In Trump circles, ambition is everywhere, but where is all of this heading? To be honest, I don't believe in the magic pill that cures everything. Trump wants to throw up tariff walls against other countries, which contradicts his intention to keep inflation low for the American people. Musk wants people to drive electric cars, which contradicts Trump's denial of climate change and his rather low appetite for the color green in general. Trump and Musk both want to tackle the US deficit which has totally spun out of control and they do have a strong point. However, this contradicts Trump's intentions to lower taxes. Kennedy wants to curb the pharm industry's outrageous and manipulative price policy in the USA, and the guy does have a point! However, it directly contradicts Trump's and Musk's wish for deregulation to give US companies more freedom. It is like building a car that has to be a Porsche and a motorhome at the same time. Some things just don't go together. Wanting to have it all will only lead to internal conflicts, dismissals, and unrest.
I think they know this. Deep down they know it was all demagoguery. Trump would say one thing to one group, and the opposite to the next. It was just a matter of who he was talking to. What he will REALLY do... who knows. Because, like you say, they were contradictory. In the end, Trump will do whatever he feels at that precise moment will keep him in power and out of prison.
There hasn't been a president in our history that didn't over promise. No one is going to vote for a candidate that promises mediocre delivery.
Deregulation is a selective process. You don't de-regulate things that don't need to be Musk doesn't care about $$$ at this point, he has plenty of it. He's a true patriot. Most of his moves are things that harms him and his businesses. He took a beating on twitter and obviously is smart enough to know that pushing policies that don't FORCE EVs on people is not super great for his business. As I said, a true patriot. A Porsche motor home sounds amazing!
Compared to constructing the Panama Canal or landing a man on the moon and returning him safety to earth makes building a Porsche motor home a piece of cake. Just watch Trump & Company make America great again. Heck, look at what Trump has already achieved. Whatta guy.