Voter Groups Funded by Megadonors Campaign to Pressure Facebook to Censor Election Information

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by kazenatsu, Aug 4, 2023.

  1. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    Voter Groups, Funded by Liberal Megadonors, Launch Pressure Campaign For Meta to Censor Election Info

    I believe this is what is referred to as "astroturfing". Supply lots of money behind the scenes to some grassroots group to make it seem like the message and push behind the message is coming from them, for better optics, make it look more democratic rather the wealthy corporations and organizations with deep pockets pulling the strings.

    Democrat-aligned contributors are financing left-wing get-out-the vote organizations attempting to influence Meta (parent company of Facebook) to suppress election "disinformation" on its most recent social media app.

    "It is no surprise to see these organizations advocating for the censorship of 'disinformation', a name reserved by the mainstream media for any information that makes Democrats look bad," said Parker Thayer, an investigative researcher at Capital Research Center.

    Voter Groups, Funded By Liberal Megadonors, Launch Pressure Campaign For Meta To Censor Election Info | The Daily Caller

    At least a significant amount of the funding seems to be coming from Soros-backed organizations. These groups seem to be pretty Left-leaning.

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