WA state passed laws to require teaching of "Critical Race Theory"

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by kazenatsu, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    At the same time other states are passing laws to ban the teaching of "critical race theory", the state of Washington has done just the opposite - passing a law to mandate the teaching of critical race theory.

    The race-obsessed framework isn't relegated to schools in Seattle, where you’d expect a victim-centered ideology like critical race theory to flourish. Thanks to the state’s Democrat-controlled legislature, a trio of bills just signed into law mandates critical race theory training for all public school teachers. Another even requires training for medical students, teaching them it's as essential to be social justice activists as it is to treat patients.

    While the critical race theory mandates go into effect in the 2022-2023 school year, many districts are already jumping on board. The Issaquah School District vows it will fight racism by “identifying and removing bias and systemic and institutional barriers that create marginalization,” while Bellingham Public Schools pushes training to guarantee “inclusive education” for students.

    At Seattle Public Schools, they've even developed a “Racial Equity Team,” a group of far-left educators seeking that schools make all of their decisions through a racialized “equity” lens. To effectively carry out this mission, they say, staff need training. Highline Public Schools, a majority-minority district south of Seattle, has mandated similar training for years, even holding an annual race symposium where staff express their displeasure with being “privileged” and white.

    During hours-long sessions, staff learn race is a social construct that has “been adapted to meet the needs of white supremacy culture.”
    Washington State Mandates Critical Race Theory In All Public Schools (thefederalist.com)

    Just to point out some irony, Washington state is one of the whitest states in the country.
  2. VotreAltesse

    VotreAltesse Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2017
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    That's mostly a white upper class ideology. The fact they want to impose indoctrination, without considering actually the well-being of students (no matter their color of skin) will backfire soon or later.
    Jolly Penguin likes this.
  3. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    maybe we will finally get to see what CRT really is

    if it turns out to be a white people bad, black people victims, indoctrination like the right thinks we can ban it, if it's something different we will now know

    I would love someone involved in CRT to create a YouTube series on it, as if they were actually teaching students, then parents could see it for themselves

    heck, then could just have the teachers play that video and everyone would get the same lesson if it's good
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
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  4. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    in fact more of our kids classes should be on youtube, would help teachers and home schoolers get the same education

    get it done right on a video once and let everyone use it

    kid misses a day, or needs more help, re-listen to the video at home
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
  5. Bridget

    Bridget Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2017
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    This is hilarious. WA, OR, and CA are always a step behind, aren't they? Way to get people with kids (current and future taxpayers) to leave the state!
  6. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    "We" ?
    The teachers in these schools are making a conscious effort to prevent parents from being informed about exactly what it is they are teaching.

    We saw a little of this come out during the online teaching phase, when schools were shuttered during the coronavirus pandemic, and parents could easily listen in to the lesson plans.

    Philadelphia public school teacher worries about 'conservative' parents listening in on virtual classes
    A Philadelphia public school teacher is curious about how educators will cope with "conservative parents" listening in on virtual classes. According to a report by the Daily Wire, Matthew Kay, who teaches English said on the social media platform that he is concerned about the "damage" that "helicopter parents" might cause if they overhear lessons on topics such as gender and sexuality.

    related thread: Unionized Teachers Go To War Against Parents, over Controversial Racial Curriculum
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
  7. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    WA and OR are two of the main states CA people are leaving to. CA people are also leaving to the big cities in TX, but all the big cities in TX have become just like CA now.
  8. Moriah

    Moriah Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Critical Race Theory is a good thing. The children will finally learn the TRUE history of this country and not the sanitized, false version they've been taught for so long.
    Why are some people afraid for their kids to be taught the true history?
    I wish Critical Race Theory had been taught when my kids were in school.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2021
  9. Indlib

    Indlib Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2020
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    Are you criticizing CRT or the 10th amendment?

    Also, if by "one of the whitest states" you mean average. Ok. You are correct.
  10. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    It doesn't seem to mandate any teaching to children but training for teachers. The article isn't entirely clear about it and doesn't link the legalisation it refers to, which only makes me more suspicious.

    That isn't to say what is actually happening is right, only that it needs to be accurately, honestly and clearly explained if we're meant to come to any legitimate conclusions about it.
    Jolly Penguin likes this.
  11. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    Read the 5 core tenets, then look up each of those tenets. It's really quite interest. And, I'm sorry, but you are racist for even questioning it.
  12. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    still don't get what it is

    "Whiteness as Property"?

    and I am against the white privilege stuff, teaching white children they are bad cause they are white and have this magical 'white privilege' and blacks they are 'less than' because they don't have this magical 'white privilege' is wrong - to me teaching children that is racist and creates more racism
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2021
  13. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    Perhaps you did not recognize that I was being facetious. It's hard to tell on the internet.

    "Whiteness as property" means that everything that has happened in US society, from the institutions to property rights to laws etc. are all based on white interests. White people own all these things and control them. Even as they diversify, it's still white property because it serves white interests for people to act white, rather than act according to their own race or culture. If you are a white person and you deny this, you are essentially proving the truth of it. If you are a minority, then you are trans-racial, meaning you have adopted the ideas of your oppressers.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2021
  14. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    I suppose as some black people only hire their own and prefer to live in black neighborhoods, they assume all whites are just as racist

    truth is, most people are not racist and couldn't care less (black or white)

    people can point to the bad of either race and teach little children that, doesn't help solve any problem, in fact can cause harm

    teaching kids only one race has racists is wrong

    racist are bad, regardless the race (that is what the schools need to be teaching and showing examples of both)

    I want to live in a area free of white or black racists, where the people are friendly regardless of ones race
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2021
  15. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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  16. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    CRT is neo-racism.

    It is sad that after all these years of progress against racism, your country is back to encouraging it. Sadly my county is as well.
  17. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Yes, but you know CRT is the new right-wing boogeyman. Conservatives are easily frightened by things they don't fully understand. Fear monger Tucker Carlson got hysterical about it last fall then Trump heard about it pronounced it the new devil and his minions must follow. Add that to the list of what scares the right like socialism, "radical left", trans people, the Squad, BLM, antifa, Black males...hey, the list goes on but I've not watched Fox for a long time.
    Moriah likes this.
  18. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    The lumping of those things together is a serious problem. Black males and trans people should NOT be maligned as a group and to do so is bigotry, but "the Squad" is a group of politicians who should be subject to criticism, BLM is a loose movement that contains both noble goals against racism as well as actual racists, socialism is an economic strategy that deserves to be considered and debated, and CRT is neo-racism pretending to be anti-racism that should be exposed.

    These are all very different things, some of which cry out for criticism and some of which do not.
  19. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Why is it that "Racial Equality" translates to anti-white?

    The Critical Race Theory is being pushed by Democrats sole because they have been losing the Black vote. When Obama ran for President he received 95% of the black voter. Hillary Clinton only received 90% of black votes, and Biden only got 80% of the black vote. This translates to a real problem if that trend continues. During the 2020 elections the DNC relied on ANTIFA and BLM's attacks on the police to deliver the votes. That failed. So, now they are using the 1619 Project and it's Critical Race Theory to deliver the votes in 2022 and 2024. Of course that is going to fail too. There are almost as many people of color denouncing the hairbrained theory as there whites.

    The liberals have been trying to claim that there is a race war waging in this country. Liberal media false fact checks and fake blacks staging fake hate crimes that are blamed on whites, paints a different picture. The whole race war is nothing but a staged event. Here is an example of a fake fact check. It is easily debunked by it's own wording. Yet, liberals will readily point to it as being proof that the story was debunked.

    The incident is about a Marine and Iraq War Veteran was attacked at the China Town DC McDonalds Restaurant. The Marine was eating at the restaurant when his table was surrounded by five black youths. According to the victim, the youths kept trying to get him to say Black Lives Matter. Instead he attempted to avoid further trouble by leaving the restaurant. The youths then followed him outside the restaurant, and attacked him from behind. They proceeded to kick and rob him. The police have been able to identify and arrest two of the suspects, but their names could not be released because they are only 17. So, how did the fake fact check site Snoops claim that the story had been debunked?

    What's True
    Marine veteran Christopher Marquez was involved in an altercation with at a Washington, D. C.-area McDonald's, and the parties involved remain unidentified.

    What's False
    The teens involved have been identified as Black Lives Matter activists and are sought in connection with a "previous incident."
    Marine Assaulted at McDonald's by Black Lives Matter Activists? | Snopes.com

    First the "What's True" section claims that the suspects remain unidentified. Yet, at the bottom of the article they mention that two of the teens had been arrested. They were a 17 year old boy charged with Aggravated Assault and a 17 year old girl whos was charged with robbery. So, obviously some of the attackers have been identified.

    Now for the false. None of the articles that Snoops claims they were fact checking claimed that these teens were card carrying members of BLM. The victim in this case states that he has spotty memory of the incident, but he does remember the teens surrounding his table and trying to get him to say "Black Lives Matter". Yet the Snoops article claims that the victim's statement is debunked because he has spotty memory and there is no audio of the incident. No one that witnessed the attack has claimed that the Marine's statement was a lie. Therefore, there is no reason to challenge it. Yet, Snoops does just that. They call it an unvetted statement.

    The only thing within the article that might possibly be untrue is a claim that the suspects were being sought in other attacks. To support the challenge to the claim that these teens were being sought in other incidents is based on a police officer statement that the report does not support that claim. Well, would a report of an incident even mention the suspect being involved in other incidents? I would also point out that a fake fact check article that challenges the victim's statement, without any proof that it is false, might also manufacture a fake statement from a nonexistent police officer.

    As far as fake race attacks the list is long. Here is a list of those that happened just during President Trumps Tenure:
    Here’s A List Of Hoax ‘Hate Crimes’ In The Trump Era | The Daily Caller

    But these fake race attacks have been going on for decades. Many happened the night that Obama was elected President. The include a professor at Tulane University in New Orleans leaving hate messages on his own answer machine that the police determined he had left himself. Then during Hillary Clinton's first run for President, she was suckered in by black women at Syracuse University that claimed they were attacked by whites on a city bus. Hillary made a special trip to Syracuse to attend a rally for these women. What the women did not know was that the bus had a camera recording the whole incident. The real story was that these women was harassing and assaulting a white woman, and some white men came to her defense. The women got off the bus and called the police to report the fake race crime. After the rally in support of these women, they were arrested by the police for filing a fake report, and assaulting the white woman. Shall I keep going, or are the liberals on this site willing to admit that fake hate crimes do happen?
  20. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Of course fake hate crimes happen. That doesn't mean real hate crimes (I dislike this term) don't happen, or happen much less often than thought.

    Your initial point is good though. There ARE many non-white people who see CRT for the racism that it is, and Democrats pandering to it won't win their votes.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
  21. Moonglow

    Moonglow Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    You are afraid of statistical free speech also?
  22. Moonglow

    Moonglow Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Let the reader decide just like we did with whites are nice history narratives.

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