In essence I agree with you. Such a person would technically be a NBC, but if they grew up outside the U.S., it would be up to the voters to reject him or her- which I have confidence Americans would do. This is why- even though I didn't support McCain- I never once doubted his eligiblity. Even though there is a technical argument that he might not be a NBC, the reality is, he was born overseas because his father chose to be in our military to defend our country- that is good enough for me. I would say yes and no. For some it is just a partisan smear job because they oppose Obama- and if it had been Hilary they would have been looking for something to smear her with too. But I have been confronting Birthers for sometime- and all to often when pushed they end up accidentally pointing towards their racism- with one it was calling Obama "Buckwheat", with others it has been calling the President "boy". The Birther- and the related "Muslim' campaign was intended to push racists buttons and energize them against Obama. Railing that Obama can't be President because his father was from Kenya was just safer than saying- "he can't be President because his father was black". Just like referring to him by his middle name is intended to appeal to the Muslim hating bigots. Not all Birthers were or are racists. But there was a certainly a clear segment that were/are racists, and many of the Birther proponents certainly appealed to racists with the Birther claims.
Seriously no. If Obama same was Barry O'Bannigan and his father was from Cork, there never would have been a question. There was a question about McCain but it was quickly dealt with by the Senate and without support from the racist and xenophobic contingent, the small grumbling about McCain's eligibility would have gone nowhere.
j. why do you start so many sentences and posts with "seriously" ?? SR 511 is a joke, so is the abercrome res in the house. god you people must think Americans are really seriously stupid. have a nice Benghazi day tomorrow and think about the folks on the ground 0bama gave the stand down order not even to do an f16 flyover... sickening and very unpatriotic imo
[video=youtube;wtXVyU2onBE]![/video] - - - Updated - - - but I do "know how". seriously.
Are birthers a bunch of nut jobs? Sort of. Even though they have proof that Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate has been "customized," they still don't have sense enough to know that no one cares.
The challenge is to be yourself in a world that's trying to get you to be like everyone else. unknown When you're forced to stand alone, you realize what you have in you. Uma Thurman
One of the most interesting things I find is that those who to "Who cares that his mother is American, he was born in Kenya" are also often times the exact same ones that go "Who cares if the baby was born in the US, her mother is from Mexico". At least I am consistant in my claims, in that I do not care where the child was born, I look at the nationality of the mother.
I think we all know better than that, on this eve of the Benghazi hearings, 0bamavich had his chance, now it's the people's turn. if you were sincere about it you would have disappeared a long time ago. you are just as intrigued by this as I am, the difference is that I am honest about it.
Well I think you- and frankly most Conservatives- are rational about most of this. Most Conservatives treat Birthers like the political lepers they are- they keep tugging at your coat tails and begging to be noticed by Conservatives but the only 'conservatives' who acknowledge them are at the fringe.
Assuming that last refers to illegal aliens, you compare apples and oranges. If Obama was born in Kenya, any claim he has to natural born citizenship is irrelevant to the 14A citizenship clause, whereas the claim of a US born child of an illegal alien to citizenship by birth hinges on its being subject to US jurisdiction under that clause. Why that should impress anyone I have no idea, unless your claims are also consistent with the law. The Nationalization Act of 1790 suggests you differ with the Founders on this point, since the only gender distinction it made in conferring natural born citizenship on the foreign born was the residency requirement for the father.
or is that the democrat narrative, and interpretation. conservatives are conservative by nature j. - - - Updated - - -
No, the base in Panama was not US territory but that still wouldn't be applicable. The 14th Amendment doesn't establish natural born citizenship based upon the adminstrative authority of United States. The 14th Amendment has two criteria that must both be met. 1) Born in the United States. That means any of the current 50 States of the United States and would also include anyone born in a territory that became a future State of the United States (e.g. If Puerto Rico became the 51st State in the future then the "citizens of Puerto Rico would automatically become US citizens based upon jus soli). 2) Subject to the jurisdiciton thereof. A person born in a territory under the authority of the United States would be subject to US laws and John McCain could be said to have been subjected to the "jurisdiction of the laws of the United States" by being born in Panama but he didn't meet the 1st criteria of being born in the United States. The United States government does exercise "jurisdiction" outside of the 50 United States. There is actually a very easy way to determine who is and who is not a natural born US Citizen and that is by looking at Title 8 › Chapter 12 › Subchapter III › Part I › § 1401 that addresses "citizenship" in the United States. John McCain was granted US citizenship based upon this statutory law passed by Congress. When we address those born in US territorial possessions outside of an actual State this is also covered by the same statutory law. These are statutory provisions passed by Congress under it's authority granted in Article I Section 8 of the US Constitution to establish uniform laws of naturalization. Natural Born Citizenship is not subject to the statutory laws of Congress (ref US v Kim Wong Ark) and instead is a inalienable Right of Citizenship established by Jus Soli. Congress can neither grant or deny natural born citizenship. Title 8 › Chapter 12 › Subchapter III › Part I › § 1401 does recognize "natural born citizenship" in paragraph (a) as established by the 14th Amendment but does not grant that natural born citizenship as it is a Constitutionally protected Right of the Person. With that all said here is the simple criteria that can be applied in any case. If Title 8 › Chapter 12 › Subchapter III › Part I › § 1401 did not exist at all then who would be "citizens" of the United States based upon the 14th Amendment? John McCain would not be a US citizen if Title 8 › Chapter 12 › Subchapter III › Part I › § 1401 (c) was not a part of the statutory naturalization laws passed by Congress nor would any person born outside of the actual 50 United States. The 14th Amendment establishes who is and who is not a natural born citizen and not the statutory naturalization laws passed by Congress that are authorized by Article I Section 8 of the US Constitution.
I do believe a US military installation is considered US soil though, is it not? - - - Updated - - - Not intrigued... I just enjoy mocking people who have no grasp on reality...
No it does not, because it doesn't apply to anyone born outside the US, which means states retain the authority to determine the citizenship by birth of the foreign born, as does Congress WRT those born within US territories.
No, actually it is not US soil. Only embassies and consulates have that distinction. The closest international classification of a base on foreign soil is a ghetto (and the classical definition, not the modern one). Bases operate under a Status Of Forces Agreement (SOFA) which mostly specify which nation (US or the host government) has jurisdiction over which crimes. For example, on Okinawa the US handles most crimes, but in the event of a crime that is violent, sexual in nature or related to drugs he Japanese Government has the right to claim jurisdiction.
There is really NO excuse for such ignorance about US citizenship law. Natural born US citizens are born to American parents all over the world every day. The births are registered with the nearest US Consulate. Has NOTHING to do with US territories.