Ukraine bus attack kills 12 as airport battle worsens

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Yazverg, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. Yazverg

    Yazverg Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Unfortunately the rules of thread creation require to quote misleading propaganda in my viewpoint.

    I regard this crime as another use of bloody method to influence at public opinion at the expence of people's lives. I have a number of facts, without the interpretation which makes a logical line or a system and REQUIRES a bloody event in between.

    1. Donetsk is under fire.
    2. The rebels are attacking Donetsk airport and win a position whihch allows them to stop a possible fire correction making
    3. The negotiations of EU and Ukraine from the one side and Russia and rebels from the other fail.
    4. ???
    5. Poroshenko speeds up mobilization

    What goes next? Next the mobilized teachers, clerks and students would learn for a couple of months how to kill and get killed. And in April-May they will be delivered to the front to face.. of course to face an unforseen russian aggression, which is more then likely to start with a bloody and stupid terrorist attack.

    What I ask the audience is to show me a logical or other mistake in the system. Try to prove me that everything will be (is?) ok. And if you agree with me - tell what you think can be DONE in order to stop the coming war and blood?
  2. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    This war never really stopped. It was just a temporary truce, because all the problems remained unsolved and they are not solvable by any kind of negotiations. Ukraine must be divided.
  3. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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  4. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    I think that both sides realize that the hostilities can restart at any moment. The question is who will decide to fight first?
  5. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    The US State Department is already blaming the rebels. The OSCE says it can't determine at this point who did the bus attack. The European Commission is ready to designate the rebels as terrorists if they are found to have done it.

    Some are saying it was a mine, but most of the victims have no damage to the lower body, as you would expect from a mine, but do have obvious head wounds.

    Supposedly, someone from the Ukie side was bragging about taking out the bus on Twitter, but removed the post when it

    was discovered it was a busload of civilians and not rebel fighters.
  6. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    The State Department is blaming the militia because Poroshenko who never lies; :roflol: said it came from their vicinity. Either that or the State Department told him to say it came from their vicinity because Ukraine is all prepared for a full scale war. Lavrov said right before the incident, that Russian intelligence noticed a massive build up of Ukrainian troops. The militia did believe though that the false flag attack by Kiev, would be on a much bigger scale...maybe even nuclear.

    No matter what, the U.S and Nato will blame the militia the same way they blamed them for the airliner shoot down since it's what they want...and they do control the media. The Ukrainian troops at the time they shot the airliner down, was surrounded and had been given an ultimatum, so they needed a diversion. It's also the same as the chemical attack which was blamed on Assad, even though he was winning the battle, and the only chance the rebels had to free themselves was to cause a major diversion....which they did with the falsified chemical attack.

    What we have now is the genocide and ethnic cleansing by Kiev of the Russian population, and the Washington sociopaths spinning it without any regard towards the human lives lost... and of course blaming the Russians.. Isn't it strange that the Russian population in Donbas is leaving for Russia even though the Russians are supposedly killing them? :roll: Of course Obama and Kerry expect us to believe these for me, I'm insulted. Just how stupid do they think I am?

    Anyway the OSCE is leaving, which means the situation in Ukraine will blow up any minute. I know Washington wants to entangle Russia in a war, so they will not get involved militarily...but then there is Kadyrov. Didn't he say he has ten thousand troops all ready for battle...and we all know the Chechnyans. If I were Ukraine I would be scared, very scared. :hiding:

  7. ararmer1919

    ararmer1919 Banned

    May 26, 2014
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    God you actually believe this stuff don't you ?
  8. Yazverg

    Yazverg Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Not a land mine. The mine that is fastened to a pole or a tree.

    There is a special video where a camera first aims at some show like GRAD shells are accurately falling in a distance which (by chance of course) exactly fits the screen. Then after some time the camera changes the view to a bus which is obviously damaged by something else. This is now called a proof that one of the GRAD shell went into the bus...

    If we don't stop this war - everyone can be killed for this bloody show of US coup in Ukraine. I mean EVERYONE.
  9. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    It was a deliberate targeted attack with rocket launchers by the rebels as the bus passed through a government checkpoint, the Russian terrorists have long ago been proven to intentionally target civilians.
  10. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Now I watch the propaganda video shot by Hollywood - it is name The Assets(2014). I am very glad that this movie wasn't successful. Small news, but it is pleasant.ABC has pulled the plug on troubled eight-hour mini-series The Assets after two very low airings.
    Something Hollywood badly finance by CIA. 5 days of war, lies about Georgia was unprofitable too like this. What happened with Obama promotion? Except trolls on the Internet, promotion badly start works.
  11. Yazverg

    Yazverg Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Lie. It is obvious that the rockets were not the cause for the damage. The rocket would burn the bus. There is 7 kg of explosive in a grad missile. And that bus doesn't even had a snow melt around. People were killed on purpose to make the opinions of though who think now like you do... :( Your ability to be manipulated predetermined the murder.
  12. Nikolnik

    Nikolnik New Member

    Jan 15, 2015
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    So, in your opinion, my country must be divided, because schschizophrenic in the Kremlin tries to save influence to ukraine with terroristic attacks to ukrainians? I don't want to live in county like East Germany before crashing Berlin's wall.
  13. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Sounds like a very hot headed Yarosh man. This is necessary, because people, living in Ukraine want it, period. This is all the crisis is about. Porko is fuming, bombing and shelling. This is crazy to kill own people and this is because he is schizophrenic.
  14. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    What seems strange to me is why Russians are watching this outrageous acts of hostility? This is all politics, no real war, but civilians are killed. Possibly some of the right sector groups act on their own. This will not contribute in unity of Ukraine. Novorossia is on the raise, because of that.
  15. Nikolnik

    Nikolnik New Member

    Jan 15, 2015
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    Don't tell me fairy tales about right sector and other scares of russian propaganda. I'm living in East Ukraine and I'm maybe know better. So, Dmytro Yarosh was born in Dneprodzerzhynsk (It's a small city near Donbass, lol). I don't know people which really want dividing country, some people thinks that russia gives them money because they are smart and beautiful, but crimean's experience showed that is mistaking opinion.
    ("Russian Federation Humanitarian help") Maybe civilians would not dying if russia would not help them to die.

    How do you want to divide Ukraine? The real zone of conflict is: (red area on map)
    "Newrussia" is the same ISIS, difference just in religion (Orthodox Christianity and Islam) and weapons, terrorists have weapons which even Ukraine can't afford.

    Civilians are dying even in peaceful Kharkiv, because Russia sponsors terroristic attacks. In November terrorists left bomb packet near rock-bar "Wall".
    Earlier terrorists detonated a bomb near student dormitories (where living my university groupmates). Not far from mine house, in block of flats was a office with volunteers humanitarian help, somebody
    fired from a grenade launcher (it's a house where living people!!).

    So, if you really thinks that it's normal when "federalization activists" doing this things, invite them to your country.
  16. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Civilians are dying because the Ukrainian management has no brains from the very beginning. They are replaced by brains from Washington. In April of last year, it was an accepted decision to enter to Donbass the Ukrainian army, thus it was supposed a military method to suppress discontent of people of Donbass. Simple people of this region, at first in most cases, came to a meeting to the Ukrainian soldiers without weapon and conducted negotiations... why the stupid government of Ukraine still then didn't make the decision on negotiations with Donbass, bringing together authoritative people of this region and having raised a question how to us to live together in one country? But it it wasn't made. Attacks of the Ukrainian army against the defending people in this region began as a result of civilians to perish. Farther it is more.
    What not skillful terrorists, can't make an act of terrorism somewhere in the western Ukraine. These are 100% terrorists from the western Ukraine left bomb packet near rock-bar "Wall".
    Borders of areas Lugansk and Donetsk are defined. The Ukrainian army has to depart to these borders.
  17. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    To think none of this would be happening if it weren't for the revanchist warmonger in the Kremlin...
  18. flogger

    flogger Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2013
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    Looking at the damage to this bus it could be the Russian equivalent of a Claymore mine with its trigger wire strung across the road in the hope of catching a passing 'soft' military vehicle. Sadly it looks like this bus has been its unfortunate victim :(
  19. Nikolnik

    Nikolnik New Member

    Jan 15, 2015
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    "In April of last year, it was an accepted decision to enter to Donbass the Ukrainian army, thus it was supposed a military method to suppress discontent of people of Donbass."

    In March, Crimea was invaded and annexed, what was ignored by world. Strange armed people the same which was in crimea captured administrative buildings in Donetsk and Lugansk. What Turchinov should to do? It's lucky that terrorists holds in Donbass, not in Kharkiv, so I could not to write to you.

    Your mistake that you thinks that this conflict is the act of donbass people will. You think that people from Donbass like from Canadian Quebec. It's lie, don't believe in it. Like faked referendum in crimea, it's not a democratinc process. Nobody chose coped government in crimea. I'm a russian urkainian speaker which lives in east ukrainean in Kharkiv. You can't find information
    truthful than mine.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Why nobody told that block-post where bust had been shot was ukrainian? Do you really think that Ukrainian military power would fire to themselves?
  20. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    Kinda reminds me of a Malaysian passenger plane that the "rebels" blew out of the sky...
  21. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Look who jumps on the Maidan there and warmongers. Non from Kremlin. Only from the USA and Europe.

    When the paid nationalists (Right Sector) burned the people of Ukrainians in Odessa.

    Not the Kremlin but Ukrainians tell it - isn't necessary to us such uniform Ukraine.

    fighters, the ultras and the Right Sector finished wounded in Odessa (on May 2, 2014)

    Maybe here you see (before warmongers) revanchist instigators from the Kremlin run with flags?
  22. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    My friend lives in Gorlovka (belief or not but he protects Donbass on side of Novorossia i can't contact with him,only with his sister), another friend live in Donetsk also and in other regions of Ukraine there are a lot of friends, also relatives)In Sevastopol there lives the old friend - the girl. I on Skype communicate with some. (I'm not the Ukrainian)

    In Ukraine there is a civil war. To one party helps the USA - arming and giving orders to bomb Donbass, to other party the Russian volunteers help - to protect inhabitants of Donbass of their right and also Russia help - by sending humanitarian freights with the food, medicines and other peace freight necessary for life people.
  23. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Washington only gives arms because it has to support the Pentagon's industries with its killing machines. They will never give a penny for survival... those days are gone forever. Instead of fighting those who commit genocide, the sociopaths in Washington now support those who commit genocide...more money that way. Ukraine though can keep on dreaming. It wants Washington to help Ukraine the way it helped Japan and Germany after WWII. They even have George Soros trying to get Congress to give them money, but I have a better idea, since George Soros is rich enough, why doesn't he give them money?

    I'll tell you one thing for certain though, they're not getting a penny from Russia. Those days are gone forever. Ukraine is now on its own.
  24. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    By George Eliason, an American journalist living in Ukraine.

    On January 13th 12 Ukrainian passengers on a bus in Ukraine heading toward Donetsk in Ukraine’s breakaway Donbass region were killed in an explosion near the Ukrainian town of Volnovaha. Ten casualties were reported directly and two more died later in the hospital. Both the Kiev Government and Marie Harf of the Obama Administration were quick to put the blame on the Novorussia army (the defenders of the breakaway region) saying it was an artillery strike from them. “Attacks on the airport of Donetsk and the shelling of the bus, which killed 10 people and injured 13 more, constitute gross violations of the Minsk agreements”, – said Harf.

    The problem is that the nearest artillery set up in Donetsk Republic (DNR) is over 50 kilometers away, which is well out of range.

    Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko immediately ordered another mobilization of conscripts, and Kiev tightened the blockade of Donbass by stopping bus and train travel near the war-torn area.

    The problem for the Ukrainian and the US Administration’s claim is that video footage from the scene shows clearly that the area was actually mined — the Ukrainian Government had killed these people. The video footage was taken by Ukrainian soldiers at the scene.
    Further complicating the claim that this was an artillery attack is in an apparent attempt at a coverup by Kiev. This hole is what the Ukrainian government is claiming to be the crater from the shell blast. The hole itself has square edges obviously made with the shovel used to dig it.

    Simplifying the investigation is this image from the scene that shows a Ukrainian soldier with what appears to be a claymore mine. Claymore mines are direction anti-personnel mines that can be triggered remotely.Shown in the Vkontakte social media post below Pravy Sektor has taken responsibility for the attack saying they killed 15 terrorists and took 3 prisoners. The men, women, and children on the bus were civilians whose crime was traveling on a bus on the wrong day. The area they were traveling in is completely in the Ukrainian governments control. This is another outrage.
  25. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Below on the map, blue cross marked a place of start-up of shells.
    That there it happened precisely it isn't known yet (or the Ukrainian negligence - imprudence or attempt of provocation by the Ukrainian party), but it happened in the territory of Ukraine controlled by troops, is far from insurgents. Good-bye Obama - again...

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