What is the purpose of religion?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Bishadi, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    people learned lies. Like the idea that mankind left the garden or that quran is from a "god'; lies that divide
    i know. No one can leave nature, no matter what a religion tells people.

    stupid is as stupid does...................

    kissing the dirt 5 times a day is the wrong way

    being honest is the correct way, but the pukes around here, dont like it
    integrity is a tough one to teach when a liar walks and lives, the lies

    so telling people they are not a part of........................... is a lie

    telling people to kiss the dirt or lie to themselves about some dude creating, is like shooting yourself in the head!
  2. Mehmet

    Mehmet New Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    i invite you to be respectful to people's beliefs.
    the rest is exchanging ideas.
  3. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    i do respect any and most all 'beliefs'

    I have no respect for a liar!

    ie.... you can believe that pink elephants fly, but as soon as you false witness that you know they exist and can prove it. When it 'could be' that they are caused by jinn. Be open to convey what you believe but not what is real without having foundation is honor, integrity and the pursuit of truth

    Otherwise find that i cain and abel to identify what is-lame when people submit to lies.

    Let me know when i say something that aint true?!?!?

    Yet, be certain, i can and able to witness and judge, just like anyone else.

    love your friend, love thy neighbor. Respect their beliefs with compassion but no one has a right to 'false witness' what aint true!

    da-ja all know what i mean!
  4. Mehmet

    Mehmet New Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    all you need in this life is ignorance and confidence;
    then success is sure.
    ~mark twain
    letter to mrs foote,
    dec. 2, 1887
  5. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    I aint the one who cant read.

    From quran to the book of the dead and in more versions than you perhaps know of, combined with thoth thru to einstein, feynman, wolff and the buddha'ssssss en mass; study destoys ignorance.

    I could beat the poop out of you with your own book, but that aint the purpose of religion.

    Religions are for the pursuit of life and going against "truth" aint good for yours.

    Go to your caliph and tell him; the 'last word' exists and some goof is claiming to know the 'name' of 'all ah it'. Tell him the intent is to write the 'book of life', so that any ever to walk ever again, can understand what they are, in fact (the book of life; an owners manual)

    Then ask him, what is the ultimate question of all mankind ever to walk the earth? Ask him if it is about 'life' itself.

    Then lets see if you comprehend what the 'submission' to 'all ah' it, is all about.

    ie.... i aint here to make you feel good. You are a part of the whole and until you grasp the comprehension of our equality, in the pursuit of understanding, then you are failing an empathy for others.

    You and I are equal but when it comes to the integrity for truth and life.........

    well you and i are a bit different! i dont believe in doing what islame; jinn

    I know that all are as capable as any 'who' when comprehending what is real

    And if you seek a good example of an antichrist, then watch a christian as they must lie to themselves, just to be a christian.

    I know the three horns of the abrahamic sect, quite well.

    likewise, i know the war of war is over that 'dome of the rock' (the hill; tel megiddo)

    We are in 'them days' dooooooood. And i be the last person you want to insult an leave yourself in print doing so.

    go to your caliph.............. Ask him what is most important about what is coming (second creation; reversal of nature)

    ie... i have asked both of you the question and for people willing to lie and put their lives on the lines, neither one of you know the quran enough to represent what them terms mean.
  6. Mehmet

    Mehmet New Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    i appreciate you very much.
  7. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    dont appreciate me.

    Give to live

    and remember, lying is for the dying!

    What is the purpose of religion?

    (be honest)
  8. Mehmet

    Mehmet New Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    now... let's take a moment and focus on these meaningful words:
    lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    nunc sit amet vulputate dui. suspendisse ac ligula orci,
    vel mattis sapien. donec at tellus ac neque lobortis egestas.
    proin non hendrerit arcu. Nunc tempor leo vitae diam tristique
    ornare feugiat quam bibendum. vestibulum ante ipsum primis
    in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae;
    donec nisi massa, varius quis placerat ac, porta quis tellus.​

    how delicate, how powerful,
    yet feels like the cool breeze of oklohama...

    anyway enough with this.
    i'd rather not discuss and waste database
    space of politicalforum.com.

    may Allah guide you and your loved ones to the straight path.

    be well.
  9. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    So what does it say??

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