Start watching this at the 18:00 time mark. Brighteon Broadcast News, May 17, 2023 - How hospitals became COVID KILLING FIELDS (feat. attorney Tom Renz) It's alleged that hospitals were killing people intentionally.
That's just bullshit. It's two nurses talking about palliative care, devoting one floor to more severe patients and giving them morphine to aid in their discomfort. The consultant physician gets to decide the course of care and action to be taken, not a nurse who isn't aware of the entire medical picture for each patient. You supposedly listened to it, summarize in your own words what you think is going on! Do you really watch these 2hr long videos? You have my pity if that actually interests you and if you think these aren't complete batshit.
This is interesting. 73 Million Americans Know Someone Who Has Died Of The COVID BioWeapon This might mean that the population has decreased by about that much but a lot of those people could be referring to the same person. I googled around and I couldn't find any data that was recent enough but I guess we'd have to wonder about the data if it came from a mainstream* source. Statistics can be misinterpreted but they can also be outright lies.,+damn+lies+and+statistics+++Mark+Twain&FORM=HDRSC4 *
It is actually quite appalling MISinformation. There isn't even a single legitimate rationale for what they have done! The online poll was conducted by Rasmussen - this highly deceptive video has then extrapolated that percentage across the board, from people who "think" they know somebody! They also do not claim the vaccine is a "bioweapon"! Unlikely in the method of the polling. It came from a minor-league polling company. Here directly below is the polling data direct from Rasmussen, notice that in the poll they found 26% who had refused the vaccine! Toplines - Vaccine Deaths - December 28-30, 2022 - Rasmussen Reports® National Survey of 1,000 American Adults Have you received a COVID-19 vaccination? 26% no Do you personally know anyone whose death you think may have been caused by side effects of COVID-19 vaccines? 28% yes
There seem to be a lot of medical professionals who are saying that the vaccine is killing people. Here's another. Fetal Deaths/Miscarriages Skyrocket: Secret Pfizer Docs Reveal Death JAB Accumulates In The Ovaries
@Scott Why do you not address the rebuttal above! False. Your statement is just bare assertion. Stew Peters? The lying king of batshit? Really? Just listening to this jackass talking about "bioweapons" and how "they" are trying to kill you, is actually quite nauseating. A complete lie! Chart and table of the U.S. infant mortality rate from 1950 to 2023. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. The current infant mortality rate for U.S. in 2023 is 5.480 deaths per 1000 live births, a 1.21% decline from 2022. The infant mortality rate for U.S. in 2022 was 5.547 deaths per 1000 live births, a 1.19% decline from 2021. The infant mortality rate for U.S. in 2021 was 5.614 deaths per 1000 live births, a 1.18% decline from 2020. The infant mortality rate for U.S. in 2020 was 5.681 deaths per 1000 live births, a 1.17% decline from 2019.
There you go again – simply trusting the word of the mainstream* media. *
Are you suggesting that every outlet is coerced into lying about infant mortality? Did you fail to notice that there YOU go(in all cases) simply trusting the word of batshit media. It's like an inbuilt defence mechanism, whereby every source that disputes yours, must be a) mainstream b) lying. Have you ever even remotely considered the implications, on the numbers of corrupt people needing to be coerced etc.! Detail EXACTLY where good ol' Stew Peters got his data from. Exactly. HIS source, next post please.
You know I don't know what his exact sources are. What he and these other sources... vaccine deaths ...say is consistent with what I see happening around me and what the mainstream media say is not consistent with what I see happening around me. The viewers can decide which source is consistent with what's happening around them.
So not only have you failed to verify a single thing this known crank has claimed, but you automatically dismiss proper sources because you don't like what they say! All that you don't know where they get their crap from! You see lots of woman having still-births do you!? So because your "massive" circle of people that surround you are all dying and their babies not making it to full term, you somehow feel justified in sharing unsubstantiated batshit when you haven't a clue where they get their "data" from!
Here's some more info.
I thought this was a debate forum not a place to dump batshit and pretend you haven't seen any rebuttal! What scientific method have you used to verify it? What have you done to check statistically how this maps out across the board? What do you think would have happened to these select people if they had actually been infected with covid-19!?
If you are claiming these numbers to be wrong, provide the numbers, the source and the valid reasons for trusting them, as used by the known liar "Stew Peters".
Hey Scott... have you seen this article yet? "Father Launches Fundraiser to Sue Government, Alleging COVID Shot Led to Son’s Death "
No. I hadn't seen it. I doubt he's win the lawsuit as the courts seem to be owned. Have you seen this? Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sues Google, YouTube for alleged censorship
WOW!!!!! AND We all know from what happened back in 2016 that polls can be rigged.....all the that has to be done is to focus the poll toward certain groups of people who tend to think a certain way.
...or they can simply fudge the figures.
That is some sick irony! Stew Peters didn't even "fudge" his figures, he pulled them out of his backside. You ran away from this. You ran away from this. You ran away from this.
But more and more interesting information does seem to be coming out. The Covenant of Death: “Pfizer knew that they were killing babies in utero…” The Most Devastating Interview of my Life -- with Dr James Thorp: How HHS Paid Millions to get 1000s of Drs to Damage Women; Hurt, Kill Babies. I wonder if Mr. Gates is beginning to get at all worried??????? Should Israelis begin discussion of a Class Action Lawsuit against Bill Gates? ? Should Israelis be discussing a Class Action Lawsuit against Bill Gates? * Perhaps... depending on what information comes out over the coming weeks and months? 4 vote(s) 28.6% No... his investments almost certainly saved lives and did far, far, far more good than harm. 0 vote(s) 0.0% Yes....... Israelis in a sense have been experimented on 1 vote(s) 7.1% Yes 1 vote(s) 7.1% No 8 vote(s) 57.1% Change Your Vote
No. More batshit is coming out. You need to learn the difference. When ever you see the words "globalresearch" assume it's batshit. This website entices gullible people in to click all its numerous advertising links. Yes, he must be quaking in his boots. Or maybe he hasn't yet seen this astonishing post, in which case he's safe from its devastating insight. I suspect when he sees 7 question marks, he'll know the game is up.
This isn't exactly a total shocker is it????? I mean Biden and Trudeau did nearly wreck the economy of Canada and the USA over these past five years...... and the main winner was CHINA!!!!!
Not really. If Uncle Sam isn't doing major research on any of this then we're not keeping up. But.... How is the US involvement in any of this, evidence for the batshit and disproven claim "vaccines and reducing the world's population"? Nobody is dying. Every international sporting organization had their own vaccination program. Surely significant numbers would be perishing after 3 years? How many years before the disinformation "evil vaccine" bandwagon crashes and burns?
Are you sure? More people than expected are dying in Canada in 2023 for reasons that are not yet clear WENCY LEUNGHEALTH REPORTER PUBLISHED AUGUST 15, 2023UPDATED AUGUST 16, 2023
I should include the last part of Andrew's article.... sometimes he holds back really cool wrap up points until near the end of what he writes. I remember listening to Dr. Ryan Cole from Idaho who had stated that certain types of cancers are up by about two thousand percent.... he felt this was because the Covid 19 vaccine seemed to have reduced the overall natural immune response by people who took the vaccine... by about twenty percent!
Yes and I don't need speculative crap to determine this. The virus has been shown to have many long term affects. So whilst you insist on promoting this hogwash about vaccines, that actually brought this pandemic to an end, you are simply ignoring fundamental issues associated with sars2.