Two Errors

Discussion in 'Political Science' started by yangforward, Apr 23, 2024.

  1. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    Do add to these, but these two errors keep coming up as the big ones
    I've noticed damaging this country, and possibly most countries.

    Neo Liberalism
    Promoted by Milton Friedman and many others
    A good idea to the extent that it suggested how to improve, by bringing in
    competition or assistance from other countries, so each person or country
    could do what it was best at.

    The 'liberalism' part of the word comes from free trade and reduction of
    government regulations.
  2. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    Note that I'm not an economist nor an expert, really just a novice
    but otherwise this post might take an hour to read.

    Neo Liberalism going wrong
    Due to a failure to adjust currency values, free trade can result in
    country A losing pretty much all of it's industry to another, with a
    resulting cash flow from A to country C, perhaps from America
    to China. The actual situation is far more complicated.

    The workers in country A lose their jobs, and the company
    owners in country A save a lot of money on labor and therefore
    get very rich.

    What can then happen in country A is many workers have declining
    rates of pay while the middle class continue demanding the same
    rates of pay. So for example a worker may need to do an entire day
    of work to pay for 15 minutes with a nurse.

    The government in country A carry out some redistributive activities
    to partly correct this problem, which if not paid for in taxes result
    in a growing deficit.
  3. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    Neo Liberalism can also harm country C

    Country C might transfer farm workers to the factories
    to increase production, but eventually if country A
    runs out of money, then country C needs to find something
    for the no longer needed workers. Country C may
    also need a good way to store the wealth it is gaining
    or creating.

    Good Stuff
    As a country produces it gets better at it so more
    products can be made with a given amount of energy
    and raw materials, this can lead to increased amounts
    of wealth in both countries.
  4. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    Neo Liberalism changes life within each country through
    the economies. It can lead to greatly increased stress for
    the population because whereas there may have been
    generations of coal miners or car workers or office workers,
    the next generation may be uncertain of the way ahead
    as the coal mines close, car plants move to another country
    and office tasks get automated.

    The plus side is if office task are automated it could be
    possible to a lot of time to do things people find most
    fulfilling. More time with their children or learning things,
    or for hobbies. This has to be handled intelligently on an
    individual basis.

    For many years I had difficulty concentrating and mainly
    did repetitive tasks, but gradually my attention got better
    and now I can do pretty much anything I have the time
    o do. Also about 20% of the population have difficulty
    with any complex task and many really have to be in a
    safe environment.

    People are varied.

    Neo Liberalism needs to be applied within a framework
    with a certain amount of charity or compassion.
    One criticism of it, which would probably exist even
    without it, is: the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

    The rich do get richer but the poor also seem to be
    getting a lot of benefits too. I am one of those and
    I love access to so many types of music and to so
    much information.
  5. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    Contrast Neo Liberalism and the neocons.

    My understanding is neo liberalism is primarily economic
    and applies to business and structures involved in production.

    Neo Conservativism is a philosophy and it is rather sophisticated
    but the neocons are people who apply some elements of
    of Neo Conservativism, in foreign relations,
    and sometimes get it wrong and that's where a lot of our wars come from.

    Again I am no expert so do make some useful contributions to this thread.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
  6. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Neoliberalism is the idea that private enterprise solutions are always better than public enterprise solutions, with exceptions typically made for police, fire services, and the military.

    Private prisons, for example, are a neoliberal idea.

    Clinton's 'Commodity Futures Modernization Act,' which facilitated the creation of complex financial instruments like derivatives and credit default swaps, significantly contributed to the 2008 financial crisis and is another example of neoliberal policy.

    Neoliberalism began to take shape under Carter but accelerated significantly under Reagan. Subsequent presidents have largely maintained this approach, and Democrats have struggled to reverse it without controlling both chambers of Congress.

    No broad public policy has contributed more greatly to the phenomenon of dynasty-ism, i.e., more and more power and capital being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, where the wealthiest families own 30%40% of the national wealth, where the lower 50% own only about 3%, the lowest in decades, if not over a century.

    Neoliberalism, at first, seems attractive, but it's insidious. No term more accurately portrays it than the term 'insidious', which means, alluring, but in time it's outcome is so terrible it evolves to a point where the nation cannot extricate itself from it's grip without a massive reduction in the number of Republicans in congress, for they seem to love it.

    A progressive tax and a tax on wealth is about the only way to stop it, but Republicans are hollering 'theft' without realizing that neoliberalism is, in fact, legalized theft, insofar as the massive transfer of wealth from the lower half of society to the upper 1%.

    You (meaning republicans) might not be able to understand why intellectually, but the Federal Reserve Wealth Distribution Tables prove it. Outcomes prove it.

    If you listen to Milton Friedman (he's on YouTube, RIP), notice that his arguments are usually anecdotal, making sense anecdotally, but the arguments fail to see the larger picture, how large corporations tend to do whatever they can get away with, noting that they tend to be after profits and market dominance and really do not care about 'competition' and, in fact, loath competition. This tactic has fooled a lot of people.

    Neoliberalism is one of the reasons Reagan was lax on antitrust law, which were put in place over a century ago, where our predecessors saw the dangers of neoliberalism, corporatism, etc.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2024
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