DEEP STATE UPDATE: Report: USPS ‘Internet Covert Operations Program’ Is ‘Much Broader in Scope Than Previously Known.’ “The program ‘includes analysts who assume fake identities online, use sophisticated intelligence tools, and employ facial recognition software.’ "Based on what is now known about the surveillance program iCOP’s scope has gone way beyond merely monitoring potential threats to employees and infrastructure and has raised serious privacy concerns.” Why is the Postal Service, which can’t seem to do its actual job, functioning as an internal security agency surveilling American citizens? Government surveillance program run by the USPS. I'm sick and tired of "Republican Outcry" followed by nothing of substance.
It was done because no one would expect the Post Office of being part of the American intelligence community. The NSA was discovered to be spying on us and then they had to shutter that program and reinstate it under another umbrella. It's also possible that the Post Office's financial problems came about because money earmarked for the USPS was being spent on spying rather than paying into the USPS retirement account. Now that this program has been revealed to the public, I wonder where the US spy programs will set up shop next?