When I first read about this, I thought this had to be satire. But then I looked it up, there is a seemingly reputable news source with news video here: Wauwatosa Mayor: "Guns have no place in shopping malls" (wkow.com) This mayor is about as dumb as a bucket of rocks. This is an excerpt from the mayor's statement in front of the media: "Guns have no place in shopping malls or other places in which crowds of people gather. Mayfair has a strict no-gun policy. If the shooter had complied with that policy, no one would have been hurt yesterday." The story is about a man in a mall who shot eight people. Investigators are still searching for the perpetrator. The attack happened the evening of November 20, 2020 in Mayfair Mall in Wauwatosa, WI. Apparently the victims are recovering. The mayor's name is Dennis R. McBride. Oh yes, if only that man had complied with the no-gun policy posted outside on the sign, this would never have happened... (sarcasm)
Kinda says al you need to know about how "gun free zones" only serve to get innocent people injured/killed. As intended.
There is that old cartoon meme with two shooters standing outside of a building with a Gun Free Zone sign in front of it. They say, “well, what are we gonna do now?”