After Turkey's prime minister made, on more than one occasion, disgusting comments about Israel, I think they should be thrown out of NATO. Or else we should leave. What if Israel and Turkey wind up fighting, on account of Turkeys antisemitism and support of terrorism? The U.S. would have to fight Israel in Turkey's defense? Kind of illustrates the folly of signing treaties to protect other countries against ANYONE doesn't it, not knowing the future? We're basically in NATO so we'll protect Europe right? Not much that they'll protect us, or even would be able to they wanted to.
I've been saying this for years! We have too many foreign policy conflicts with Turkey for us to both be in the same alliance. A few years ago Turkey shot down a Russian plane, and I thought that if cooler heads hadn't prevailed, we could have had World War III right then. This is a downside of military alliances like NATO. The dumbest member can plunge the whole world into war.
I bet if we made any sounds at all like we were going to walk, Europe would agree to get rid of Turkey so fast it would make our heads swim!
What makes you think something like that? Has a major war ever resulted from a plane being shot down?
That conflict could have gone bad. We're having to trust an Islamist dictatorship as to whether we have World War III or not. We already have had conflicts with Turkey over Syria and are likely to have more over Gaza. It's just not worth the risk.
Why? Is Israel part of NATO? Are they threatening to not uphold their agreements as part of the alliance?
Not exactly a major war, since only 1 country was involved. It was actually more a genocide than a war.
Then what does it matter what anybody in the nation says about Israel? Might as well scream we should kick Spain out of NATO because their leader said mean things about Mexico.