Haha.... awesome. I am looking for a word to describe the mixture of non-theistic Buddhism, Humansim and Existencism.
RELIGION? God, Inc. ain't my thing! I give more than 10% of my income to what NEEDS it and refuse to pay that to keep people in a paycheck who will distribute the balance of revenue. I believe in the God concept and what it has the potential to be if the 501c3's would get their greed and obsession out of it.
Not accurate enough. I ended up in the wrong religion, just because I happen to be vegetarian. And Judaism will be almost extinct according to the chart because just like me and a lot of Muslims most Jews tend to love Hummus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hummus#Israeli
Where is my linkage to his Noodliness? Pastarfarianism is the only religion I know of that makes any sense whatsover and the "8 I'd Rather You Didn'ts" are certainly superior to the Ten Commandments (which, depending on the source, could be up to the 17 Commandments).
huh? In Arkansas? they got Spider holes (like Saddam was found in) and drainage tube's (Moammar was in)? ... probably caves there like the Taliban live in in the Ozark's and as for Hummus - us Italians eat mashed Chi Chi bean's (AKA garbanzo or chick pea) with a bunch of garlic ....
I should be Bhuddist because I believe in reincarnation, I don't have a cat and I friggin' LOOOOVE Chinese food. xD
This thread is win. plain and simple. Why can't everything on this forum be put into such a lighthearted manner
Pretty lame. Doesn't even contain Catholicism or differentiate between most Christian groups. Also, the biggest brand of hummus in this country is Sabra, which is an Israeli name. It's Kosher
what i got a kick out of, is each tree of 'what religion' ended up in a dead end box. The best faith to sustain is that knowledge evolves and had proven itself to evolve over all. Lesson; to hold onto a religion as the end all faith, will put each in a box and eventually lead to an end. 'knowledge evolves' is the best precept to adher too. fact: religions will all be extinct, eventually!
It was meant as a joke I guess that was apparently obvious. Fact: Religions will never be extinct. Religion by definition is simply the types of values and morals you choose to live your life by. It does not have to be instutionalized or recognized in any way shape or form. As long as one person believes in ANYTHING there will be religion. Just not in the traditional sense people so oftenthink about when they hear the word.