What type of the personality is the most successful in policy?

Discussion in 'Political Science' started by Valery Staricov, May 12, 2012.

  1. Valery Staricov

    Valery Staricov Active Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I formulated the theory on the basis of Carl Jung's theory about personality types. There are four types of personality of people: technician, psychologist, speaker and theorist. These types differ from each other that personality types have different developed functions of a brain. Technician has technical abilities, psychologist has developed intuition, speakerhas developed oral speech, theorist has developed abstract thinking. The share of speakers makes 46 %, technicians – 32 %, psychologists – 20 %, theorists – 2 % in the Ural population.
    Such politicians as Yeltsin, Bill Clinton, Churchill, de Gaulle, Sarkozy, Ronald Reagan, Romney, Gorbachev, Zhirinovsky, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Lenin, Khrushchev, Margaret Thatcher, Cromwell, Mussolini were speakers. For example, Lenin had the following tendencies of the speaker: correspondence education, oratorical talent, success in the armed October revolution, tendency to plagiarism in philosophy. Khrushchev had the following tendencies of the speaker: the lowest education level, oratorical talent, ability to organize the armed revolution and Beria's arrest, crudity of reforms and adventurism in foreign and domestic policy. Yeltsin had the following tendencies of the speaker: tendency to alcoholism and adventurism, oratorical talent, ability to win in general presidential election, ability to suppress the armed putsches in 1991 and 1993 by means of military force or by means of the organization of armed resistance of simple citizens at the White house, aspiration to carry out reform not on the basis of own plans, but on the basis of recipes of the western advisers and councils of theorists of Sobchak and Gaidar.
    The speaker leans on group of adherents all life, for example, Lenin leaned on «Lenin guard» always. Many governors-speakers are excellent commanders, as Julius Caesar, Oliver Cromwell and Napoleon 1 Bonaparte. Alexander the Great rushed on the enemy in fights the first. Speakers perish not in fights but in summary secret plots and political murders often, for example, speakers Philippe Makedonsky, Julius Caesar and, probably, Alexander the Great were lost from hands of conspirators. Gorbachev and Khrushchev lost the power as a result of secret plot of the former colleagues. Speaker Khrushchev lost in secret fight from psychologist Brezhnev.

    Speakers are all leaders of country revolts – S. Razin, E.Pugachyov, I.Bolotnikov, K.Bulavin.

    Such politicians as Marx, Brezhnev, Bin Laden, the U.S. President Barack Obama, François Olland are psychologists. Psychologists - tyrants were Neron, Kaligula, Ivan the Terrible, Stalin and Hitler. Signs of the psychologist are the hobby for religion, poetry and social utopias, existence of the long periods of unemployment during life, poverty and humiliating tendency for men to live at the expense of friends or women, a large number of wives and mistresses, skill in fight behind scenes.
    For example, Stalin had the following tendencies of the psychologist: incomplete spiritual education, hobby for writing of verses in youth, skill in intrigues and fight behind scenes, lack of a profession in the youth, two wives and a large number of the mistresses, total absence of talent of a military leader. Hitler had the following tendencies of the psychologist: dream of a profession of the artist and position of the homeless tramp in youth, refusal to become the official contrary to a father's advice because of hostility to routine work, literary talent, mysticism, hobby for vegetarianism and east cults, love to an astrology, a favourite role of the prophet during a public statement, high extent of possession of methods of fight behind scenes, absence of talent of a military leader, low success on elections (nazis received 43,9 % of voices on elections of 1933 only). Tsar Ivan the Terrible had the following tendencies of the psychologist: literary talent, faith in Got before fanaticism, skill in the intrigues, six lawful wives and a large number of mistresses. Marx had the following tendencies of the psychologist: position of the unemployed during almost all life, hobby for poetry in youth, fanatical obsession utopian ideas and unrealizable dream to become the marshal at the head of revolutionary armies of the proletariat, poverty and readiness to live on money of the friend – speaker Engels, existence of a large family, too large volume of compositions.
    Situation becomes absolutely intolerable in the country and at court of the governor in that case when the tyrant-psychologist has mental deviations from norm. Many tyrants had strangenesses in behavior, for example, people began to notice strangenesses in behavior of the Roman emperor Kaligula after the disease suffered by him, Kaligula began to consider himself by Got. The Roman emperor Neron considered itself as the great poet and the singer, hearings went about Neron what Rome was set on fire on Neron's order that Neron could be inspired by a fire picture for poem writing about death of Troy. Some researchers tried to explain senseless executions as paranoia symptoms at tsar Ivan 4 the Terrible and Joseph Stalin. World famous psychiatrist Bekhterev was called to the Kremlin in 1927 for treatment of the Soviet dictator Stalin about which said that Stalin tests the depression periods. Bekhterev diagnosed that Stalin suffers a heavy form of paranoia. After that Bekhterev died suspiciously quickly – in the same evening. Opening was not made for clarification of a cause of death by Bekhterev, a body by Bekhterev was cremated. There is an opinion that Bekhterev was poisoned by order of Stalin in revenge for the terrible diagnosis. Khrushchev disgraced a cult of personality of Stalin and Khrushchev called by Stalin «the madman on a throne».
    There are many methods of fight behind scenes. Stalin used such methods of fight behind scenes, as "cleaning" of bureucratic apparatus and inspiration of conflicts between own supporters who were compelled to inform by tyrant Stalin at each other. Stalin achieved before solving fight at congress of Communist's party, that a majority of heads of an average link in the party's apparatus was on side Stalin. According to Stalin, it is necessary to achieve support from the majority of "officers"for a victory over "generals", Stalin's opponents underestimated this support from heads of an average link. Stalin's supporters, using the majority, simply didn't let Trotsky speak from a tribune at congress of party, Stalin's supporters muffled words byTrotsky by whistle and a cry. «The Leningrad business» is an example kindling of the conflicts between Stalin's deputies. Stalin fell ill and left to be treated on the resort, Zhdanov directed by Russia instead of Stalin some months. Zhdanov managed to put at the head of many regional party organizations during this time of Zhdanov's friends – Leningrad residents, Zhdanov prepared for power capture in case of Stalin's death in such a way but Zhdanov too hastened. When Stalin returned to Moscow, Beria informed by Stalin about Zhdanov's activity. As a result, Zhdanov died under strange circumstances, 2 thousand people were executed on the "Leningrad" business, many of which were ministers and the high-ranking officials. Psychologist Bin Laden had applied global terror in fight against the USA for the first time in history.
    Such politicians, as tsar Nikolay 1, tsar Nikolay 2, tsar Alexander 3, Minister of Foreign Affairs Molotov, U.S. Presidents of George W. Bush and George H. W. Bush, Angela Merkel, president Putin, president Medvedev, British prince Charles, Dritish queen Elisabeth 2 are technicians. All these technicians are born conservatives and creators of an order after the period of reforms or after revolution in policy. Technicians approach for a role of the official well , but technicians approach approach for a role of the politician badly. Technicians find oneself to policy casually - on a patronage from the executive device or inherit a throne. Technicians own all ways of political struggle badly – technicians aren't able to win in elections, technicians own receptions of fight behind scenes badly and technicians aren't able to arrange the armed revolutions. Technicians are born performers, technicians have low leader abilities and technicians prefer not to risk. Technicians don't have enough such qualities of character, as cunning and insidiousness for successful conducting fight behind scenes. Technicians don't have enough oratorical abilities and ability to be pleasant to public for a victory on elections. Technicians prefer to speak from a tribune on a piece of paper and technicians aren't able to speak from a tribune in free style. Speeches by technicians is boring, too long and deprived of emotions as it is possible to influence to subconsciousness of the person in crowd by means of expression of emotions only. Speeches by technicians aren't pleasant to crowd on meeting. Signs of the technician in policy are a profession of the official in antecedents, conservatism and aspiration to put things in order in the country, gray appearance, a manner of a public speach in the form of performance on a piece of paper. For example, Tsar Nikolay 2 had the following tendencies of the technician: conservatism of political views and aspiration to keep an absolute monarchy by all means, speaker Vitte had written manifesto on October 1905 for Nikolay 2, Nikolay 2 signed by Manifesto, but Nikolay 2 couldn't finish democratic reforms. J. Bush Jr. won the first presidential election with great difficulty, it was necessary to recalculate votes several times even.
    Psychologist Bin Laden had applied global terror in fight against the USA for the first time in history.
  2. Valery Staricov

    Valery Staricov Active Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Such politicians, as tsar Nikolay 1, tsar Nikolay 2, tsar Alexander 3, Minister of Foreign Affairs Molotov, U.S. Presidents George W. Bush and George H. W. Bush, Angela Merkel, president Putin, president Medvedev, British prince Charles, British queen Elisabeth 2 are technicians. All these technicians are born conservatives and creators of an order after the period of reforms or after revolution in policy. Technicians approach for a role of the official well , but technicians approach approach for a role of the politician badly.Technicians find oneself to policy casually - on a patronage from the executive device or inherit a throne. Technicians own all ways of political struggle badly – technicians aren't able to win in elections, technicians own receptions of fight behind scenes badly and technicians aren't able to arrange the armed revolutions. Technicians are born performers, technicians have low leader abilities and technicians prefer not to risk. Technicians don't have enough such qualities of character, as cunning and insidiousness for successful conducting fight behind scenes. Technicians don't have enough oratorical abilities and ability to be pleasant to public for a victory on elections. Technicians prefer to speak from a tribune on a piece of paper and technicians aren't able to speak from a tribune in free style. Speeches by technicians is boring, too long and deprived of emotions as it is possible to influence to subconsciousness of the person in crowd by means of expression of emotions only. Speeches by technicians aren't pleasant to crowd on meeting. Signs of the technician in policy are a profession of the official in antecedents, conservatism and aspiration to put things in order in the country, gray appearance, a manner of a public speach in the form of performance on a piece of paper. For example, Tsar Nikolay 2 had the following tendencies of the technician: conservatism of political views and aspiration to keep an absolute monarchy by all means, speaker Vitte had written manifesto on October 1905 for Nikolay 2, Nikolay 2 signed by Manifesto, but Nikolay 2 couldn't finish democratic reforms. J. Bush Jr. won the first presidential election with great difficulty, it was necessary to recalculate votes several times even.
    J. Bush Jr became puzzled a little during the first moment during attack of the international terrorists to America, but then J. Bush Jr started to put things in order and to struggle with terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq successfully.
    Such politicians as sociologist Pitirim Sorokin, Valeria Novodvorskaya, Sobchak, Anatoly Gaidar and Sakharov were theorists. The most successful role of the theorist in policy is a role of the adviser at the governor-reformer. the speaker is reformer usually. This speaker carries out reforms according to councils of the theorist. Sorokin was the personal secretary of prime-minister Kerensky in Russia in 1917. Sobchak, Sakharov and Anatoly Gaidar were Yeltsin's advisers. Attempt of the theorist to play an independent role in policy leads to failure without a support on the speaker always.
    Signs of the theorist in policy are the profession of the university teacher and a scientific degree, panic fear before a public speech, originality and a categoriality conclusions, some strangeness and appearance, promotion of offers on political reforms. All theorists were supporters of democratic reforms. For example, Sobchak was the professor of the right and Sobchak had a scientific degree. Gaidar was the professor of economy, as the prime-minister Gaidar entered the market in Russia, Gaidar was afraid of a public speech in panic and Gaidar was not able to be pleasant to crowd. Novodvorsky has the strangest appearance ,Novodvorsky does the most original and categorical conclusions. Sakharov became thecreator of a hydrogen bomb and Sakharov had a rank of the academician, Sakharov was afraid in panic to speak before public, the public prevented to speak by Sakharov at congress of the Supreme Council by means of a false applause.
    Sociologist Pitirim Sorokin named eight lifts of vertical mobility on which people move up or down on steps of a social pyramid in the course of the personal career:
    • army,
    • church,
    • school and science,
    • art,
    • press, television, radio,
    • business,
    • successful marriage.
    the speaker is the first grade on degree of success in policy, the the psychologist is second grade on degree of success in policy, the technician is the third grade on degree of success in policy, the theorist is the fourth grade on degree of success in policy. Speakers are able to win in such types of a political conflict, as elections, revolt and civil war. Speakers are able to operate political party and speakers are able to order the armed group. The psychologist possesses the highest level of skill under the organization of plots, political murders, acts of terrorism, fight of bureaucratic cliques behind scenes. The role of the tyrant is intended for the psychologist. The technician is capable to inherit the power only or on a patronage. The role of the official is intended for the technician. The role of the adviser of the governor is intended for the theorist. Speakers are "lions" in policy, psychologists are "foxes", technicians – conservatives, theorists – reformers. The profession of the politician most is suitable today for speakers since speakers are able to win in elections and speakers are the best orators. Elections are the only lawful way of fight for the political power today. Application of the armed capture of the power, terror and political murders is today under a legislative ban.

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