Unanswered Questions About Benghazi

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by bobov, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    what accusations?

    Are you a recent visitor to our planet?
  2. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    What part of my simple post confused you? Finish reading the whole post and it should explain itself to most. Ill post it for you again slower......We...... are...... asking...... for..... Obama... to.... tell....... us...... what....... happened. Is there a reason you and Obama do not want that to occur?
    If there is welcome to your own lefty conspiracy theory. Asking someone to explain their actions isn't an accusation. However when the President refuses to address the nation on the deaths of four Americans but gets on national TV jabbering every time a white guy shoots someone its a perfectly reasonable extrapolation to conclude the President did something wrong the night of Benghazi or else he wouldn't be covering his tracks.
    Or maybe you could tell us why he shut up on the issue tighter than a clam getting bum jammed.
  3. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    But what actually happened has been stated. What actually happened has been investigated.

    and that is not the approach of your republican collegues. From the very first report and Romney convening a wee hours press conference to denounce the Obama administration "handling" of the "crisis", without having any facts other than a single initial report. From there, its been accusations of cover up, of incompetance, of direct orders to stand down, to not utilizing in place assets, to it being a planned AQ attack, etc etc etc. All UNSUBSTANTIATED ACCUSATIONS.

    But no worries, it turns out that most of the accusations have been proven to be completely bogus, much to the frustration of chief witch hunter Issa and the gang.

    Funny how the CIA operation there is ignored as having anything to do with either the ambassador's presence. It is only incidentally referred to in the congressional report.

    Imagine if there was a confidential intell briefing of CIA involvement that made obfuscation a matter of "national security" and Issa et.al. still attempted to scort political points knowing that the administration and various intell officials could not respond? Nah, that would never happen.
  4. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    What are you talking about? No one knows what Obama did and why and he has clammed up since Letterman went off the air that night. Please post the link to Obama telling us what he did that night and why, the rest of the country missed it. Thank God you have inside information.
  5. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    why is it necessary for obama to tell you what he did that night? As I understand it he was advised of the situation and may or may not have been directly involved but considering the confusion and conflicting reports, at least he didn't go off half cocked with ludicrous statements like Romney did.

    Interesting that now the "scandal" of benghazi and the supposed unaswered questions now revolve around what the president did upon being notified of the attack some 5 thousand miles away from the fiasco. Seems all the other accusations and questions have been cleared up.
  6. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Because four Americans were murdered by terrorists and I want to know how that happened given the timeframe. I am a United States citizen, Obama works for the people as an elected official. Its his job to tell us.
    So first you say we were told now you state as you understand it....sorry I want to hear what happened that night from the presidents lips not from some guy on PF as he understands what happened. You act like the President wasn't in charge and was standing around taking orders, he was the one giving them he is the CIC. Is there a reason he cant simply tell us? He seems to be on tv every day bashing republicans in his never ending campaign. Im sure he can fit it in. Of course you know why he doesn't and I know that you know but will never admit it. How sad.
    Don't know how to answer your last sentence was there another Benghazi scandal we don't know about? I only know about this one.
    Clicking your heels together and saying its been cleared up is never going to work. Nothing has been cleared up except in the minds of Obama "psycho"phants.
  7. TomFitz

    TomFitz Banned

    Jan 9, 2013
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    I always find it odd, and often amusing, when the far right demonstrates its habitual ignorance.

    I've seen far right wing types yell about appointing a special prosecutor for their set of manufactured scandals.

    Evidently this is a line they like to work on talk radio and on the blogs.

    None of them seem to be aware that the statute that governed the appointment of special prosecutors expired about ten years ago, and no one suggested renewing it.

    Of course, like so many fake right wing lines, calls to "appoint a special prosecutor" are not being accompanies by any real moves to enact legislation making it possible to do so.

    Not even a crackpot like Trey Gowdy has proposed it.

    Like so many fake right wing talking points, the opportunists who yell about this non scandal will continue to do so, knowing that they are speaking to a receptive and gullible audience, and equally secure in the knowledge that they don't have to put their money where their mouths are.
  8. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    If it's a dead horse, how come in every Behngazi thread a bunch of trolls pop in to make posts like this about how this is all moot.. Why even click into the threads? There must be a reason why you guys make effort to arrest discussion.

    Have the murderers been brought to justice yet? Has Obama even tried? The answer is no. The last thing Obama did on the matter was cover for the attackers by supplying a false alibi for them, and then try to scoff at those who don't like treason in their president.. No justice for the victim's loved ones, but we should forget the attack anyway?
  9. TomFitz

    TomFitz Banned

    Jan 9, 2013
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    In reality, these "trolls" appear to challenge folks like you to produce facts or evidence to support the claims you make, which are often false, or which have been discredited or addressed long ago.
  10. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    What claim did I make that's false? The youtube story was a false claim. Where'd they get that story from?
  11. TomFitz

    TomFitz Banned

    Jan 9, 2013
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    I didn't accuse you of making a false claim.

    But you did shop a rather obvious logical fallacy!
  12. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    So then what do you mean "people like you"??!? All I'm doing is asking why they made up the story about the youtube video protest in order to lie, and why you guys don't care why they lie, and how can it be a dead horse while the killers are still on the loose.

    Accuse me of fallacy all you want, I'm really just asking questions. Why did they lie? Where'd they get the story from?
  13. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    2 unbelievably easy questions must be asked and answered.

    1.} Where was Obama on the night of the tragic killing and
    who exactly ordered the Standdown.
    We know Obama was briefed around 5 pm of the night in question by
    Leon Panetta { *CIA chief } and O'Reilly confirms that in that quick briefing
    Leon Panetta informed it WAS a terrorist attack.
    We were told Obama retired for the night.Military experts acknowledge that only
    a Commander-in-Chief could in that complicated an event,Order such a Standdown.

    2.} Why did Obama personally and in league with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
    keep up the silly charade of a YouTube Video being the reason for the attack.
    That is a dynamic bald-faced lie.
    Why did Obama keep up that charade for 2 weeks even mentioning a
    Video 6 times in his United Nations address.

    * former CIA Director and at the time of Benghazi the Secretary of defense.
  14. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    The not far fetched scuttlebutt was correct all along.
    Obama and the jokers in his White House decided to massively HOODWINK the
    populace with the YouTube video Charade INTENTIONALLY.
    That way Obama could easily escape any all responsibility for his NOT acting
    like a Commander-in-Chief on the fatefull night and also do what he Lives to do.
    Play Politics.Which is EXACTLY what Obama did the very nexy day { attended
    a Fundraiser in Las vegas }.
    Obama just got thru bragging and putting a new feather in his cap over the
    summer at his Democrat National Convention by swearing to how he did what
    Former President Bush could not. Nab the Number One terrorist { OBL }.
    Obama used as part of his Stump speeches :
    " We have Al Qaeda on the Run."
  15. TomFitz

    TomFitz Banned

    Jan 9, 2013
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    They didn't make up the YouTube video protest.

    The YouTube video, which was produced in the United States by an Coptic anti Islamic with backing from far right wing religious bigot Pam Geller, was shown in Egyptian television and in Lybia the day before the incident.

    There were protests, and the evidence suggests that the attack was advanced because the protests would provide cover.

    There were protests all over the Islamic world, and several people were killed in various cities.

    So, your claim that the story about the video was made up is false.


    you shopped an obvious logical fallacy:

    "If it's a dead horse, how come in every Behngazi thread a bunch of trolls pop in to make posts like this about how this is all moot.. "

    This is a non sequiter. One does not necessarily rise from the other.
  16. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Are you unfamiliar with the events surround the attack?
    I believe there are a couple of rather detailed investigative reports as well as countless transcripts and documents.

    Of couree the president is in charge. And I am absolutely confident that when apprised of the situation he made sure to communicate to those charged with responding to such incidents. do you expect him to be micromanaging and directing activity thru VR like he's playing some video war game?

    A good chief executive will make a statement to his subordinates involved on the various response teams and then get the hell out of the way so they can do their jobs.\

    But for some reason you want a blow by blow of presidential action when your expectation of effective executive management is so far removed from reality.

    So your only question now is what Obama was doing as this event unfolded? As if it had any relevance to the events. The reaction of the various active parties are all known. The unsubstantiated accusations have been rebutted (e.g.stand down orders).

    In the luxury of hindsight, were mistakes made leading up to the event, during and after? Of course. Do they amount to a conclusion of incompetence, weakness, indifference on the part of the president? Not even remotely.

    Seems there is no smokin' gun of scandal associated with this tragic event.
  17. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    blah blah blah. A lot of words and still it isn't going to ever help you find Obamas recollection of why he lied about it being caused by a youtube video and why he refuses to tell us why he didn't help them.
  18. OldRetiredGuy

    OldRetiredGuy New Member Past Donor

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Here's what I know:

    1. Gen Carter Ham, head of Africom (military commander over Africa, including Libya, gets word within an hour of the Benghazi attack was the work of terrorists. He briefs Defense Sec'y Panetta and Chief of Staff Dempsey who immediately go together to the White House to brief the president. So he knows damn well that the attack had nothing to do with a stupid video or an out-of-hand demonstration, but he runs with that story anyway cuz he takes a political hit when the presidential election might be hanging in the balance if he says it was terrorism. He and then State Sec'y Hillary Clinton stand over the caskets of 4 dead Americans a few days later and lie to us and the families of the dead. And you don't think that's a scandal. Bet you would if it was Bush that did that.

    2. Ex-CIA Chief David Petraeus testified that the CIA knew almost immediately that the Benghazi attack was a terrorsit attack.

    3. The State Dep't had surveillance cameras monitoring the street outside the compound that showed no demonstration that got out of hand, the street was empty 30 minutes before the attack came.

    When you add this debacle to the list of lies that includes the Fast and Furious episode, the NSA, the IRS, and the Obama lies about the ACA, it becomes obvious that this president's MO is to lie like hell whenever something blows up in his face. Stonewall everything, declare outrage and promise to get to the bottom of whatever it is, and wait for the clamor to die down, and then call it all a fake scandal without a 'smidgeon' of corruption. And some people don't care, cuz he's their guy and the truth be damned. And you think I'm gullible?
  19. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    He didn't lie. period. full stop.

    There is nothiing to see here, but I guess it keeps a large number of republicans busy and deflects from their dereliction of duty in congress. Of course some are proud of the least productive congress in modern history for all the wrong reasons.
  20. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Nothing to see here move along us paid DNC PF posters need you to move along. LOL you are hilarious! Thanks for that my morning coffee is so much better now.
    Youtube video was a lie. The entire nation except for you and apparently three other PF poster have now historically recorded it as such. Newsflash people don't whip out 100k a pop rocket launchers at an impromptu attack caused from a youtube. Sure happens all the time, you go to youtube.com watch a video that irritates you so you and your friends get together and grab your rocket launchers and go kill some people.....happens all the time,,,,but only in leftists vivid imaginations.
    You still haven't answered, is there a reason you don't want the President answering questions on this? If there is nothing to see here then why are you here defending nothing?
    Here's how smart I am. I know that you are sitting there knowing Obamas hands are dirty on this, but you cant have that be public because you worship the piece of (*)(*)(*)(*). How sad. Putting your political ideology ahead of the deaths of four innocent people.
    If Obama did nothing wrong you lefties have nothing to worry about and can simply ignore the issue.
    Also he lied about healthcare. It is a proven fact that he is a liar. If he lies about that what makes you think in your head he wont lie about something that will get him impeached? He cant go under oath, so his only option is keep quiet, keep everyone else quiet until this all is hopefully forgotten about. Sorry its never going to go away until he gets on TV and tells us what he did, what decisions he made and why. Perhaps he could do it following his next scheduled race baiting gun grab speech?!
    Please state he didn't lie about keeping your doctor in writing.
  21. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Where on earth did this ungodly unamerican mindset of defending a pack of lies
    with just another whopper of a Lie,take root.
    Probably some Saul Alinsky trained Chicago Community Organizer who
    doesn't merely think highly of himself,but actually thinks he's the next incarnation
    of Iconism.
  22. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Technically and quite possibly,the History books will have a field day over
    Obama. It might be found that Obama HASN'T been 100% totally honest or truthfull
    about a single major thing he's said.
    " Nowadays to be intelligible is to be found out. "
    -- Oscar Wilde
  23. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Well he is buddies with a real life bona fide nail bomb terrorist. Do people really find it hard to believe he *gasp* may also be *duh duh duhhh* .......a liar?!
  24. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Are willing to admit that the President and his administration blamed the attack on a protest over a video? If so, then please explain why they got things so wrong. Additionally, explain why they have done nothing to bring the attackers to justice.
  25. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Funny you should make mention of those things.Like a combo of
    micromanagement and playing a video game.That is almost exactly what A former
    Secret Service agenst assigned to Obama said and wrote about in a book.
    He retired from the Secret Service to criticize what he witnessed firsthand
    coming out of the White House.He was highly educated and was also a trainer
    for Secret Service duty.He's { Dan Bongino } running for Congress as a Republican.

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