA ballot denotes what a Conservative means?

    I rather enjoyed Trumps news conference. The media hates it. That means he hit a homerun.
  4. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    I grew up with them at first called our Allies. Then came the Cold war. Then they scared the poop out of the public. To give an idea, in school it was mandatory to have drills in the event of a nuclear blast. We saw in school films of how the A bomb is terribly dangerous. We saw bombs exploded live on TV. I would get up around 5 am and turn on TV in the early 50s since they showed the explosions live on TV. The press used to discuss fall out. I heard cities east of Nevada lost locals who had fallout blown by prevailing winds to them.

    In the Army in 62-4, we knew all about thousands of Soviets tanks just over the hill so to speak ready to crush us.

    We had in Germany around 3 alerts per month. That gives you a lot of time to see the Russians as the enemy.

    Then Reagan solved that. I see the Russians right now as a free people, who drive nice cars and wear nice clothing. You had to see what they wore when they were our enemy. The long lines for minimal food. Today the Russians eat well and why go back to the old ways? We vastly outnumber them. If we were outnumbered, would we with to slap the other country? Putin knows we have powerful armies and navies, etc. He is not retarded.
  5. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Trump is actually making NATO stronger.

    It is smart to say nice things about Russia. They have more to fear due to this countries ultra aggressive stance against Putin. Putin has to take action. Obama forced his hand.

  6. Conviction

    Conviction Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Trump is right. We were divided before Trump ever came along.
  7. Thehumankind

    Thehumankind Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2013
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    Trump is still too inept to deal issues and be fair for both the left and the right or even to unite both. Such inadequacy is even augmented further with his alleged connivance with Russia, which make him more inclined on the right for support considering that he could not get it from the left at the moment and further on he needs the GOP majority congress to keep him away from trouble if ever the allegation would relegate towards removing him from office.
    I could say he is not an effective leader anymore.
  8. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Check back, I never said that. I said that there has never been a successful Islamic terrorist attack in the U.S. by a refugee.

    I also question whether these two guys going nuts after years in our country was a bona fide terrorist attack. Law enforcement agencies and the media have gotten rather generous with that term, and I never believe ISIS propaganda.
  9. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    "If you've got a problem with the Russians, make sure it's for the right reasons and, for the love of humanity, don't be bigoted towards them all because of a few." Are you serious? How was your stay on Mars? You must have been there for the 70 years. You missed the entire Soviet empire.

    You also have missed recent events and the "right reasons" for being suspicious of Russian goals. Take for example their attack on Ukraine and their annexation of Crimea in 2014. You also missed Russia's alliance with Assad in Syria, and, BTW, Russian aircraft helped to destroy Aleppo, Syria's largest city. Russia has played a role in the killing of 500,000 Syrians. You must have missed the fact that Iran is our sworn enemy in the Middle East and Iran's ally is -- wait for it -- Russia. Russia supplies Iran with some very sophisticated weapons that can sink our ships in the Persian Gulf.

    Oh, and BTW, Russia interfered in our election, has a spy ship 30 miles off our east coast, and her fighter planes buzzed an American destroyer in the Black Sea.

    There, now you are all caught up.
  10. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    You make some good points.
  11. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    You need to review the OP. I already made that point. Please see what else I said.

    Speaking of Trump, is he going back on the campaign trail again? Battered in Washington, Trump was buoyed at a Boeing rally in South Carolina on his way to Florida for still another rally.

    Somebody tell him the next Presidential election isn't until 2020.
  12. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Tell me, Robert, how is Trump making NATO stronger? He called NATO "obsolete," and he sent Mattis to tell them to pay up or see America moderate its commitment to the alliance.
  13. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    What is interesting is the House investigation. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) says he won’t open an investigation into President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn, citing executive privilege.

    But the committee will investigate who leaked the story that led to Flynn’s resignation and why Trump's national security adviser was being recorded.

    The crime will not be investigated. The person or persons who disclosed the crime are being investigated. What has happened to my Republican Party? Nunes apparently doesn't know that any conversation with a foreign national is going to be recorded, especially a Russian foreign national.

    Ironically, even Flynn, as former head of the DIA, knew that. What was he thinking?
  14. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Trump consistently wants it both ways. One quote from his press conference is an illustration of that. He knows the leak is real, but he also wants to attack the press for reporting the leak.

    With Netanyahu he expressed the sentiment that he liked one state solution. In the Security Council his ambassador stately flatly that the U.S. supports the two-state solution.

    He continues to support Russia against all evidence to the contrary. His SecDef considers them an existential enemy.

    He has said the one-China policy is negotiable. Just recently he endorsed the one-China policy.

    His desire to have it both ways is very transparent. He has this amazing mantra that everyone is fool except him when it is he who is the fool. In this respect, as the Commander-in-Chief of the largest military force in the world, Trump is very dangerous.
  15. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    You can call it what ever you want, but it was a successful terrorist attack by a Somali refugee.
  16. pwillie

    pwillie Active Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Sandy Shanks.....what now?.....Trump is the POTUS.....I lived through 8 years of not knowing if I should open the doors of my business or stay home.....Big Ears was not my design of a POTUS , so now its my time to walk the streets and breath free clean air! more pork chop bones behind the oval office desk....Kobi beef prices have gone more wasting aviation fuel on trips to Hawaii!.....Rose garden will be used to grow roses not hatred....the Sun is coming up on America, not setting...
  17. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    That is one way of looking at it. There is another way ... reality. Reality is not as much fun as dreams. Here is reality.

    Trump is back on the campaign trail four weeks after taking office.

    The White House is in chaos. The Republican Congress is awaiting guidance from the White House on repealing and replacing Obamacare and his tax plan. They have been waiting a month. After Thursday’s press conference, he went on vacation to Florida, stopping off in South Carolina to give a campaign speech to Boeing workers. He gave another campaign speech on Friday. Today he is giving still another one. Trump doesn’t want to work. He leaves behind a mess in Washington because he wants to be in front of his adoring fans. This feeds his gigantic narcissistic ego. This is his third weekend vacation in a row. He has been on the job for four weekends, and he has been on vacation for three of them.

    In the meantime, Congress is waiting.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Successful attack? The only one killed was the attacker. You call that successful?
  18. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    The press treats Trump differently than Obama, but what is the cause and what is the effect? Trump's comments are often times outlandish and deserve scorn. That is the reason for his "fake news" campaign. He claims that whenever the press trots out some of his other worldly comments, that is fake news.

    He embarrassed the Israeli P.M. by asking him in front of a national television audience to stop building settlements, a highly contentious issue suited for behind-the-scenes diplomacy.

    He wasn't through embarrassing Netanyahu. He then declared that he was open to a one-state solution, an even more contentious issue. Again, this was done before a national television audience. On camera, Netanyahu straightened out the President.

    Later, Trump's ambassador to the U.N. stated the U.S. strongly supported the two-state solution, reinstating the 25-year old position and in conflict with Trump's comments on national television.

    Trump favors a 20% "border tax," which is a euphemism for a tariff, to pay for his tax lowering proposals. A tariff is essentially a regressive tax on American consumers.

    Trump strongly encourages friendship with Russia. His SecDef considers Russia an existential enemy.

    Trump thinks NATO is obsolete. As we speak, Pence is in Europe assuring our allies the U.S. is fully committed to NATO.

    But then it gets confusing. Regarding NATO, the Guardian reports, "The signs have been mixed, and confusing, since Donald Trump won election last November. He initially signaled warmth towards Vladimir Putin and some scorn towards Nato. More recently he has appeared to backtrack on both fronts. But Pence lost them when he went further than US defence secretary James Mattis at Nato headquarters last week in rebuking Nato members such as Germany, France and Italy for failing to pay a fair share of its financial burden. Echoing Trump’s threat last year that he would not necessarily be bound by Nato’s article five, which commits every member to come to the aid of any that comes under attack, Pence reiterated the president’s warning that military help might depend on how much a country under attack had contributed to Nato."

    All of this deserves some attention from the press. However, it is negative coverage, according to Trump. Thus it is "fake news" much the same as the leak was real but reporting the leak was "fake news." Yes, Trump actually said that in his press conference Thursday. That, too, deserved attention from the press.
  19. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    According to Fox, "Some 68 percent think the press has been “tougher” on Trump than Obama."

    But Fox asked another question in that poll. "Seventy-one percent think Trump 'should be more careful about what he says and how he says it.'" That certainly implies that Trump is not particularly careful about he says and how he says it. It follows, then, that he will get more attention than a President who is reserved and cautious about what he says ... like Obama.
  20. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Given Trump's erratic behavior in his first few days, Washington is starting to murmur about the 25th Amendment
    Donald Trump is in over his head. This comes as no surprise to the millions of people who could see that he was unprepared and unfit for the job of president of the United States and voted against him. He’s basically a celebrity heir to a fortune who was so entitled that he believed his privileged existence proved he was competent to run the most powerful nation on Earth. That’s the attitude of an aristocrat who ascended to the throne without having any idea what it actually takes to rule. History’s full of such men. It doesn’t often work out well.

    Those voters
    [those who voted for Trump] did not see what millions of others felt instinctively and that explains the shocked reaction and immediate resistance to his election: Trump’s incessant bragging, his lack of empathy or remorse, his pathological lying and even his bizarre appearance have been signs of an unstable personality. It was obvious to many of us that something was not right.

    The presidential transition was a dumpster fire with endless resignations, rumors and public humiliations. Trump’s refusal to deal responsibly with the intelligence community’s investigations of Russian interference in the campaign was worrisome. Picking a fight with the intelligence community over this was downright alarming. Still, one couldn’t help but think that the weight of the job might inspire Trump’s staff and the people close to him to instill some discipline into the system and keep the new president focused once he took the wheel. That hasn’t happened. The first days of the new administration have been a disaster.

    So what happens if President Trump cannot pull himself together and continues to psychologically unravel? There is a remedy other than impeachment. Even conservatives like David Frum have been talking about it for a while:

    The 25th Amendment was added to the Constitution after the assassination of John F. Kennedy and provides for the replacement of the vice president if the office becomes vacant. (So it led indirectly to the presidency of Gerald Ford, the only American president who was never elected to any executive office.) But Section 4 is about something else entirely.

    Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
  21. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Try telling that to the 10 people he stabbed and ran over with his car.
  22. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    The White House proudly trotted out the new Fox News poll that shows the voters trust Trump more than reporters. The final tally was 45% to 42% in favor of Trump. Interesting that it was that close.

    This amounts to a self-fulfilling prophecy because 81% of Republican voters favored Trump in the poll. Independents who normally vote along conservative lines favored Trump 52% 26%. 79% of Democrats trusted reporters more than Trump.

    Republicans who say they have trust in the media has plummeted to 14 percent from 32%. This is easily the lowest confidence among Republicans in 20 years.

    So when Trump is preaching his "fake news" mantra to his adoring fans as he did in Melbourne, Florida, on Saturday, he essentially is preaching to the choir. They and others like them are the ones skewing the poll in Trump's favor.

    Conclusion: to say Americans do not trust the news media is extremely misleading. As statistics show, Republicans don't trust the news media and for good reason.

    For example, at that same rally in Melbourne, should Americans trust Trump when he said, "Look what's happening last night in Sweden," alluding to past terrorist attacks. The remark left Swedes scratching their heads, because no attack had occurred. The former Swedish Foreign Minister, Carl Bildt, later mocked Trump's comments in a tweet. "Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound."

    Should Americans trust Trump when he tweets, "The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!" SecDef James Mattis disagreed with Trump. Reince Priebus avoided answering questions from CBS's John Dickerson and Fox's Chris Wallace about the validity of Trump's comment. Instead, Priebus railed about news stories from unnamed sources, a Washington stable since the days of, well, Washington.

    Mattis said that the term, "enemy of the people," is reserved for Hitler, Stalin, and ISIS. "The press, as far as I'm concerned, are a constituency that we deal with, and I don't have any issues with the press myself." In other words, Mattis was being kind.

    It is with a certain amount of irony that Republicans trust Trump over reporters. It follows that 45% of Republicans think the media is the "enemy of the people." More and more Trump fans' loyalty to Trump surpasses loyalty to America. That is alarming.

    - - - Updated - - -

    during his first month in office, Barack Obama:

    Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
    Banned torture.
    Signed a $787 billion stimulus bill.
    Sent 17,000 additional troops to Afghanistan.
    Ended the month with a net job approval rating of +27 percent.

    Donald Trump has:

    Signed no legislation.
    Mostly signed executive orders that are either routine (pay freezes, a halt to new regulation, reversing the Mexico City rule) or little more than PR messages to his base (cracking down on drug cartels, financial regulatory reviews, rebuilding the military, etc.).
    Signed one executive order that was important, but rolled it out so incompetently that it caused massive chaos and was promptly overturned by the courts.
    Sat idly by at dinner while aides discussed a North Korean missile launch and then failed to respond in any way at all.
    Has presided over a White House so especially leak-prone and amateurish that people are already taking bets about which senior officials will get fired within the next few weeks.
    Ended the month with a net job approval rating of about -8 percent.
  23. Hedgology

    Hedgology Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    No, it's not misleading. Emerson College did the exact same Poll weeks ago, and got the same result. More people trust The Trump Administration than the Mainstream Media.

    George Takei asked the same question on twitter and conducted the very same poll; deleted the poll and the tweet once it was showing that it was going to lean Trump.


    The media is not trustworthy. That is not even a subjective statement. Only 6% of people actually trust the media to report things accurately.

    Whatever world you think you're living in, you're not living in the same world as the rest of us.
  24. GeorgiaAmy

    GeorgiaAmy Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2014
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    The culture you are born and raised in is an enormous part of who a person is, what they believe, customs, preferences.
    Americans have been over Russian hate for a while now. Around the time the Berlin Wall came down, Russian seemed to evaporate.
    9/11 caused Muslim hate. I really don't know what it will take to dissolve that.
    Love of humanity? Look at the animal kingdom. Where do you see love?
    America is not a democracy. The US isn't on top because we are such loving humanitarians.
  25. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    He is just squashing the Fake News left:

    Irony: DNC Required Voter ID and Paper Ballots for Chair Vote.

    You could feed all the villages of the world with the intellectual pretzels baked by Progressives.

    “We have to make sure that we can not just count the ballots but verify every name and signature,” [Dirty] Brazile said as party members began applauding. “And I want to make sure that at the conclusion of all of our votes, that you, the members of this party, will be able to review those ballots.”

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