Wee need to keep the internet free, otherwise we can't see the rats.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Ray9, Jan 30, 2021.

  1. Ray9

    Ray9 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2014
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    We make decisions based on information, all information. A reasonable mind can take information from disparate sources, using that information like fragmented puzzle pieces to assemble a big picture. Yes, the devil can sometimes be in the details, but in this world where more information is available and accessible than at any time in history, the big picture is not everything, it is the only thing. How an established state of affairs comes to exist has a footprint and if one follows that footprint it can lead past and even to, malfeasance on the part of individuals that profit from a rigged system.

    Making money from nothing has been the business of Wall Street for almost as long as it has existed. A tiny nucleus of clever people can manipulate the system to attain great wealth at the expense of average investors. Thieves like this exist and have always existed. They are seeded in our politics, our banking systems, our judicial process and more recently in academia.

    They are seldom exposed because they control our local and federal governments as well as our media with money power in ways few of us are aware of. But technology is advancing at light speed and up until quite recently it has been a free speech free-for-all, prying up lids on cans of worms that have been hermetically sealed for decades.

    We have all heard of La Cosa Nostra, literally translated as “this thing of ours”. It is a special clique in mob culture with its own rules to siphon money out of the system and it is illegal because the government cannot tax it. The tragedy in the US is that the government with its protection racket of taxation has become its own Cosa Nostra and we got a look into that window as an American president was “contracted” and iced in a four-year, planned fraudulent election.

    But the Wall Street Cosa Nostra got a taste of exposure that has it fit to be tied. The social media site Reddit turned the tables on the reprobates that short-sell publicly traded companies getting rich while the companies and their employees go down. The powerbrokers dropped a dime on the Robinhood App and suddenly it went down.

    We need to keep the internet free and in control of those that use it. It is the only light that shines on the rats that steal from us.

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