We ask continually for details on the enforcement policy of a "pro-life America"...

Discussion in 'Abortion' started by Gorn Captain, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    but never get them. Try on a separate thread.

    Walk me through it...with SPECIFICS, "pro-life" friends.

    Abortion is illegal nation-wide. (Federal Gov't granted broad powers over the states by folks who otherwise claim to be "conservatives" or "libertarian").

    Example #1---A woman is four weeks pregnant. Wants an abortion. She lives in Providence, Rhode Island and drives the five hours to Pittsburg, New Hampshire to cross into Canada, to obtain an abortion where it is still legal.

    How do you either (A) stop her from entering Canada or (B) prove that she is four weeks pregnant and then "tag" her so that if she returns to the US via another port of entry, you will know that she REMAINED pregnant?

    Example #2---A woman (4 weeks pregnant) lives in Georgetown, South Carolina. Wants an abortion. She goes to the Myrtle Beach International Airport, buys a ticket for Nassau, the Bahamas (where abortion is legal).

    How do you either (A) stop her from flying to the Bahamas or (B) prove that she is four weeks pregnant and then "tag" her so that if she returns to the US via another port of entry or airport, you will know that she REMAINED pregnant?

    Please be specific.

    (If you change the subject, that's fine. But I will consider that an acknowledgement that you have no ideas on how to enforce a nation-wide ban on abortion whatsoever and thus wish to try to drag the discussion away from an embarassing admission. I thank those who participate and stay on-topic in advance.)

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