Excerpt: Internal factors aside, more fundamental factors are at play in the rising incidence of terrorist attacks in West Africa. The West especially France, the United States and the United Kingdom must take full blame for the rise of radical Islamism in Africa, given their mixed political, military and economic relations with African countries especially African dictators. The Western war on terrorism with its interventionist policies should not be fought on African soil. The so-called war on terror is a continuation of Western imperialism in Africa. Particularly in Francophone Africa, the presence of French forces in most French-speaking countries is particularly troubling and generates suspicion. The West has a history of beginning a war or intervening in a crisis in Africa and abandoning the country in chaos and confusion: Play back Americas unfortunate intervention in Somalia or the role of the U.K. and the U.S. in Sudan, and Frances intervention in Northern Mali in 2012 or the regrettable Western invasion of Libya, which was not supported by any single African country. The chaos and human carnage left behind in Libya by the West opened the doors of hell in the region as Ghaddafi fighters with heavy weaponry easily morphed into many West African countries through porous borders. The Libyan experience is modern Africas evidence that France, the United States and her Western allies should no longer intervene in Africa either to remove dictators, to quell an insurgency or to support anti-government militia against African leaders whose romance with the West was no longer perceived as beneficial to Western interest. Full Article[HR][/HR] * * * * * * * * * * This complaint sounds similar to those of Western involvement in the Middle East. It is a trademark for certain first-world nations to meddle in affairs in other countries and leave disaster and destruction in their wake. One example of this is the Boko Haram ordeal. Someway, somehow some villagers in a remote place in Nigeria got a hold of military artillery. The interventionism that takes place undermines stability because it changes power dynamics when someone can use weapons to instill fear in the populace. These guys want the West to remove their military forces from Africa and I don't blame 'em.