What Hillary Wants and Why I don't Understand it....

Discussion in 'Gun Control' started by Elmer Fudd, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. Elmer Fudd

    Elmer Fudd New Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    From the Washington Times:

    The Democrats’ priorities for gun control, which also closely mirrored the plan rolled out last week by Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton, included:

    *Closing background check “loopholes,” such as stopping criminals from buying firearms at gun shows or online;

    *Improving background checks to include barring domestic abusers and stalkers from buying guns;

    *And shutting down the “illegal gun pipeline” by making straw purchasing of guns and gun trafficking a federal crime.

    I am qualified to address these as i have good experience with all of them.

    One by One
    Closing background check “loopholes,” such as stopping criminals from buying firearms at gun shows or online

    If you do not know, when you buy a gun online (I have several) it MUST be shipped to a firearms dealer FIRST. You MUST pick it up there and that dealer MUST do the exact same background check as if you bought it from his shelf. THEN it is legally transferred to you. The gun controls on online purchases are EXACTLY THE SAME as purchased in person. The demos fail to mention this leaving the uninformed public to believe a manic runs to the door to greet the FedEx man to get his new 44 magnum....:icon_jawdrop:

    Criminals buying guns at gun show. Yes it is possible under current law. I have been to at least a dozen gunshow and have seen maybe 5 tables out of over 1000 that were "private sales". The other 995 tables sell you a gun and you sit down while they do the EXACT SAME BACKGROUND CHECK the gun stores do. Again, the demos want misinformation to spread. In all the big gun shootings in recent decades i believe NONE have been shown to have gotten their gun at a gun show from those 5 tables.

    Improving background checks to include barring domestic abusers and stalkers from buying guns

    Ummmmmm.....I don't get it. This is in place now. If you have ANY domestic abuse conviction, even a misdemeanor, you are FAILED. If you have a current restraining order of any sort on you, your are FAILED. Again, without actually exactly lying, the demos are leading the uninformed sheepeople to believe these protections do not exist and the eveil republicans are opposed to them.

    And shutting down the “illegal gun pipeline” by making straw purchasing of guns and gun trafficking a federal crime.
    Straw purchase is already a federal crime, says so on the BATF form you SIGN. Can't speak to "gun trafficking as that is not specific but I doubt many are misdemeanors.

    So the demos are screaming about something that 99% already exists, but THEY DON"T THEIR SHEEPEOPLE TO KNOW THAT.

    Liberal and don't believe me, read it yourself https://www.atf.gov/file/61446/download
  2. Regular Joe

    Regular Joe Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2013
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    Thank you for putting that up. Your points are exactly why we, the right minded firearms enthusiasts, keep saying:
    Enforce the existing laws!
  3. drj90210

    drj90210 Active Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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    Agree 100%: I've been saying this all along. The ignorant anti-gun politicians are advocating for stuff that already exists. If they just took a little bit of time to become educated regarding firearm laws, then they wouldn't be constantly making themselves look like fools. It's like someone fighting for the "war on women" advocating for women to have the right to vote.
  4. QLB

    QLB Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    What Hillary wants? Easy. She wants votes and to be POTUS. She will say, promise and lie about anything and anyone to achieve that goal. The truth is nothing to her.

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