Israel's SHAS party says the operation against HAMAS must push on, and SHAS is generally against military service for religious reasons because they are ultra orthodox jews. Go SHAS! SHAS > HAMAS
"They are the same as the ISIS". I'm not going to even bother with this crap. Lol @ the charter. You guys are so predictable, it's not funny. Um, no, Israel set up the blockade (siege) against Gaza because Hamas won the elections over there and eventually took over Gaza. Nothing to do with rockets. - - - Updated - - - All you're going to get is more dead Jewish fighters. Looks like it's going to be another 2006.
Hamas is the same as isis, they kill their own people, they executed 30, not international outcry from celebrities like Penelope Cruze.
Nope ISIS are Salafist style fundamentalist Muslims financed by the brutal dictatorships of the Gulf States of the Arab Peninsula that are backed by the West and Israel. Hamas are the legitimately elected Palestinian nationalist resistance movement against the brutal Israeli occupation of their land.
ISIS funded by Israel? lol. HAMAS executed their own people, they do this all the time. They used their own children as suicide bombers. They are the same as al-qaidah and isis in terms of brutality. They are a terrorist organization. From arabic press itself, ismail haniyeh condemned the 'murder' of Bin laadin and said he declared him a martyr. Most people don't know this fact, but its true. They have stated their goal is to wipe out all jews and then to spread their twisted, perverted version of islam across the entire world by force. And people still deny they celebrated 9/11? lol How can you praise Bin Ladin as a martyr and condemn his killing and not be a terrorist group? How can you execute your own civilians and not be a terrorist group? How can you send your own youth out to die as suicide bombers (sorry, I mean 'martyrdom operatives') and not be a terrrorist group? 7amaas means zeal. Its acronym also for 7arakat al- muqaawamah-l-islaamiyyah "islamic resistance movement" I don't see waTan anywhere in there. How many jews are in 7amaas btw? Since this is an 'anti-zionist' and not an 'anti-jew' movement afterall as is always said? Thats the whole problem with this 'palestinian nation' and 'resistance of all palestinians, jews, christians, muslims against zionists' mantra that the western media eats up. There are no jews in 7amaas! They are an islamic terror group trying to kill jews. If Israel went away do you honestly believe they would start up a flower business and all would be well in the middle east?? 7amaas and Fata7 kidnapped and killed each other for years after Israel withdrew from previously Egyptian territory (ghaza)
Read my post again. I didn't claim ISIS were funded by Israel. The rest of your post is psychobabble.
Oh, good, in the future you are not going to claim that it was (directly or indirectly), are you? Would you mind if I quote you if some Israel-hater on this site claims that ISIS was funded by Israel?
As an outsider, from Australia, but one who has visited the USA on a number of occasions (work and pleasure), I think that some people are treating Obama too harshly. It's very easy to forget that he took over the running of a country that was in very deep recession, (some of which was due to some very dubious business dealings), and one which had been embroiled, for a considerable period of time, in two overseas wars neither of which were commenced under his period in power. But he has been forced to cope with the legacy passed on to him by his predecessor. And, of course, the approach by the vast majority of European countries(Brits excepted) to sit back and let America bear the burden of protecting the West from persistent attacks on its values, from within as well as from outside its borders, has not helped his Presidency. He, sensibly in my opinion, has given his and your country, 'time to breath'.
Honestly, I don't have a horse in the race. Frankly, though, what vote are they going to lose by opposing Israel when even prominent pro-Israel Jews are condemning the Israeli government and military for what it is doing in Gaza? The Dems already don't have the fundmentalist Christian vote. Israel is in the wrong. Israel justifies civilian casualties among the Gazans by claiming their right to retaliate for Hamas' rocket attacks yet ignore the situation from which the rocket attacks come from, which is the blockade/occupation of Gaza. There are things Israel could do to provide a peaceful resolution to the situation but they choose instead the path of collective punishment of a besieged people for their efforts to be free. The people in Gaza cannot leave without first interacting with IDF. If that isn't being occupied then what is?
Covert political support, yes since ISIS are in effect doing the job for Israel on it's behalf in Syria, for example.
Its not psychobabble, these are facts. Hamas carries out suicide bombings in the name of Allah. They want to take over the world like al-qaa3idah Is there anything more to be said?
OTH Poles from Poland cooperated with the NAZIS and walk around with blood on their hands, the blood of 3 million Polish Jews slaughtered...
How does it relate to what Israel is doing to Hamas you is simple. Hamas uses cowardly tactics to try and kill Israelis. Since Hamas is incompetent and cannot stand up on their own two feet with some backbone. Are nothing more than just a walking talking waste of space. The Israelis are doing what they need to.....sort of.
In a few words the above is a fallacy... BO was/is the most incompetent/learning on the job Pres ever elected. If you do not believe me ask your Australian PM what he thinks about that.
Not surprising you would spout off a knee jerk talking point that does not even remotely come close to representing the reality of the situation while ignoring the fact that, if we want to pretend that Gaza is simply just a part of Israel, and thus that the people in Gaza are in fact israelis, then the Israeli government is massacring it's own people that it has hemmed into an open air prison. Eventually, you guys will get tired of excusing the inexcusable.
Obama is not incompetent nor "learning on the job". He is doing exactly what his handlers put him there to do.
I hope that the bulk of the USA citizenship keeps on defending Israel, if not, I fear the big karma police chief in the sky will pull out his baton and use it to great cosmic effect ~ i.e. to teach us the error of our ways. We (the USA) exists in its superpower capacity to protect Israel, when and if we stop well... (see above). reva 1.Genesis 12:3 "And I will bless them (Israel) that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all nations of the earth be blessed."
Yes indeed, America has a fantastic record of defending, supporting and financing criminal regimes...
All nations break the eggs when making the big omelet. The USA is no exception. That is why I attempt to divest my church and personal life as much as possible from the ’state’. Lastly, the anti-Semitic read as anti-Jewish UN and world court strive to support a satanic agenda. That is why I do not understand why any nation should abide by their biased and unethical rulings etc. reva
Hasbara lol, 7amas won't even allow people to watch that movie because of its 'anti-islamic' values like seeing slave leia in a metal bikini. They don't mind she is a slave but she has to be chained wearing hijaab. Although like Bin Ladin their martyr, they probably have a whole stash of western porn in their bunkers to keep them occupied, no pun intended seriously.
Crossed a line, eh? Was it a red one? Is Israel's ongoing slaughter of civilians in Gaza not a line? Is telling Kerry off worse in US eyes than mass murder?