Just learned that US-Americans hate roundabouts, or at least srongly dolsike them. Are there reasons besides "That would be different to now"? Maybe it's the wrong section for this kind of thread. But I didn't find a subforum "Traffic"
Carmel, Indiana replaced all their stoplights with roundabouts. Works well. I don't know anyone who "hates" roundabouts.
My city council just voted against what would have been our first not long ago--unanimously LOL. I personally think they take up too much space and require more hardscape. People are even worse about yielding than they are at stopping when they are supposed to so I don't really trust that they would work on 4 lane or more roads with speeds at 45 or higher.
I think its more of problem of roundabouts sometimes being put where a traffic light makes more sense. Such as a road with heavy traffic crossing a road with lite traffic. A traffic light (with traffic sensors) will just stay green for the main road and not impede most people, only stopping traffic for the occassional car on the side road. A roundabout in the same location slows everyone down. I encounter a lot of these out in the country where its a 55mph road, but theres a roundabout every couple miles and you gotta keep slowing down to 25mph even though the roundabout is empty. Its like 'why are these in my way now...' But in the case that both roads have similar frequency of traffic, a roundabout prolly makes more sense.
They do. There are thousands of them proving it. Less damages, less deaths, higer amount of cars per hour than any crossing could make.
Never had an issue with them, although they are a rarity in America. We encountered many of them in New Zealand when we visited. (Lovely country by the way, we will be returning). In addition to the extraordinary need of dealing with roundabouts, we had to contend with the reality that Kiwi's, for whatever reason, drive on the wrong side of the road. And the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car, as well as the turn signal and wiper controls being reversed. All of this combined to make for some delightful encounters. Most of the time as we approached the roundabout and encountered traffic, the other drivers would politely nod, smile and point with an index finger that we should proceed. Even when we didn't have right of way. Very polite, these Kiwis. Finally figured out that the other drivers were able to identify us as Americans since, instead of a turn signal indicating our intent, the windshield wipers would activate and this exposed us as damn tourists. In any case, we actually like roundabouts. First, we think they are far more efficient than the traditional stop lights. Second, we enjoy watching the confusion and displays of outrage as drivers unfamiliar with roundabouts try to sort it all out. Third, those drivers who consider driving to be more of a speed contest than a parade are confounded by roundabouts and this gives our sinful souls much pleasure to watch their antics. Now we did also deal with roundabouts in Ireland, but that cannot be used for comparison. You see, in Ireland the rules of the road are entirely different. 1) Right of way is decided by speed, mass, and determination. 2) The single exception is the Guiness delivery truck. Even the Queens motorcade yields to a Guiness truck. 3) Speed limits are guidelines or suggestions. See rule 1. 4) A driver failing to yield to you is challenging your manhood. They have probably just stolen your dog and molested your women. React accordingly or surrender your man card. 5) Stop and yield signs are yard decorations, not to be confused as traffic signs. 6) Pedestrians are sport. Causing a pedestrian to leap out of the way is awarded points. Hitting only the things carried, pushed, or led by a pedestrian gets bonus points. Hitting a pedestrian is considered rude behavior and points will be deducted. Driving on the sidewalk to scare a pedestrian is a major Faux pas. 7) Driving on the sidewalk to avoid other traffic is also taken as an exhibition of driving skill and is awarded bonus points.
It is critical to know whether the roundabout is under British/American rules (cars in the roundabout have right-of-way) or French rules (cars to the right always have right-of-way, including cars entering the roundabout).
My only experience with them are the ones in DC and I am unconvinced they would work, particularly as this lady in the video represents. For one thing, they still are loaded down with traffic controls so they wouldn't have any of the alleged environmental benefits she claimed nor be functional in a power outage.
There aren't roundabouts other than those with right-of-way. This is the definition of a roundabout. Btw the Fremch do it the same way as the British
All the ones that I have seen are limited to one lane if I can remember correctly as I have only seen several. That would not be particularly useful for a high volume of traffic
Stay curious! More roundabouts - less traffic jams. More roundabouts - more cars can pass per hour an intersection.
PA has roundabouts. So does NJ. In one state the cars ENTERING the roundabout have the right of way. In the other, cars already IN the roundabout have the right of way. Very dangerous. Very confusing. Good for the collision repair industry though.
Here in America we prefer our red lights. Lights turning yellow? They teach you in driver's education that that means slow down because it's getting ready to turn red.... But in reality that just means romp on the gas and get through it before it turns red. Lol I see so many people doing that. If I know I'm not going to make a light and there is no one immediately behind me I will time it so that I Coast up to the light and preferably not even have to come to a complete stop before the light turns green again. Much easier for a vehicle to start gaining speed from 8 to 10 mph versus 0 mph. But hurry up and get to that red light so you can gas the hell out of the engine and then use your brakes all so you can be the first one there to wait for the duration of the light.
They are uo zp 4 lines, but then it's starts to be inconvinient. Two lanes are the norm. Look at Carmal and her roundabouts.
Nope. Having lived in (and driven in) France and Francophone countries, I assure you the French rule is Priorite' a droit, Right of way to the right.
We've got a few of them out here in Northern Virginia heading into DC. Don't seem to be that impressive one way or the other.