Do you at least see how I could be tricked into seeing A guy' slink in from the left with a sub-machine-gun?
I'm not digging I'm just asking for opinions on a video. Do you see how I could be tricked into thinking a guy slinks and from the left and shoots a bunch of people?
True that. I just feel like the only one that sees a guy slink in from the left and shoot a bunch of people. It's like a real life version of the emperor has no clothes. People dont even want event address the illusion.
Plenty of people are, you just have to know where to look. If you were sitting at my wet bar enjoying a cold one with me I would break it all down to you but not on this forum. Change your search engine to DuckDuckGo and get to digging. It doesn’t skew search results like google does. Hang on to your boo boo, it’s a ride. Who owns the top floor of the mandalay?
I'm not sure but tell me. Who owns the top floor at the Mandalay? Why is that important to what I'm asking about in my video?
So like your saying the Vegas shooting is a forgotten 9-11 style terror attack that is being covered up?
I'm sure the plot is huge and complicated, But what I want to know is why do people not see how at least I could be tricked into believing a guy slings out from the left with a sub-machine-gun and shoots people? Everybody acts like they see and hear nothing. Won't even recognize the possible illusion.
It’s easier to believe the story you are told, and you will be humiliated for countering the narrative. I’ve given you enough to be dangerous. Do with it what you will. Do you believe Oswald pulled it off with a carcano?
I've watched it several times now with sounds on. Honestly, I can't tell if that is gun flash or just a light shining coincide with the sounds of gunfire. May need to watch a few more times.
I don't believe the story I'm told. I'm in a guy here trying to point out The obvious. You atleast came the closest to addressing what I was talking about. Maybe... I have seen people shoot great with badd guns and I have seen people shoot horribly with great guns. I'm not a gun guy so I don't really know too much of the details.
Do you see how at least I could imagine that there is a guy that jumps out from the left and shoots a bunch of people with a sub-machine-gun?
No. I mean are you a mom, baseball, apple pie, stand for our anthem, blood flows red white and blue American. I’m not asking if you are a citizen. mean the guy entered into the video at the bottom left, and then duck. Looks like he is holding something, followed by a flash in front of him accompanied by sounds of gunfire? I'm not a gun expert mind you, but wouldn't the sound of fire be louder? But yes, I see what you are talking about.
I could be a lot of things. I got 1 guy to see how possibly there could be a guy that slinks in from the left, takes aim, shoots with sound, then slinks off while other guns fire in the distance for many more seconds.
LOL. Now...I'm kind of wondering, could it be a flashlight he was holding? Not too sure. Too dark to see.
The volume of the gunfire is important to the proximity of the video being taken and then the shots from the hotel that continued to be shot After the guy slinks away. Do you think I'm hearing things? Maybe this is like light from Venus traveling through swamp gas?