Washington Supreme Court opens door to forcing religious organizations to hire LGBT individuals Hopefully this will lead to some meaningful dialogue between religious-based organizations and the LGBTQ community. Except for fraternization, I have never understood why employers are involved in consenting adults' personal lives anyway. What do you think?
Freedom of religion was meant to be able to worship whatever deity(ies) one wishes to do so without government interference. It has morphed into being able to discriminate against whoever you feel like while having complete protections. It has grown into sharia law light. Homosexuality wasn’t even in the Bible until the 40’s so to argue religious freedom has anything to do with one another. If religious persons — let’s be serious, it’s just evangelicals — want to discriminate open a members only club and do not take taxpayer funds. It is difficult to have meaningful discussion with individuals that have deluded themselves into believing they are literally speaking for god.
I don't actually have a problem with a religious mission not wanting to hire somebody who doesn't meet their mission. I thought this would be about a business open to the public owned by a religious person. THAT I would take issue with. If the Church itself doesn't want to hire gays, or doesn't want to have women as preachers, I don't think they should be forced to.