People are now cloning Facebook accounts.... Evidently it's easier than hacking one. So be very careful if you accept friend request even from people you "know". Because once you accept their friend request they can get all up in your page. I don't know about the rest of y'all but I have my account set just like Facebook here.... If you're not my friend and I'm not following you or something my account is as private as it can be. Just something I recently heard about so be careful...
Yes, thanks for that I change mine every 3 months, I also got hacked and all my banking info was in danger, I disconnected my laptop and cancelled all my cards, I really lost nothing but had to use cash for a bit.
You have bank info in Facebook? Why? Its probably the most hacker-targeted application on the planet.
no, I got scammed but I recognized it and lost nothing just saying, the world is a hard place, I now am banking and buying stuff in person,
I have been scammed in-person too. In Mexico, they video-taped me using the ATM and apparently also skimmed the card info, because by the time I got home, all the money in my checking account was gone. Bank paid it back. Then a family members new girl-friend stole my wife's debit card and burned over $4000 on purses and underwear. We tracked it down and she confessed. 3rd time, we noticed someone was sending money to prison in Pennsylvania from our bank account. The bank and/or FBI took care of that one. So, every time we got our money back, but its a hard place out there indeed.