Wealthy will ALWAYS have an advantage

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by I justsayin, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. I justsayin

    I justsayin Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2010
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    Let's get for real. As long as people have more money and more resources than others (which is fair as long as it's earned) then whatever rules people come up with to even things out don't matter.
  2. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Ya think?

    Why would you bust your hump to get rich if there were no advantages to it?
  3. I justsayin

    I justsayin Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2010
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    Exactly. Why people don't understand this is crazy.
  4. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    Exactly. The wealthy buy the media and the politicians. With legalized political bribery, the representation was stolen from the people.

    That's why the government has been catering to the rich while the people get driven further into poverty.
  5. I justsayin

    I justsayin Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2010
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    I wasn't going there even though you have a point. I was meaning that rich will always have resources that everbody else don't. Example- Donald Trump will always hang around the right type of person who is a professional and trying to do better vs a normal person who has to do the best with what he has. Education, crime ridden area, exposure to people who are dumb as well as smart, etc. It's a difference. i don't mean from a screwed standpoint. Just in a matter of speaking.
  6. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    Exactly.. We agree in perfect harmony.

    The rich have the resources of media and government. The most powerful resources of all.
  7. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    That's why Monopoly has been such a fun game since the 30's. Once you get all the deeds to everything, most of the cash, and all of the property, it's YOUR game to play.

    Today, they're even charging us for "free parking".
  8. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    as long as we're getting real, let's do away with this asinine "wealthy stealing from the poor" garbage. the power of the people wasn't stolen by the wealthy, the poor gave their power away. they handed it over to political animals in the childish belief that they would get more out of it than they put in. they created a political elite and gave them too much control and those politicians did what anyone with too much power is usually apt to do, they sold it. whining about the average joe's lack of control is rather stupid when it is the average joe that willingly handed over that control. y'all wanted government to take care of you. to make sure you didn't go hungry when you were unable to feed yourself, when you were sick or tired or old. to protect you from all the things that frightened you. to house you and clothe you and tend to your every need. did you really think they were going to play mommy to a population of puling infants out of the kindness of their hearts? hell no, they'll use some of that power to fulfill a couple of your minor demands and then take the rest of that control and sell it to make themselves better off. can you name a single one of our "representatives" that walked away from the job without having their pockets stuffed with quasi-legal graft? the wealthy only bought what was already on the market, control over your life. you gave it away, so don't whine about what happened to it after you deserted it.
    EggKiller and (deleted member) like this.
  9. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    Steal some bread to feed your family and go straight to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.00.

    They committ elaborate financial conspiracy crimes that drive the people into hunger where they need bread, and they go straight to go and collect $200,000.000,000.00
  10. I justsayin

    I justsayin Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2010
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    Next time you respond to one of my posts, don't edit it to change it's meaning. i don't agree with the rich took everything from the poor.
  11. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    Don't accuse me of "whining".. I merely stated a fact.

    The wealthy steal from the poor, that is a fact. Look at the pension raids and the impoverished seniors as one of many examples.

    Are the people complicit? Well, yes. You're right on that point. People keep voting republicrat even though both factions in that party sold out.

    The people are more or less being duped. Especially by the media who get them to shake their fists at food stamps instead of corporate welfare, while the latter takes a bigger bite out of the treasury.
  12. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    I didn't.. The omitted content was simply you giving your examples of their resources.

    I merely am providing additional examples. I wasn't discussing your examples, so they were irrelevant to the point I was making, hence the "...".

    What's the problem?
  13. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    the wealthy steal from the poor. the wealthy steal from the wealthy. the poor steal from the wealthy. the poor steal from the poor. everybody steals from everybody else, but only a small fraction of us are doing it. to make the blanket statement that the wealthy steal from the poor is disingenuous at best and is utterly misleading. there will always be a small percentage of the population, rich or poor, that steals. it's the way things are. there is a constant whining drone from the left, grumbling about how the rich do this and the rich do that, but it is people who do these things and the amount of wealth they may have is beside the point.

    perhaps you should remember that it is the rich who pay to keep our system running. they didn't corrupt it any more than anyone else, but it is left to them to pay for all our mistakes. when was the last time you heard about a group of poor people pooling their resources to start a business? it is more easily done than you might think, but seldom will you see anyone but those with disposable income attempt it. no one else will take the risk. that's why they're poor, they aren't willing to risk what they have for something better. even if what they have is courtesy of others via uncle sam.
  14. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    First of all, that is a VERY good point that not all rich are like that, and that every orchard has its bad apples.

    So to make my stance clear, I will not say the rich, as a group are doing anything. Rather, there are powerful rich people, that are stealing from the poor and society. In driving up poverty they drive up the desperation of the poor which may lead them to steal.

    The problem here is, they cause REAL economic damage. Look at all this poverty and that.. And the government politicians are half the blame. (a lot of them are one and the same due to revolving-door politics).

    And the taxpayer dollars that are meant to promote the general welfare are instead being used to prop up private corporations who have if not fraudulent, then failed business-models. THIS is the real theft, and it's to the tune of TRILLIONS.

    The damage to our society by this is far more than poor people stealing amongst themselves or mugging a rich guy.
  15. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    you still don't take into account the net benefit of the wealthy in our society. what the few thieves take out, the remainder add and then some. despite the liberal dogma and an establishment that insists on demonizing and overtaxing wealth, the vast majority of all wealth created in this country is created by the wealthy. most of that wealth is not simply pocketed, it is reinvested in. it is spread out among those employed by successful businesses, put back into industry, spent on goods and services and even willingly donated to charity. the myth of "evil wealth" is promoted by those who want to tear down and fundamentally change the nation, building instead a society dependent on authority to fill the role of the private sector.

    a similar myth is that of the "noble poor". as the welfare state grows, we find the definition of poverty changing. today's poverty includes luxuries unimaginable in earlier eras and they are often funded by our tax dollars. those tax dollars, the lion's share of which are provided by the wealthy, could and should be going into the creation of even more wealth. instead they are wasted in maintaining a state of comfortable poverty for millions. "promoting the general welfare" is not a matter of providing sustenance, it is creating an atmosphere which promotes the creation of wealth and independence for all citizens. handouts promote nothing but indolence, generations that have no future and are merely a drain on the society at large.

    as for propping up failed businesses, this is just more of the foolishness of our corrupt representatives. failing businesses do not create wealth, but they do employ voters. a collapsed business creates a lot of angry people, both investors and employees, and angry people tend to take too close a look at those who represent them. keeping failing industries afloat allows the political animals to appear as if they are doing their jobs, allowing them to keep and grow their power. once again you are blaming the wealthy for the corruption of government, a government put in place by an ill-informed population.
    BlackSand and (deleted member) like this.
  16. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    That's "sort of" true. Dr Marx had this vision where a country needs X amount of farmers, X amount of ambulance drivers, X amount of truck drivers, X amount of doctors. And X amount needed to live in the country and X amount needed to live in the city. You could have any job you wanted where there was a need; and the government would train you for that job. So in his vision if you got bored being a farmer after 20 years, you could do 20 years as a truck driver or doctor after that and move from the country to the city. Since the government owned everything like your house and your toilet paper; you didn't have to worry about living on a cot at the YMCA because you wanted to start over again. So like with any form of government - pluses and minuses. I prefer how we do stuff here in USA, but I have talked to a lot of folks in places like Russia that prefer the government to control everything.
  17. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    I would have to if I were referring to the rich as a group. I just mean the crooked rich that are in bed with the politicians. (or are the politicians).

    The wealth was created by ancient stars, and what humans have crafted it into.

    Gold for example.

    The white collar crooks create their own wealth, fake financial products.. Future speculation, carbon credits, fractional reserve lending, perpetual rehypothication etc. Even our money itself is FAKE! It has no intrinsic worth.

    And yet it's not. The congress and the white house bailed out the big three auto makers, who then shipped their jobs overseas to Chinese workers.

    Trickle-down economics is thoroughly debunked as not true, as evidenced by actual data of our society which shows nothing but trickle-up.

    Your premise is I blame the wealthy. I don't. I blame the crooks, who happen to be wealthy. And I do NOT excuse the politicians. THEY ARE THE REAL ONES TO BLAME.

    You can't blame the people because the republicrats stacked the legal deck to stifle independent parties. We don't even count all our own votes anymore.

    You and I actually agree a lot more than you think!
  18. Spiritus Libertatis

    Spiritus Libertatis New Member Past Donor

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Rich people can't steal from poor people because theft is illegal (illegal and unfair are two different things). What they do is lobby to get tax money from the government - which is bull(*)(*)(*)(*). The government should not be allowed to hand out subsidies, bailouts or anything else to corporations or wealthy people or whoever.

    Earn your (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) money.

  19. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    you may not want to blame the people, but it all started with them. it wasn't always as it is today and we could have stopped it long ago. we just didn't want to. we didn't see the need until it was too late. it all started with the people and there is where the blame must rest. ignorance, avarice and envy have been our downfall. we wanted too much and we wanted it too easy. we were willing to believe almost anything if it fed our desires.
  20. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    While the politicians make laws in favor of the corporations (like if a bank goes bankrupt, speculative investors get paid off before actual depositers).

    And also tax "loopholes" which are by definition not loopholes but exemptions.

    But then again, a lot of these crooked rich people do still break the law.

    Sometimes they get encouraged to do it again (or others get encouraged) because they don't get criminally prosecuted. Look at HSBC and their money laundering for example. How about the LIBOR rigging? etc.
  21. cjm2003ca

    cjm2003ca Active Member

    May 8, 2011
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    nothing is free in this world..if it is worth anything
  22. Spiritus Libertatis

    Spiritus Libertatis New Member Past Donor

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Loopholes, bailouts, it's all bull(*)(*)(*)(*), and it's all because the people have decided that it's ok for the government to have this kind of power over the economy. The irony is that this power over the economy is something socialists also want, but for different reasons. So now the government's buddy-ed up with corporations to produce what we can effectively call a plutocracy.

    Request for Washington: Get the (*)(*)(*)(*) out of my wallet.
  23. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    Outstanding post!!! : )
  24. I justsayin

    I justsayin Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2010
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    Well said!
  25. Roy L

    Roy L Banned

    Feb 19, 2009
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    But in fact, it has never been the case, anywhere on earth or at any time in history, that the wealthy had earned the bulk of their wealth. In most cases, the earned fraction has been a tiny sliver, if any, of what they owned.
    I see. So, justice doesn't matter to you. Thought not.

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