Trumps rise not primarily about racism

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by frodly, May 18, 2016.

  1. frodly

    frodly Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I see this claim from others on the left all the time. That Trumps rise can be explained primarily by appealing to the racism of his supporters. While I am quite aware of the fact that this is a driving force behind part of his popularity, it is nowhere near enough to explain all or even most of his popularity. Identity politics are quite powerful. However, are Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, or any of the other Republican candidates Trump defeated known crusaders for minority rights? Of course not. They are just as likely to use anti-Mexican, anti-gay, anti-muslim, etc rhetoric as Trump.

    In my opinion it is the fact that Trump has almost nothing in common with a traditional politician. It really is about an anti-establishment trend in the Republican party. Trump is unlike traditional politicians in almost every way. He doesn't speak in pre-planned soundbites, he speaks largely off the cuff. He doesn't bother to even try to avoid gaffes. He is offensive, vulgar, and petty. He also never speaks like a policy wonk (he in fact seems to swear off policy almost entirely). He is the perfect anti-politician (or at least he plays one on television). This has attracted a large swath of people who are incredibly tired of the status quo. A status quo that has failed the average American consistently since at least the 1980s. People can't be bothered to understand long term socio-economic trends that can explain that fact, so they see a man acting so differently and are attracted by that difference. This has far more explanatory capability in my opinion than an appeal to racism.

    Historically Democrats were the party that drew in anti-establishment types, but Hillary Clinton is a staunch conservative (small "c" conservative). She is more deeply ingrained in the establishment than any candidate since George HW Bush. I fear that even if she does win, which she almost certainly will, there is something worse than Trump coming in the future. A Hillary victory will guarantee 8 more years of centrist neo-liberal Democrats in power. An outcome that is better than a Trump presidency, but not by all that much.

    We do need change. We do need a rejection of the status quo. Trump supporters are right on that account. We just need it from some one with a basic understanding of the problems the world faces and solutions to those problems. Unfortunately Trump doesn't understand anything, nor does he offer any solutions to any real problems.
  2. Labouroflove

    Labouroflove Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 29, 2009
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    Maintaining the status quo is more dangerous to our Republic than any potential harm Trump may cause.

  3. frodly

    frodly Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Would you care to expand with any reasoning or argument to support your position?
  4. GeorgiaAmy

    GeorgiaAmy Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2014
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    Can you explain what you mean by maintaining the status quo and describe the danger it possesses?
  5. BestViewedWithCable

    BestViewedWithCable Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    Racism has freaking nothing to do with Trump at all.

    leftys falsely claim hes a racist because theyre too stupid to know, illegal alien, isnt a freakn race.

    democrats are a freakn joke.
  6. Sirius Black

    Sirius Black Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2011
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    I am a lefty, but you're claim that I am too stupid to know is a compelling argument. I am now on your side.
  7. DebateDrone

    DebateDrone New Member

    May 14, 2016
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    I don't think Trump was called out for racism on his "illegal alien" rants. I think he was called out for being racist for acting like he knew nothing of White Supremacy or who David Duke is.

    I think he was called a xenophobe and a bigot for his Muslims and Mexican rants.

    I hope I helped clarify things.
  8. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    So far all the Trump supporters I have talked to have said they support him because he says what is on his mind. Well, so does my drunk cousin but I don't want him running the country either.
  9. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    I think the change people seem to want is based upon a feeling that the very structure of the government is making any progress impossible. If you really think hard about it, our federal government is designed from scratch to not do anything quickly, it is designed to move in increments. Regardless of whether you are a Bernie or Trump supporter, this is the frustration that seems to dominate this cycle. We never talk about it though. We never talk about the power of each Senator to stop government. We never really talk about the undemocratic nature of the House due to gerrymandering and the outdated number of members given our huge population. We never talk about the Senate rules or the lack of power in the POTUS to do anything but kowtow to the Speaker and the Senate Majority leader. We never really talk about the courts in a way that could give the people confidence that it is not just a partisan court. No, we never talk about the truth about our constitution because we are so vested in worshiping it that we cannot see its flaws. When money can buy government, the people lose.
  10. Evmetro

    Evmetro Active Member Past Donor

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I believe that racism has indeed contributed to the rise of Trump. The relentless attempts by the left to characterize him as a racist in a day and age where voters have access to the big picture have highlighted the lack of integrity of the media. It would be different if lefties or lefty media could actually find evidence that Trump is a racist, but voters will revolt when the get the sense that the media is pulling the wool over their eyes. The primary strategy that the left is uses in making their political opponents out to be a racists has finally lost potency from being used too much. People are beginning to see through it now, and the failing racism strategy is now fueling the rise of Trump.
  11. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    What is in bold IS the problem. Screw the world, America needs to look out for itself.
  12. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    -They are here illegally, often to the tune of billions.

    See here.

    Liberals often fail to make the distinction between legal immigrants(people who come over legally, who apply for a VISA, etc. And end up becoming either Naturalized Citizens or at least Green card residents. Paying their dutiful taxes.) And the illegals who siphon over all of us, minorities included.

    -Right now, our main issues are with those from South America and presently, the chaos in the Muslim World. Given the increase of attacks on US Soil by Muslim Extremists, it only makes sense and should be proper procedure to limit travel to only nations with a good standing with the US.(I will admit, that's more elaborate than Trump). That way, we're not dealing with these extremists.

    Obama said ignorance is not a virtue. I'd say the West has been quite ignorant to the reality of the current struggles. The fact is, they're not accepting us no matter how many diplomatic outreaches we've made. If neither war nor diplomacy has resulted in a peaceful breakthrough, then isolation is the only path that we can take.

    Leave the Muslim World alone, and let's put restrictions in place to keep them away from us. It works for Japan, and it works for other countries not involved in the conflict. No one ever said or preordained a connection. That's just the establishment's desire, a desire not met in reciprocation.

    And it's true that Mexico's drug war is spreading over to the US, resulting in crimes against American Citizens. That's a Mexico problem, it's up to the Mexicans to resolve this issue, though I do support decriminalization of softer drugs. I don't think we can afford to build a "Wall", but I do think it's very important as a Nation to bolster our borders.

    We've been very lucky to establish military superiority over the past 100 years, but Canada and Mexico are still countries bordering us. For that reason, we must always have military superiority, as well as existing borders from the North to the Pacific, to the South-West.

    If the Establishment is incapable of even remotely protecting the domestic peace of the US, it doesn't deserve to be an Establishment. And if it makes arguments against its responsibilities, like Obama did during the "Humanitarian Crisis", then it doesn't deserve to be granted with the powers of government, which is for and by the people.
  13. ChiCowboy

    ChiCowboy Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2015
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    Yes, this is my position as well. If we elected drill sergeants, then Trump would have my vote. I want my president to display a bit more tact.
  14. Josh77

    Josh77 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 3, 2014
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    I want my president to do whatever he has to do to advance AMERICAN interests. We should worry about the rest of the world only when it advanced our interests. Our president should be nice when he has to be, and a raging barbaric maniac when the time comes for it. He should be willing to negotiate when appropriate, but ready to flatten entire cities if doing otherwise would make America appear weak. Our enemies should be utterly terrified to cross us, and our allies should have supreme confidence that when we give our word, we will honor it.
  15. ChiCowboy

    ChiCowboy Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2015
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    Yeah, I agree with this, as dramatically as it's written. It takes more than a loud mouth to accomplish these things, though. Anyone can talk smack. It's not a particularly valuable quality.
  16. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    Lol race card.

    Everyone drink!
  17. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Hahaha so true!
  18. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    That's just the Left attempting to demonize and marginalize those that disagree with them.

    Clinton Rape Victim Juanita Broaddrick, for example, says the NY Times Should Interview Bill’s Female Victims. And Hillary was an active participant in humiliating and silencing the women he victimized.

    Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998. Hillary said his victims “would have a lot to answer for” and that she would conduct opposition research into their backgrounds. And remember, this is the FLOTUS making this threat. The Clinton's really truly are horrible dreadful people.

    Former high level Clinton White House operative George Stephanopoulos said on the ABC News Sunday morning talk show This Week that the Clinton administration was threatening to go scorched earth on Clinton’s accusers and investigators by employing the ‘Ellen Rometsch strategy’ should they not back down.

    The ‘Ellen Rometsch strategy’ involved blackmailing into silence Clinton accusers, investigators and political opponents by threatening to expose their backgrounds if they did not back off.

    13 minute mark
  19. Lesh

    Lesh Banned

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I go to a barber that sounds almost exactly like Trump. Makes me laugh like hell but I sure don't want him elected President
  20. GreenBayMatters

    GreenBayMatters Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 10, 2016
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    America has been invaded by people espousing diversity rather than assimilation. The demographics have shifted. Americans never voted for this and White haters are thrilled. Oh, illegals? Adios! Nothing racist about hating illegal immigration, any sane nation does.
  21. Lesh

    Lesh Banned

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Dude...we live in "the world"

    That's like saying..."I don't care where I crap as long as it is not in my yard".

    Eventually your yard stinks too.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Plenty of racism in your post though
  22. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    a mostly emotional post with some substance. I believe you are dead on that this not merely about racism (far from it) but mostly an anti-establishment movement that is driving Trump. Where you let your heart take over your brain is where you start talking about Trump not understanding anything or not having real solutions for anything. Trump has good ideas and in some areas knows what he's talking about. You know Trump knows the economy quite well and has been complaining about trade policies for 30 years. You can look up videos of Trump 30 years ago where he was predicting some of the problems our trade policies were going to create, he was right. I agree he hasn't shown a mastery of some things like healthcare but he's a very smart man who will surround himself with very knowledgeable people. As a person lacking political experience, it's absurd to hold him to same standard than someone like Kasich but judgement is even more important than experience. Jimmy Carter is known to have a very high IQ and he had experience, why isn't he considered a great former president? It seems his judgement, vision wasn't that great? Hilary voted for Iraq war which showed bad judgement. Trump has controversial ideas but when you think about it carefully, a lot of what he says shows deep thought and indicative of someone who truly wants to challenge the status quo. For instance, when he complains about NATO, establishment people cry and squeal but why is it wrong to question why U.S. carries so much of the burden costwise? When he talks about trade, he asks why is it easy for China to push products to US but difficult to push products into china? When he talks about wars, why is it bad to be against nation building and avoid wars at all costs? when he talks about getting along with Putin, why is it such a bad thing? perhaps if we got along with him we would have more influence over him, huh? When he talks about being neutral with Israel and palestinians why is this so bad? wouldn't it be nice if we achieved peace? Trump lacks experience but he is smart and has good ideas, ideas which establishment doesn't like because it represents challenging the status quo, a status quo that hasn't quite worked that well.

    I believe Trump could turn out to be a great president, experience alone doesn't make a good president. Someone bold, charismatic (who can energize) who has good judgment and work well with people can achieve a lot more than a very experienced politician. The establishment guys are beholden to status quo, special interests and many lack poor judgement and ideas. Trump is a leader, Hilary is a manager...there's a difference. Hilary can work on details, manage day to day but she lacks vision and direction... Trump has that, IMO.
  23. Lesh

    Lesh Banned

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Dude...double space and paragraphs
  24. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    I agree with a lot of this, but I have suspicions that this Clinton will be a 4 year Clinton, not an 8 eight Clinton. She will never get high popularity numbers, She will get a threat on her left flank in 4 year,s and she will lose to the republican nominee ( assuming they learn some lessons next time around and find a reasonable candidate),
  25. GreenBayMatters

    GreenBayMatters Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Dude?:roflol: How old are you?

    Yeah, I'm a proven racist. Just ask my minority legal immigrant wife, or our kids. Continuing to play the race card on those who are opposed to illegal immigration, is reserved for those who can't make an argument justifying it. Is talking about demographics racist. WTF, where were you in 1965 when all the proponents of the immigration bill talked about was that America's demographics and culture would not change? And they lied.

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