Some dipshit kids are going to block traffic, and might even instigate a streetfight in some cities. Disregard, and go to work.
Just collecting information here. Search on.. Antifa 11/4/17, results in quite a bit of info on this topic. No one knows for sure what will happen, but I think the JBS video of the OP has the right advise. Be aware, stay away from it and if possible stay home to keep the safest. Her's another take on the topic.. Edit: Interesting thing about the many articles/videos I read so far, they are void of info regarding locations to join the protest. So how would they ever get a huge following if it's not advertised online to recruit people. This suggests to me that not much will happen unless Antifa is a well organized & funded group that has the ability to plan in secrecy and ship the protestors in using some kind of mass transportation. Let's see what happens.