New relation is a story which history is written since July 9th, 2011 when south Sudan announced the birth of its independent state according to the self-determination referendum results. Before that, and since 2005, the NCP and the SPLM were partners in ruling the whole Sudan working together to implement the CPA and its related protocols, during which period the process was accompanied by several challenges and disputes; so the two partners failed to implement all the protocols in its final form. There are several files remaining which were defined recently as the outstanding issues including the oil, the foreign debts, and the dual nationality besides Abyei file. Some observers and analysts said the remaining issues were expected to be a hub for tensions between Sudan and South Sudan, while others thought that the diplomacy could succeed in patching a lot of hernias. However, the situation remained standstill up to this moment despite the efforts exerted by the African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP) Chief, Thabo Mbeki whose endeavours failed to resolve the outstanding issues. The role of the AUHIP aims at finding a mechanism to contribute in making the two states in a racecourse of overcoming the disputed issues especially within the light of exchanged accusations here and there. We believe that the relation between the two countries might be worth if the fence of confidence is not jumped over. According to NCP official, an American role emerged to soften the relations between Sudan and South Sudan in an attempt to overcome the disputed issues. Notwithstanding, the relations between Sudan and South Sudan will remain hostage to the intersections of U.S. interest-based policy of carrot and stick and displaying pressure cards towards Sudan. It goes without saying that overcoming the outstanding issues dossier requires a lot of conditioned concessions to avoid transforming the matter to political and diplomatic wrangling between the two states. Mbeki struggle added to it the US Administration initiative are two ways that could make Sudan and South Sudan step forward in the racecourse of politics and soft diplomacy to resolve the outstanding issues. Khartoum and Juba relation seem to be stumble but at the same time it could be improved if the two governments put hands together to cross Naivasha bump represented by the outstanding issues, hoping that Mbeki struggle and the US Administration initiative.