This has been discussed recently in here but I can't find exactly where, so I thought I would offer this article which appeared in the BBC archives and has reappeared recently. It is a longish read but presents the latest ideas about what was before the Big Bang and how that event may have happened...the "something out of nothing" issue. Enjoy.
I think the Big Bang theory is a crazy concept. It’s more crazy to me than the concept of god… by far
Maybe. Did you read the article? I have to give very intelligent theoretical physicists who can fill a wall with mathematical symbols some credit, and what is presented make some sense...though it could be using logic to invent a story... Who knows?
I read part of it. I just can’t take it seriously. It’s all just a theory. I’m not exactly a religious guy either and I know the quest to find where we come from is interesting to a certain degree but it’s not going to make my life better knowing what these theories have to say. In the end it’s just another way to make money off of peoples beliefs in my opinion.
What if God and 'the Big Bang' are essentially the same thing? Or, more descriptively, what if God is what caused the 'superparticle' to 'expand'?
Very interesting, but very difficult to grab all these theories, like what happened BEFORE time, or spacetime existed? And why we should trust mathematics of Penrose and not our priests/rabbis/imams?
In this context, they're essentially the same concept. The main difference is that we're actively encouraged to ask the difficult questions about the Big Bang (hence the article) but we're actively discouraged from asking the same difficult questions about god.
Could be. Who knows. The idea that two rocks collided and somehow created H20, planets, suns, gasses needed for the creation of amino acids, and then comes along RNA, then DNA then intelligent life... all from two rocks…. It sounds far fetched to me
Oh I am not so sure. Humans have been asking questions about the nature, power and purpose of "god" since they could think. They may come up with a different story but the question is the same.
~ Humans will likely "think" they know - but will not. We know and understand very little in life , but think we know about everything.
The Big Bang Theory in and of itself is just religion, and a poor one at that, because it has a logic problem: If the universe was created by "the Big Bang" (a point object expanding into what we see today), then that point object had no universe to exist inside of to expand into what we see today (iow, it is not universal thus it is not a universe at all).
It may be worth noting that the original Hebrew version of Genesis does not say God 'created' the heavens and earth, but rather He "prepared" them. Whether He created them prior to that or not is not specified. But I think it sets the stage for a situation that allows both our 'natural' understanding of how the universe came to be as it is and also for God to have guided it that way. The two are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
They are both religions, but the Big Bang religion has a logic issue, namely that it posits a point object creating the universe without any universe to exist inside of. Where did this point object exist if not inside the universe?
I agree. I don't think all of that stuff just randomly happened. I think that it was purposefully designed that way (by some sort of intelligence). I believe that intelligence to be the Christian God.
Correct. We won't ever know for sure, as religions are not falsifiable. It can only ever be a matter of faith...
That could also be true without necesarily excluding the possibility of a big bang. Its generally accepted that the universe is expanding. But it appears that this expansion is also accelerating. It would be reasonable to conlucde that it cannot accelerate to faster than the speed of light, so at some point it will stop accelerating. Perhaps, at that point, it will begin collapsing, perhaps into another superparticle that will eventually expand again.
Thus, the Multi-verse Theory. But you make the same mistake that a lot of people do - the Big Bang Theory is an attempt to quantify what happened at the exact moment of expansion and afterwards. It will be up to other theories to try and find out what happened before that singularity.
which is more likely to pop into existence from nothing, energy, or an all-knowing all powerful God if one could of always existed, then so could the other
We're not talking about "coming up with stories" though, we're talking about definitive answers to questions from the people who claim to know what god is all about. They're the ones who close down the difficult questions with concepts such as things being beyond our understanding, that we're not meant to know or that god just "can". The specific technical questions, like the ones being asked in this thread, aren't answered in the context of any creator god hypothesis. The whole purpose of a god hypothesis is to stop people worrying about those kinds of questions and get on with working in the fields and factories, building the monuments and delivering the offerings.
. I'd recommend not paying much attention to those people. Anyone today who claims to know what God is all about is either a fool or trying to sell something. That being said, its my experience that people who make such a claim are actually pretty rare...
~ This is it gentlemen. We must accept the concept of " infinity " - but many are stuck on only what we experience - birth, life, death. ~ I believe we will all know when we leave this life .