What's Higher Than These? Nothing Is.

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by JAG*, May 22, 2021.

  1. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

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    What's Higher Than These? Nothing Is.
    By JAG
    May 22, 2021 Saturday

    There's nothing towering above these truths so I'mon live and die on the
    highest pinnacles in the upper atmosphere where the "Well Done's" grow
    while ever aspiring to soar with the Eagles till it's time to cross the Jordan.

    Start here: Love {and honor} the Three Persons of the Father, Lord Jesus,
    Holy Spirit with all your heart ~ ~ love Them deeply because They are
    always absolutely loveable. And love other people more than you love
    yourself because that's what Jesus did. Do all this and you will be happy
    and you'll fly where the eagles fly.

    Now kneel at The Cross. Nothing rises above The Cross and Jesus' victory
    on it defeating Sin and Death. The Cross is THE central event in all of human'
    history ~ ~ our sins have now been forgiven, so we go and sin no more thereby
    demonstrating our gratitude to Jesus for going straight into the pain for us on
    The Cross to save us from the soul-destroying ravages of Sin.

    Now comes the Resurrection and Jesus' victory over Death and The Graveyard.
    The power of that Empty Tomb has defeated Death. The Grim Reaper, once a
    Ferocious Untamed Murderous Monstrosity, is now feeble and frail, a pathetic
    weak sickly shadow of its former strength. Whimper and whine, Death. You've
    been conquered because the one who believes in Jesus will live even if they
    die, and the one who lives by believing in the Lord Jesus will never die. Eternal
    Life is in Jesus ~ it's the ultimate victory. Thank You, Lord Jesus.

    Now comes Jesus' Ascension. The power of "I go to My Father", followed by His
    Exaltation. The power of being seated at the right hand of the Father ~ the place
    and position of absolute power ~ where He now reigns as King and will continue
    to reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. What's more powerful
    than that? Nothing. What's higher than all these things? Nothing is. We're now
    up there high above the mountains, hoping in the Lord, renewing our strength,
    and soaring "on wings like Eagles." Isaiah 40:28-31

    Next comes Jesus' victory over all secularized politics {secularized Conservatism.
    and secularized Liberalism) and secularized ideologies (eg. Libertarianism). Brace
    yourself. Here it comes: A secularized political Conservatism is powerless to
    permanently solve a single human problem. All human problems are, at root,
    spiritual problems and there are no political solutions to spiritual problems.
    Politics can temporarily "fix it" in one spot, but the same root problem will
    then merely go underground and later resurface in a different form with
    a different name. Politics can temporarily "fix" the symptoms, but cannot
    fix the disease. So the symptoms always resurface, reappearing in new
    forms with new names.

    Secularized Conservatism wants to do right for the wrong reason. Doing right
    apart from the Lord Jesus is the definition of a false religion no mater what
    name it goes under. The Lord Jesus says, "Apart from Me you can do nothing."
    So? So if you desire lasting solutions to any and all human problems you will
    always go, first and foremost, with this:

    (1) John 3:3 ~ First you must be born again (regenerated),
    This step is crucial and cannot be skipped over on the way to solving human
    problems. "You must be born again" is not one of the planks in secularized
    political Conservatism.

    (2) John 3:16 ~ You must believe in the Lord Jesus as your Savior. "You must
    believe in Jesus" is not one of the planks in secularized political Conservatism.

    (3) Galatians 5:22-23 ~ You must allow the Holy Spirit to produce the fruits of the
    Holy Spirit in your life ~ love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,
    faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. None of this is a plank in the political
    platform of secularized Conservatism.

    1,2,and 3 up there is what lastingly fixes the world. Anything not 1, 2, and 3
    will always fail to permanently solve any human problem. And remember this:
    The Medical Community cannot give you Eternal Life. They're into temporary
    solutions only. After they have done all they can do, to help you, in the end you
    still die. So? So we all need John 3:16's guarantee of Eternal Life.

    Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit for these the highest truths and
    especially for John 3:16's truth:
    "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever
    believes in Him shall not perish but have Eternal Life.

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