Trump.... what would turn supporters against him

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by ARDY, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    I am pleased with the reserve since Army and Marine Corps since most Navy with good in my taste.

    The Coast Guard is the worst since Marines then Air Force. Nuclear is important. Iran's latest power who want to procure uranium bombs that means we'll bomb their surface with same.
  2. Map4

    Map4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    I hope one day we will have a strong, recognizable, third party candidate. I think that is the only way we will break the cycle. I also wish third party candidates were allowed to debate the others.
  3. mitchscove

    mitchscove Well-Known Member Donor

    Sep 4, 2016
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    An alternative.
    Reid nuked the Senate so Obama could stack the courts with Marxists who would let him get away with destroying the country as it was founded. One more Democrat President and the country would be unrecognizable to anyone but Cuban-Americans who grew up under Castro. We saw judges out west ignoring Supreme Court decisions and laws passed by Congress --- there was never any ambiguity about the power of the President to determine who can come into the country. The country is almost unrecognizable already. One more Liberal Supreme Court justice and we would be apologizing to our grandchildren for throwing away the Democratic Republic we were given.
  4. therooster

    therooster Banned

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Read that ! We picked the right man .
  5. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    To the OP author, I think you have some reading to:

  6. ARDY

    ARDY Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2015
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    This is precisely why I am asking now
    Once trump does stuff... people will reflexively defend him... regardless
    So the only way to get a serious answer is to ask before he acts
  7. pol meister

    pol meister Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    It's hard to turn against someone when you know that the opposition party is so much worse. That being said, I think not having the courage to repeal the individual mandate would be a major set back for both Trump and the Republican party.

    They could have done that on day one; which would have left them plenty of wiggle room to reconcile out the other factors associated with the ACA. But they didn't, and I suspect they never will.
  8. Wrathful_Buddha

    Wrathful_Buddha Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2008
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    But my answer would be contextual. Let's Trump fulfilled most of his campaign promises, but the border wall ended up costing way more than expected. I might over look depending on how well he does in other areas. It's about overall performance for me, not a single event. Sometimes you don't get every single thing you asked for.
  9. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Yes we have a huge military but much of the equipment is in disrepair and the experience of the military itself has taken a hit. It takes a lot of money to keep such a huge military operational and right now we don't have that. I explained it in my earlier post.

    We see the pretty pictures of our aircraft carriers sailing around full of planes but what the public doesn't see nor understand is that out of all of those pretty fighter jets sitting on the deck that carrier only has the ability to launch about 15-20% of them, the rest are broken. It's roughly the same across all branches of the military. In my unit alone we literally don't have enough pilots to man all of our aircraft for 100% combat readiness. Well I guess we sort of do because we never have 100% of our aircraft operational at any given time because the things break and we weren't allocated the money to repair them. Our crew chiefs do the best they can to fix things but often times they need huge overhauls that simply weren't available. It's not uncommon to have aircraft broken down for months while waiting for the big military to give us the money to order the parts to fix them. Which the often times just deny and say make due with what you have.

    The military is being forced to deploy units into combat zones literally without enough pilots to even man their aircraft. We had aircraft down for months because there was no more money left to order the parts needed to fix them. We had people working every single day, 70-80 hours a week because we literally didn't have enough bodies to go around. The entire Army is simply short on pilots, we just got a brief a few weeks ago that showed us just how bad we were hurting for people. NOBODY is at full strength, not even close. So in order to try to fix this issue the Army would simply pour resources into whatever unit they were sending to war while simultaneously depleting every other unit. Then once that unit returns, they snatch a huge chunk of the people, deplete all of the money, and often times the aircraft themselves, and send it all to the next unit they are gearing up for war. Rinse and repeat.

    People might think that sounds good on paper, pump money into the war units and suck it from the garrison units, but no it's not good. What results is creating a vacuum of inexperience which is dangerous. You train for war while you are at home, you don't train for war while at war, so if you have no money to train for war then you get sent to war with little training which is bad. We'd love to train people for war but we have no money because big Army allocates all of the money to whatever unit they are about to deploy. So the rest are stuck sitting on their hands because they can't fly because their aircraft are broken or big Army has snatched all of the experienced pilots away to send off to war again. So what results are units with like 2 or 3 experienced pilots, 20 inexperienced pilots, few aircraft to even train the junior pilots with and no money to repair them WHEN they break down, which is often. So all of that results in having pilots in a unit who have been there for years and still can't fly worth a damn because they have no aircraft and/or experienced pilots to train them.

    We actually had this very discussion during a brief with high brass not too long ago. Trying our best to explain to these people who only see numbers on a chart that we need PEOPLE in these aircraft to operate them. The conversation went like this. What are we going to do when these experienced guys retire? Right now there is a huge gap in "middle" experience. We have very high experienced older veterans who are retiring by the day and we have junior pilots with 1/10th the hours and experience, we have no real "middle ground". So when these guys retire what we will have left are units full of inexperienced pilots who we expect to operate at 100% efficiency and fight wars. Why do we have this problem? Because somebody decided it was a good idea to cut military funding a few years ago thus sucking the resources from the units designed to train combat aviators. So what we have are 2 groups of people. The veteran group who was around when there was no sequestration thus getting loads of experience, and the new kids on the block who showed up during sequestration who didn't receive the same training post flight school. These are who are expected to take over when the vets retire. They aren't ready. Sure on "paper" we have pilots in these aircraft but that doesn't mean they are good ones.

    Flight school is no different than basic training. Yes in theory you can go from civilian to combat ready Soldier in 2 months in basic training, but that doesn't mean you want a platoon full of 18 year old kids going off to the front lines who were high school kids 2 months earlier. Flight school is no different, flight school teaches you how to take off and land and not crash the aircraft and kill yourself. As long as you can demonstrate that then you pass. The UNIT is who teaches you how to go from barely being able to keep the thing in the sky to fighting with it as a real pilot. We can't teach people that if we don't have any money.

    Trump has did a complete 180 on that. We went from barely being able to train our guys at all to "You can't fly enough, fly until the wings fall off", virtually overnight. Which is good and 100% necessary if we expect to have a functional combat ready military.

    Don't just look at the numbers, it's much more than that. There's no point in spending billions of dollars on aircraft and tanks if you only have a few experienced crews to operate them and no money to fix them when they inevitably break down.
  10. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Apparently Nothing.
  11. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2009
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  12. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    That is the big thing; the parties control the stage. I didn't realize just how much influence they had until the DNC emails came out. Rigging their own primary was one thing, but getting the media to help, that was more influence that I expected. I'd be curious how much control the RNC has. I think it would take a pretty big media group bucking the trend to let a third party in, and even then the other two parties my not attend in hopes of illegitimizing the debate, which is exactly what would happen if they didn't both show up. No ones going to care if a third party candidate debates one other major party, or just other third party candidates if neither party shows.
  13. ararmer1919

    ararmer1919 Banned

    May 26, 2014
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    Says "let's keep it real" right after saying "sent tens of thousands of our men and women off to die based on lies." :roflol::wall:

    But as for the main point of your post, that we spend more then the other major nations, my question is so what? Why does that matter, what exactly does that mean? Is there a legitimate comparison in that?
  14. ARDY

    ARDY Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2015
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    You make a fair point
    I was asking if there was any deal breaker

    I agree with your comment about the cost if the wall
    But he campaigned on his realeste background
    If anyone would know the cost of building something, it should be trump
    So I personally would feel intentionally deceived
    Especially if this happened in the context of many other shortcomings
    I.e. Not balancing the budget
    Or not solving the balance of trade issue
    Or repealing Obamacare with no replacement and consequent chaos
    Or failing to deliver meaningful new jobs
    Or failing to deliver jobs to the rust belt
    Or not significantly addressing the undocumented immigrant problem
    Or a resounding failure to defeat isis and or radical Muslim terrorism
    .... I guess we already know that clinton will not be locked up
  15. ChiefSeattle

    ChiefSeattle New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Are you kidding? You do know that money is tacked onto unnecessary debt don't you?

    As for the lies to go to war, there are many. Even Trump said they were wrong to go;
  16. Wrathful_Buddha

    Wrathful_Buddha Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2008
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    Do we?
  17. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    If the smitten cult's fanaticism has clouded their minds to the extent that they have not already been able to rationally assess their messiah, there is no reason to expect an epiphany.

    No matter how much he craps upon American values and befouls the nation, they will be frenetically swatting at their imaginary demon "liberals!" swarming around their noggins and blaming them for whatever catastrophe befalls.

    As the messiah himself attested to the mindless devotion of his followers, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters!"
  18. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    and he is right
  19. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Will his supporters trust Trump when he tweets, "The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!" General Mattis said the term, "enemy of the people" is reserved for heinous people like the Iranian government, Putin, and ISIS.

    Most of Trump's fans are re-blooded American patriots who would agree with the good general. While they may not always agree with the media, they hardly consider it the "enemy of the people." Such a declaration by their hero would be a downer.

    Actually, Trump's tweet is a product of a paranoid, schizophrenic, narcissistic mind. It is hard to believe any American would accept what he said.
  20. ChiefSeattle

    ChiefSeattle New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    So, let's assume all this is true as you say. Then, can you imagine that if we spend seven times the amount of those other countries, what sort of shape do you suppose these other countries military readiness would look like? Based on your explanation, and looking at it from a financial point of you, I'm surprised those other countries have much of a military at all, wouldn't you say?

    Which brings me back to my original point. If military equipment and personnel are in disarray, yet we spend seven times that of other countries with the same problems, aren't we still spending too much?

    I mean, all you've really done here, is compared seven ripe apples against one ripe apple, while the seven ripe apples suddenly became rotten with the other one lone apple. Just saying!
  21. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    And if his administration turns into a kleptocracy - which it is showing every evidence of doing so far - what then?
  22. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2009
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    The Americans in 31 states knew what he was when they elected him.
  23. Map4

    Map4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    You are asking people to make a blanket statement based on things that may or may not happen in the future without knowing WHY it did or didn't happen.

    Barring anything illegal, I would simply have to know why. There may be a valid reason for whatever does or doesn't happen. Is it because of another 911 type terrorist attack or some other major event? Did he just flat out not do a good job? I have to reserve judgement until I know the circumstances.

    As far as the wall, I didn't vote for him because he said he will build the wall so it isn't a major issue with me. I would like tighter borders and if it means a wall then so be it.

    There has never been a president who did everything they campaigned on. I wasn't here but were there similar questions asked about Obama? Or is Trump being held to a different standard simply because it's Trump?
  24. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    You have to ask if the spending is in the right direction. Sometimes less is more. We do not have the population to support a big military force so we are very choosy about our battles (when we are not being dragged into the (*)(*)(*)(*) willynilly by America of course). We do not just throw money and resources at a problem because we do not have money and resources. Example - 9/11 and Bali Bombings. After 9/11 America went to war with 2 different countries neither of which had anything to do with those attacks. After the Bali Bombings Australia sent aide and resources to Indonesia to work with the Indonesian government to bring the perpetrators to justice (which we did) and then built them a hospital.

    What is the outcome all these years later?
  25. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    So they were fine with him basically stealing money out of thier pockets?

    What am I saying - of course they were!! Look at how many were and are OK with Trump not paying taxes!

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