Trump Vs. Virus ?

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Foolardi, Mar 9, 2020.

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  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Under normal circumstance,would be no more discomforting than a
    walk in the park on a chilly,rainy day.But now that the Park is an entire
    planet and the political chattering class need something to chew-on since
    Climate Change is no longer working for them.
    So ... virtually create a - THEM! - { 1954 } a classis SciFi thriller.
    Where instead some virus we see { hear first } the villain.
    That super ear-piercing high pitch noise is coming form super giant
    { the size of baby dinosaurs } Ants.That have grown super enormous due to
    where they have taken residence.In the Dessert.Where years earlier Nuclear
    bomb testing was done.Who'd a thunk.
    So like all movies of that era,whether Man or beast,the bad guy is exposed
    and ridden of.Even if a Bad guy colony of super ants with high-pitch
    intense screeching.
    Maybe If Trump adopted that sound he could calm the irrational
    fear and panic ensuing this land.I mean,it kinda worked for Elizabeth Warren
    for a time when she screeched out her numerous warnings while pointing that
    witchy finger the way of her audience.Same with Bernie Sanders.
    Funny how that kinda thing works.Virus tend to be like really quiet and
    polite.As if not even there.Just go on about yer bidness as if no biggie.
    Until ... Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am ... is what.Is how.Is where.
    Scientifically a President { any President } is no match for an outbreak,lest
    of which a plague.
    Until Tomorrow,and Tomorrow,and Tomorrow !
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2020
  2. ToddWB

    ToddWB Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 28, 2018
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    I hate ants in my dessert... but if it is chocolate.. I eat it anyway.

    Kidding aside.. the Democrats have used everything they can find to try to unseat Pres. Trump.. they continue to do a disservice to the country using this virus the same way. I find it takes two to three weeks to get to the truth of any news story these days.
    Idahojunebug77 and jay runner like this.
  3. jay runner

    jay runner Banned

    Oct 5, 2017
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    A virus, once it has appeared, can never be gotten rid of. A virus is going to just go about it's business of replicating in cells and trying to kill the host until there is a vaccine. Even then the vaccine will not be effective 100% and there is always the possibility that a virus will go wild and wreak havoc on humanity.

    Take the flu, for instance, there's a vaccine, but already there's 20,000 dead in the USA from flu this season.

    Freedom from viruses, so small and so simple a pathogen, is impossible and never going to happen.

    Viruses are a permanent part of the human condition, and will likely survive when humans are all gone.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2020
  4. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    I am starting to detect a certain routine associated with those who
    " supposedly " have the Coronovirus.First of all ... how come they
    know they have it.I thought Coronovirus test kits were very limited.
    And why would someone inflicted with it,be out and about.
    If they feel sick then they stay inside or see a doctor.That would be The Only
    way to know and then find out if they have it.There's news over the weekend that
    a person attending CPAC had it.But his Identity is not being revealed.This
    infected person greeted Ted Cruz at CPAC and shook his hand.We are also
    finding out that the head of CPAC Matt Schlapp also greeted this person.
    And that Schlapp indeed shook both Trump's and Pence's hand at that
    event.I believe in some conspiracy theory.One being that the Obama
    Bin Laden Raid was a hoax.A Hoax that generated huge results for Obama,
    as intended.Not one Pic or video of a Dead Bin Laden.In fact,the Monday
    after Obama addressed the Nation on a Sunday night in Primetime
    the usual suspects were out in full force Lying about most everything
    associated with that raid.Until they got exposed and things did not jive.
    I think the same thingy is possible and plausible here.It would be a
    perfect storm to overwhelm and maybe get bogged down.
    Unless someone can prove to me how an unusually strange and new
    virus can pop-up out of nowhere and Not be exploited.Given that is precisely
    what a virus' role is.
  5. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Wouldn't it be the height of Irony that this Coronavirus is some kind of
    exploitable Political weapon.That it's virtually no different than common
    Influenza.Just identifies differently.Type A or Type B or even a Type C.
    How about Type D ... as in dunderheaded dunce.
    Which there was no shortage of when it came to buying into
    Whole Hog the Obama as Commander Bin Laden Raid.
    I mean,let's get real here folks.We are actively being Lied to on an
    hourly basis by these usual suspects in the Chattering class.
    ToddWB likes this.
  6. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    So now we're to believe that The French Minister of Culture has
    the Coronavirus.After visiting Parliament.Franck Riester is at home
    resting and doing well says the French Health Minister Olivier Veran.
    yeah right pops.This is getting to be like a Disaster TV movie of the Week.
    Only lasting a month or longer.As long as the charade can pull off it's
    intent.Which Global Warming failed at so they changed the Meme to
    Climate Change which is also failing.So why not change route and try something
    like an Anthrax scare.Which was tried a few years back in Oct. of 2018
    shaking up Washington.Because that can be ultimately traced to single
    source.We to this day have never been told the reason behind the
    Las Vegas Shooting Masacre.Very fishy.Hardly any reasonable answers given.
    The deadly mass shooting in American History and it's been dropped
    like a hot potato.Now why is that.Because getting answers is now not possible.
    Same thing with Sandy Hook.These events are not possible to explain.
    Nor capable by a single source.Unless one believes a skinny kid with a
    form of I.Q. deficiency is capable of pulling off that bidness.Of course
    killing the only person possible { his Mom } who had answers.
    Then shutting down the crime scene and making if off limits to establish
    potential answers.
  7. 9royhobbs

    9royhobbs Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Wow, you forgot some
    WTC/ 9/11 was caused by the government
    Soros is behind the way, who is his mirror figure on the right?
    The Fed was created to control the masses and is going to collapse and go back to the gold standard.
    The Earth is flat
    We never landed on the moon
    Chemicals in water make people gay
    Stonehenge was built by aliens
    Elvis is alive
    rcfoolinca288 likes this.
  8. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    Its the democrats that wanted the cruise ship to dock,, ruin our numbers... Trump was doing GREAT, Better than ever Before until that Nancy Pelosi and maybe Obiden Bama wanted to bring that ship into port. Into a bad city by the way, one that hides bad people, have a bad manager, Mayor, and Governor.
  9. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    So why was Global Warming changed to Climate Change.
    That is by far The Biggest hoax worldwide to strike the sensibilities
    of rational humanity.
    Or how the United States became so absolutely dependent
    on China and also India for life saving drugs like penicillin and
    also simple drugs like aspirin.Even Vitamin C.
    Those aren't conspiracy unless China knows something all
    americans were not aware of.Is this New Virus { Coronavirus } a
    synthetic man-made vehicle created for a sole purpose.To unravel
    the sensibilities of average humans like the Anthrax scare.
    Like what Global Warming activists have been toying with.
    I don't cotton coincidence.Like some coincidence that a
    nutcase like Lee Harvey Oswald was just waiting with an old
    Spanish rifle in some book suppository to fire shots at a sitting
    president as he stands.Then of course manages to scurry off to some
    movie theatre.
    If Aliens are watching their time is at hand.Humanity is ripe for
    the Pickin'.
  10. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    Global Warming, Climate Change is ONYL DENIED by Trump and his Cronies. Double up on By Fox news, Info Wars, and the circle of news among the gullible, and those few sites feed each other. You will call all other news fake, thus, Trump is Never wrong because you get the liar news to feed ego.
  11. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    The indisputable fact remains.That the decade of the 30's { Dust Bowl years }
    were the hottest ever recorded.Polar bear population has Increased.
    And in late December of 2013 pack ice in the Antarctic was so thick a
    Russian Ship { Akademic Shokalskiy } transporting climate scientist to
    study the effects in the Antarctic got stuck.2 ice breakers also got stuck
    trying to reach and rescue the crew.
    So much for Al Gores prediction of Melting ice in the Arctic.
    Or for Polar bears to face extinction.
    You are being used as a stooge by Climate Change nutbags.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2020
  12. 9royhobbs

    9royhobbs Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Global Warming didn't "change" to Climate Change. One encompasses the other. You would know that if you knew what you were talking about, but since you don't you jump to dependability on China. Maybe you should stop listening to Tucker Carlson. Oh, and now jump back to Global Warming.....reading your posts are like a stream of consciousness from someone at a bad party. It's like listening to Trump, who I believe is insane. Now we cut to Lee Harvey Oswald??!! WTF?
  13. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    It's nice to know that True Believers are not bugged in the least as to
    why Global Warming is not longer used as the main meme.My guess would
    be one of an Ironic nature.That use of the meme - Global Warming - became
    Virtually - An Inconvenient Truth -.Provable and obvious.
    N'cest pas ?
    ToddWB likes this.
  14. 9royhobbs

    9royhobbs Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Those that don't believe in Global Warming or Climate Change are the same that don't believe in science. It's as simple as that. You probably don't believe that the virus is a hoax but will trust in "science" to find a cure. Now taking that fact and the fact that weather itself is pretty much the definition of chaos, you should be able to figure out that it changes all the time but to deny what is going on is ridiculous.

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