Thanks raytri for posting this in here: I would post this as a response there, but this is begging for a new discussion. Because even though the case is a win for the conservative Wedding Chapel owners, and I'm sure the ADF is doing a victory dance, liberals should be as well and saying, FINALLY! Why? Because the outcome supports what we evil Liberals been trying to tell you conservatives for a long time. Okay, so you claim to have a belief that homosexuality is wrong and that gay marriage is wrong. You march around holding signs that say "MARRIAGE IS OF GOD". Really? Is that really your belief? Marriage is of God? Well... um... I mean as long as it's one man one woman. So that means atheist weddings, Muslim weddings, Wiccan weddings, just any secular weddings, I mean you may say it's of God, and specifically of the Christian God, and that may kick out secular and nonChristian weddings, but here comes that conveniently gassed up vehicle called the Cherry Picker. This allows the conservative Christian to throw out a rather confusing idea that even the marriages that aren't of God are of God as long as it's one man-one woman. So let me get this straight. You're a minister and you are going to bless a marriage that is either nonChristian or just purely secular altogether, and that's if the said couple lets you. They may come up to you and say, "Hey, preach, uh, we're not the religious type, so can you skip all the Bible mumbo-jumbo and just give us the legal stuff." Or better yet, "We would like you to bless our marriage in the name of the goddess Tshfzzzka of the third moon of the planet AccccchPhillip." Your response: "Well, it's one man-one woman, so let's git r done!" What utter bs. If you want us to see your case as a freedom of religion case, then you better d*mn well prove that that is in fact your religious belief, otherwise we'll see it as... well... as it probably really is actually and that is, "ew, I don't like what a guy is doing with another guy, that's gross. Icky." But this case has a lot to say to you conservative Christian rightists about your whole "marriage is of God" argument altogether. If gay marriage offends you, the nonChristian marriages should offend you just as bad. But you're smart enough to know you can't wage a political war on nonChristian marriages. So what is your fight against gay marriage? The last hope for a small victory? Here's the article: