United States' Israel Dilemma

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by danny1538, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. danny1538

    danny1538 New Member

    Oct 16, 2011
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    Since the foundation the state of Israel in 1948, U.S. has been forced to choose whether to back dictators in exchange for Israel’s security or promote democracy and freedom in the sake of country's core values. Both options have their merits and faults. Israel, a version of U.S. in the Middle East to some, is a close ally and counts on U.S.‘s backin in her security paranoia . Considering that it is surrounded by Arab countries which waged war four times since 1940s, Israel desperately needs peace with at least some of the Arab countries in order to avert the possibilty of fighting the quadripartite enemy (Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Syria) again. The U.S. -“worldwide champion of freedom and democracy”- provided Israel this opportunity by convincing dictators with more political and economic power at the expense of the values on which she laid her foundations. Since the Carter Administration, U.S. Governments have gotten along with dictators of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), in order to prevent Israel from isolation, impairing her image as an advocate of democracy and freedom in the international fora...

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