What would a Republican victory do? Which current problems would it fix? What benefits would it have?
It appears that 2022 was a non-election, with nothing to vote for and nothing to vote against. That is not surprising because the Trump Presidency was marked by the media ridiculing everything he did and every tweet when he asked about this or that. One thing the media all agreed on was - Trump = bad. We didn't think through what that would lead to, but now we know.
A GOP victory in the Senate would probably stall out judicial confirmations, but other than that, we are just in position to be stuck in gridlock for the next two years. Anybody who thinks there will be forced compromise is fooling themselves.
Slow down the rate of spending and try to do something about the open border for starters. But it doesn't matter now. The Republicans lost. The Democrats can pass another $2 trillion bill and run the petroleum industry out of business.
First priority is to undo as much of the damage Biden has done as possible: Reinstate the XL pipeline Don't close any more power stations unless there are replacements already on line Build the wall and secure the Southern border and airports against illegal immigration
None of the options really work. WITH Trump, the GOP had no policy . . . except "do whatever Trump says." Literally. The ONLY update to the GOP platform in Trump's first (well, technically second) campaign was to go easier on Putin and not arm Ukraine; during his second (well, technically third) campaign, the GOP literally had no platform except to "Support Trump's agenda." Maybe the war in Ukraine would end . . . due to the US cutting off aid, other NATO countries following suit, and Russia succeeding in its imperialist agenda. Balance the budget? They've been just as spend happy as Dems lately. Not much really changed when we had a GOP president and a GOP majority in both houses. Not sure why that would change unless the GOP gets it's head out of its ass (Trump) and figures out how to more than cry snowflake tears about wokeism and spread dumbass conspiracy theories. They've got a LOT of soul searching to do. If they can shake themselves of Trump and his clones, that may just happen. Here's hoping. I'll vote in the GOP primaries again if I see some sign of a sane option.
I have to live in hope. Donald Trump got through the primaries by appealing directly to the public. I think the public want a happy and successful country, even if it means some lobbyists don't get everything they want. We want low inflation and a predictable future and apart from some top politicians, most of us don't want a nuclear war.
I'm not a Trump fan, I really want someone who cares about things ordinary people care about. Tulsi Gabbard would be excellent. Biden is the worst possible combination of a nasty person and a lack of brain power.
There's very little politicians (especially the president) can do about inflation. And Trump's supporters were fine with him threatening nuclear war over Twitter. I do, however, agree that empty promises about inflation and foreign affairs are a good strategy for winning.
There's one big, big problem. Trump isn't going away. He's going to run. If he runs and loses the primaries, he will do everything within his power to sabotage GOP chances of winning the general.
The RP ("GOP") had no policy without Trump. Trump ran on positive policy proposals that voters supported and dragged the RP to victory in 2016. He will never be forgiven by our corrupt bipartisan ruling political class for doing that. “Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization in the history of American politics”. REAL CLEAR POLITICS, 28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last Four Elections, By Mark Hemingway, April 24, 2020. (emphasis mine) https://www.realclearpolitics.com/a...t_missing_in_last_four_elections_143033.html#!
The GOP even controlling the House and Senate, are limited on what policies they can implement. The best they can do is stop the Biden agenda. That may have to be enough.
Government never fixes itself. It continues growing the monstrosity that it is regardless of the political parties in charge. A republican victory that gives them control of the house insures gridlock which is the only defense we have against federal government. It also changes the names on the office doors. As to the details of the agenda, who cares? All hail gridlock.