Wage Gap

Discussion in 'Women's Rights' started by ryobi, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    I was looking at the CONSAD study http://www.consad.com/content/reports/Gender Wage Gap Final Report.pdf

    The CONSAD study is a study for the United States Department of Labor that found that all but 5% of the 22% wage gap is explained by choice and there’s no evidence to suggest the 5% is the result of discrimination.

    I was looking for the confidence intervals used by the study. Confidence intervals tell you how often a population parameter will be within a certain margin of error of the sample statistic (the margin of error depends on the sample size and variability) if you were to repeat the experiment many times and Damn I couldn’t find any confidence intervals.

    This was odd because there are always three things in scientific studies: a mean, a standard deviation, and confidence intervals.

    But I figured out why there were no confidence intervals in this study. There were no confidence intervals in this study because there sample statistic and population statistic are the same thing!

    The CONSAD study is so inclusive it contains every single working man and working women in the United States, their entire population.

    The CONSAD study is that good! You never get studies were the sample is the entire population-lol

    If you want to win a debate with feminists show them the CONSAD study showing that all but 5% of the 22% wage gap is the result of choice and there’s no evidence to suggest the 5% is the result of discrimination then ask them for their study showing that there’s a 22% wage gap that’s the result of discrimination.

    Don’t worry there is no such study-lol
  2. daddyofall

    daddyofall Active Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    i'll keep this in mind next time the wage gap discussion arrises.
  3. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    It'a good that you posted this information with links and you are correct.

    However keep in mind that it has been around for a long long time.

    The wage gap has never existed and was debunked and PROVEN to be a myth years ago yet feminists ignore that fact and continue to cite the myth.

    The myth was never even a wage gap at all but an income gap. Essentially it measured the median income for all men versus the median income for all women and found the median for men was higher. Yes this is because of individual choices. When these choices are taken into account the gap disappears.

    In addition no one can name any job occupation or profession where men working side by side with women doing the same thing make more by virtue of the fact that they are men. On the other hand a few occupations do exist where women make more than the men they work side by side with at the same job.

    None of this matters to Hillary and her flock of acolytes who still quote the wage gap and other proven myths to advance their cause.
  4. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    That the "wage gap" is pure bollox has been of my awareness for quite some time.

    First and foremost men and women are not the same, does not matter how much the Feminists try to push that we are. Biology cannot be destructed. We pick different careers and different careers means different salaries. It is not a fair comparisson to do to just lump together the average saöary of all women and put in contrast to the average of all men. What should be done is to looks at every job independently. Add to this that it is most likely the mother to take out the longest parental leave and to stay home with a sick child.

    If one were to look at the salary differences between a male barista and compare it to the female one, look at the male high school teacher and compare his salary to the female one, look at the male CEO of a company and compare to female CEO of a company withing the same business- one would immediately notice the bollox that is the"wage gap".

    Secondly, biology is yet again an important factor. A woman between the ages of 20 and 35 is highly likely to get pregnant. Thus, copanies sees it as less feasible to hire a 30 year old woman than a 30 year old man. If the woman gets pregnant, she'll have to leave work and production will go to hell. It is quite natural to then pick the man.

    Also, due to the fact the women are less likely to become CEO's partly because of the biological factors mentioned above and also because they simply are not as willing as men to advance(in general) the "wage gap" appears to be even greater.

    If you have 5 male lawyers and compare their average salary to the one of 5 female truck drivers you will of course notice a huge gap, but the comparisson is of course not fair.

    Furthermore, we are now seeing a complete destruction of men. Most Uni-students are female so in the future most of the population with a higher education will be female and thus women will earn more than men. Of course this will also be when the "wage gap" stops to be a problem. :D

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