What is a "true conservative"?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by sh777Mtl, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. sh777Mtl

    sh777Mtl New Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    What is a "true conservative" or "real Republican"? This type of wording is commonly used by partisan individuals on every side of the spectrum.

    The neo-cons recently redefined the base of the party. The tea party has more recently diluted that base. 50 years ago, liberal (traditional liberal) factions were more predominant. Now we are seeing libertarianism growing drastically in influence.

    I'd argue that clinging to generalized labels is the refuge of those who aren't smart enough, or are too lazy, to comprehend the varying dynamics of the vast political idea landscape.

    So I guess my question is to those who constantly claim to represent the "true" right: Why do you think your ideology represents the mainstream of the conservative wing and what ideas are, in the same simplistic way, truly "conservative".
  2. Gator Monroe

    Gator Monroe Banned

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Pro Life ,Pro 2A, CONSTITUTIONALIST, Secure the Border & Deport Criminal Illegals for a start, Smaller Government ,Marrage as between a Man & Woman,Drill Baby Drill & Keystone Pipeline supporting Judeao Christian leaning Zionist Raiders Fan
  3. Gator Monroe

    Gator Monroe Banned

    Jun 1, 2011
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    The Neocons were Beltway Jewish elitists of the 90's
  4. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    Ron Paul is a true conservative.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLvAjvXaAL4&feature=g-vrec&context=G2daef69RVAAAAAAAAAA"]Ron Paul: An American Revolution - YouTube[/ame]
  5. Panzerkampfwagen

    Panzerkampfwagen New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
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    A true conservative is someone who is not for change. It isn't determined by whether or not they want to follow the constitution of the country they live in, big government, small government, etc, it's determined by the traditions of the country, area, etc that they live. If it's a tradition in their country for miltary dictators to control everything then to be a true conservative they have to be for that.
  6. sh777Mtl

    sh777Mtl New Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    I think the fact that in 3 minutes there have already been 4 or 5 definitions of conservatism shows how ridiculous it is anyone would claim to represent a "mainstream" or "base" of the Republican party. ;)
  7. Gator Monroe

    Gator Monroe Banned

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Former Democrat Perry fits the description:date:
  8. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    The reason why Ron Paul is factually considered a true conservative by American standards is because both sides have taken the liberal position of drifting away from the constitution. The left just seems to be more vocal about it. But Ron Paul defended the constitution yesterday, today, and will for the remainder of his career and for that he is the only American conservative of our time that matters - A constitutional conservative.
  9. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Yet even Paul tramples upon the Constitution. His stances on gay marriage is a prime example. He doesn't think government should interfere in marriage, yet he has stated that DOMA is okay. The Defense of Marriage Act is an unconstitutional nullification of the full faith and credit clause, and an unconstitutional infringement upon the reserved power of marriage requirements.
  10. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    A couple of points then my opinion.

    Conservatives are not against change..they support changing for the better with the family unit as the main point of focus.
    That family focus doesn't mean they have to be a single minded religious
    practitioner to be a conservative. A Muslim can be a conservative..so can someone from Japan..or India.
    A Mormon can certainly be conservative..as well.
    So religion,race and color does not define a Conservative.
    We all know friends who are different color and wealth backgrounds.
    Color and Money do not define a conservative.
    A conservative I believe does see the family unit as one of the most important factors as being a conservative. I also believe a Gay couple can be conservative and may certainly vote that way.
    So who you sleep with does not define you as a conservative..
    I Think after the family unit..that love of country and self purpose come to mind.
    Most conservative minded people believe in a greater good beyond themselves and their family..mainly their country.
    They certainly love their family..their spouses and their country..but up there even as high as all is their love of a greater good that guides them.
    The love of the higher being they worship..their love of country..their family.. their spouses.
    They generally are not afraid to show it and despise those who argue against all that they love.

    Conservatives and liberals can share many of the same values..but liberals generally dont like their country as much..their religion at all..and their family units and spouses are not at the top of their list. I find most liberals think of themselves as being the higher being..above those they seek to diminish.They place a greater worth upon self value compared to community worth.Its more about them..hidden in secret agendas claiming some higher moral value that distracts form the main debate..they see mankind as not being a source of worldly values but as a negative influence upon everything man touches. They see religion as the problem not a solution..
    they see pollution, conservatives see production and jobs.. As for the family unit ..liberals just see the partner sleeping next to them this night..tomorrow might be different..
    This is of course just one side of the conservative v. liberal debate..on morality issues.
    and done in less than 5 minutes. :)
  11. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Oh shut up.
  12. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    I represent what a true Conservative is all about, and much of my ideology is defending our Constitution and American traditions from the enemy....liberalism and socialism.
  13. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    A true conservative is one that believes in little to no government intervention in economic affairs and government intervention in social affairs.
  14. sh777Mtl

    sh777Mtl New Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Ok, so a true conservative is... Libhater. Great! No explanation needed then.
  15. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    I feel like i'm in the Twilight Zone.

    You're either not a conservative or you're easily fooled. You're supporting Mitt Romney for President. If you take them both at their word, Romney is more liberal than Obama is.

    In fact I wouldn't be surprised if Romney was hand picked by the establishment to follow Obama soley because he is the ideal candidate to lock Obamacare in place.

    This is just stupid. Forum names and avatars don't define what you are. You're voting for an enemy of the 2nd Amendment, an enemy of traditional marriage, a pro mandate, anti-life, liberal who supplied the American left with their Obamacare prototype. You're a Ted Kennedy liberal, not a conservative.
  16. montra

    montra New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    True conservative? There is no such thing.

    Really these labels are meaningless. For example, the traditional term "liberal" used to mean the opposite of authoritarianism. However, today the modern liberal is all about authoritarianism as they threaten the populace to buy health care and invade countries like Libya abroad etc.

    For me the term should be "statist", that is, anyone who looks at the infinite problems in society and seeks to empower government to "solve" them for the country. Basically, it is a never ending quest to empower government with the belief that government can make it better if only given a little more power.

    This is one of the reasons I gravitate towards Ron Paul. For example, he says that he will refuse to use Executive Orders, which I think are unconstitutional and an abuse of power. For example, FDR locked up Japanese Americans during WW2 without so much as a peep from anyone with the use of an Executive Order even though it was unquestionably unconstitutional to do so. In fact, Executive Orders are not even mentioned in the Constitution. Today, Obama gives Executive Orders to protect certain illegal immigrants even though the federal law against illegal immigration stands on the books unenforced. Such abuse is merely the tip of the iceburg as everyone knows.

    Unfortunatly, human nature dictates that people seek power, secure power, and then seek more power. To this end we see the formation of the beast known today as the US federal government. You might even argue that conservativism is a losing battle if this indeed is human nature. If so, conservatism is more of a warning than a power in politics. I think perhaps Goldwater was the closest thing to a conservative in this era and he lost. What people want to hear is all the fabulous things statists will do for them rather than how politicians will protect the people from government.
  17. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    a interesting read about conservative values as they apply to community service V. liberals.


    The report finds that some 40 percent of Americans engage in some form of religious activity, whether going to a mosque, a synagogue, or a church. And in turn, they feel better all around about their place in the larger civic community.

    According to a statement on the website, these individuals are more trusting of others, are more optimistic about their impact on their community, think more highly of their community, are more involved in more organizations of all kinds, and devote more time to the groups to which they are active, in comparison to those who do not engage in religious activities.


    So does this mean the drug induced zombies roaming the streets in OWS are faithless?

    No ..just less conservative.. :twisted:
  18. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    You're simply out of your mind. You're starting to sound like Flanders. Perhaps the top reason I'm voting for Romney is because he's the only Republican candidate that can beat obama. Who I vote for doesn't define my ideology one bit. I realize Ronald Reagan or even the Libhater aren't on the ballot this year. But what is this nonsense about Romney being an enemy of the 2nd Amendment, an enemy of traditional marriage with his family consisting of 5 sons and a loving wife, a pro mandate what, anti life what, and his healthcare package was designed for an individual state devoid of any government inteference whatsoever. Stop with the liberal talking points already; learn to use your mind outside of the MSM.
  19. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    Let's let Romney explain it.

    Skip forward to :50.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1fThdWagJ4&feature=related"]PROOF: Mitt Romney Is As Liberal As OBAMA!!! - YouTube[/ame]


    Don't tell me this guy is a conservative. Nominate him and you'll lose by a landslide to Obama. Maybe that's what you want.

    Romney is a snake.
  20. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    You need to take people for what they believe in today as to what they once believed. Romney today is against abortion. Look, even Ronald Reagan started out as a liberal at one time; notice how once he changed to Conservatism--and thus became our greatest 20th century president.

    I challenge you to find one non Conservative ideal or policy of Romney's 59 step plan to move America forward economincally. There just isn't any. I won't be voting for Romney because I agree or disagree with any of his social policies, rather, I'll be voting for Mitt because it is "The Economy stupid"!, and who better to tackle that problem then an accomplished businessman like Mitt? Did you compare obama's failed economic policies with Romney's successful business ventures? No, I didn't think so. What's da matter, couldn't find a video comparing the two on economics? LOL!
  21. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    Romney is a political chameleon. He is whatever he needs to be to ride populism to political office. He isn't trustworthy. Ron Paul is. I don't for one second believe Romney is a reformed conservative. He was spouting liberal talking points as late as the last Republican primary including support for a national mandate. Very ironic that Romney has been anointed as the magical Republican frontrunner (without Republican voter support) to follow up the Democratic President who gave the nation statist healthcare.

    You're rallying behind him "as a conservative" for his economic plan but AbsoluteVoluntarist demonstrated here http://www.politicalforum.com/elect...how-long-before-ron-paul-posts-dropped-9.html that Ron Paul's plan is everything Romney's is multipled by a thousand and yet he is a villain in your eyes. I also noticed that once again you refrained from addressing it. You do that routinely now when someone points out the actual policy comparisons between Ron Paul and Romney. You vanish from the conservation. Romney's "economic plan" is window dressing. Ron Paul will eliminate the IRS, take a battle axe to taxes, eliminate bureaucracies, slash a trillion dollars from the budget year #1, but you want Romney because he'll lower corporate taxes a little bit.

    Something doesn't add up.

    You continue calling for everyone to support Romney as the GOP nominee and every time you are hit with the inescapable facts that Romney is a RINO liberal you flee the scene.

    If you can't see that change is in the air I don't know what to tell you. Ron Paul has probably 15 million hardline supporters who are sick to their stomach over the GOP establishment and all of its empty and baseless promises. At least 10 million of them nationwide will write in Ron Paul's name whether he is even in the election. Millions of more independents and millions within the Republican base who are sick of plastic politicians and their now obvious lines of BS will sit at home (something your friend Rush has been saying since last Spring).

    Not only can Romney not win the Presidency, his nomination will fracture and destroy the GOP for all time. Everyone is sick of RINO's and they're not going to play this game any longer, especially when that RINO is indistinguishable from Obama. A Romney nomination leaves the Republican party in ruins.

    And comparing Romney to Reagan? Are you serious? Reagan convincingly converted to libertarianism and than conservatism long before his Presidential bid. The key word here is "convincingly." Everybody knows Romney is an empty suit. Asking us to support him over Ron Paul is really nothing short of laughable. It isn't going to happen no matter the ramifications. If you and the GOP establishment won't bend on giving us a constitutionalists and real conservative you can just break against the Democrats in a national election over and over and over again while we go to work laying the foundation for a new conservative party which we should have done years ago.

    We don't just disagree with Romney or find him to be the weakest of the candidates. His presence in the Republican party quite literally OFFENDS us.
    Take that as literally as you possible can. Hope you finally get it.

    We're not voting for Romney.

    McCain was an insult. Romney is the last straw.

    Ron Paul or let it all burn. Get it through your head.
  22. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    We could just flood this site with You tube moments where Paul is a complete idiot..and there are many moments .
    A snake ?
    A snake is someone who claims to be a Republican then never supports the Republican nominee for president.
    We question who Obama surrounds himself with ?

    Take a look at who Paul supported and endorsed and their policies.
    You twits have no idea do you ?


    Most people already know that Ron Paul refused to endorse John McCain in the 2008 general election ( OK..every body still on board ? )
    Most people assume that Paul endorsed Libertarian candidate Bob Barr in 2008, which is partially true. However, that is not the entire story. Paul also endorsed three other candidates. ( now the nutty part )

    The first of those was Chuck Baldwin. I don’t really know a lot about Baldwin except that he has been on record early and often in support of the proposition that the South should have won the Civil War.
    ( strike 1 )

    The second was Cynthia McKinney. Yes, you read that correctly, Ron Paul endorsed Cynthia McKinney in 2008. For those who do not know, Cynthia McKinney is a certifiably insane anti-American anti-Semitic lunatic.
    ( Strike 2 ) McKinney was once arrested by the Israelis while trying to give aid to Hamas and penned a bizarre anti-American and anti-Israeli screed. See more of her anti-Americanism here. ( Strike 3-100 on her alone )

    Now, I know that the above is not necessarily persuasive to the average Ron Paul fan – after all, if they were bothered by siding with terrorists, they’d have probably jumped off the Paul bandwagon already. What is perhaps more important is that Cynthia McKinney is also next door to being a communist in terms of her domestic policy. McKinney is an open and avowed enemy of free market capitalism, preferring instead Ghadaffi-style socialism. Seriously, she literally and openly favors dictatorial socialism. McKinney ran on the Green Party ticket, whose platform explicitly includes guaranteed open-ended welfare (at a living wage) for everyone regardless of their ability or willingness to work, among other quasi-communist and far-left economic policies.

    ( and Paul endorsed her OVER McCain ? )( maybe those newsletters are NOT so strange after all ?

    The fourth and final candidate Ron Paul endorsed for President was Ralph Nader. Yes, the same Ralph Nader who was so far to the left on economic matters that he could see no difference between Al Gore and George W. Bush. The same Ralph Nader who also longs for the day when the last vestiges of capitalism have died in America. Nader, you remember was the guy who made running as the Green Party candidate famous.

    Why, you might ask, would Ron Paul, champion of economic freedom and limited government, endorse two avowed socialists for President? Well, you see, they signed a document:

    Paul will offer this open endorsement to the four candidates because each has signed onto a policy statement that calls for “balancing budgets, bring troops home, personal liberties and investigating the Federal Reserve,” the Paul aide said.

    For whatever his failings as a Presidential candidate and conservative (and they were legion), no reasonable person would say that John McCain was worse than any of these clowns. It was one thing for Paul to not endorse McCain – but we have to ask what sort of person affirmatively supports anti-American avowed socialists and confederate sympathizers over a Republican? The answer: Someone who, like Howard Dean, hates Republicans and everything they stand for.


    So if Obama is guilty by association..the Paul is even MORE guilty because he endorsed and gave some of your $$$ 's to these clowns.

    Look who endorses Romney I have a whole thread devoted to it.
    Paulites say they are establishment Republicans ( true conservatives ) V. the fringes that Paul runs with. ( true idiots )

    If this thread can be defended by Paul or any of his supporters you know he is a fraud. He is Not a true Republican and a closet progressive in principle. Who you endorse says it all...as well as those who will never endorse or vote for Paul.
    The flies have a way of finding poo. Paul should have been happy hiding in 3rd place...out of the media.
  23. obediant_consumer

    obediant_consumer Banned

    Jan 10, 2009
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  24. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Yes, Ann Coulter is a true Conservative, and her choice for president since Christie decided not to run is for Mitt Romney to beat obama. :winner:
  25. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    If you know all these things about Ron Paul, and know he was perfectly fine with Neo-Nazis raising money for his campaign in 2008, and know he was perfectly fine going on Iranian national television to claim Israel keeps concentration camps wherein it routinely kills Palestinians, and you still intend to vote for him, I don’t really see that the Republican tent needs to be big enough to accommodate you.

    What is a conservative ? ..someone that isn't Paul.

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