What's Right with America?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by GenX1971, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. GenX1971

    GenX1971 Banned

    Apr 12, 2010
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    I am glad we have the right to criticize ourselves, others, and the powers that be in our country. We also have the right to point out the hundreds of millions of people you don't see on television or in some sort of violent international spat. So, if you are reading from another country or have become so surrounded by complaints and dark mentalities, I offer you the option of finding something right or good within America.
    It's this basic.
    We usually have manners. People hold doors open for one another and smile at one another just to brighten someone's day.
    We have festivals and celebrations and holidays and somber times of reflection.
    We have parks often provided by some form of collective government (city, state, federal, etc.)
    We often do selfless acts without expecting anything in return (anonymous sorts of things) collectively and individually rich people and poor.
    So, we have a few things to work out...some more pressing than others; but the majority of the people in America "when you disengage the hate train" are really great.
    You have to have some sort of faith even you are an atheist I pray you find something good to believe in or (trust me)it gets unbearably ugly to see only the dark side of life.
    For instance I tapped my dark side and thought:
    I could write a poem like this about Sunflowers:
    You might think that's awful but if you are driving through fields of sunflowers and have an allergy to them blooming it would be true to you at that time. Or you could call them sunshine on a stalk and that would be just as true to most people.
    It's all interpretation. The people we see in the media including someone like myself who turned to the internet ( a medium for communication) in recent years could give people the impression that something which is just wonderful, useful and beautiful at the same time is all messed up (depending on where there own head is)
    When such said person's head is extricated from the sewer they may come back tomorrow and realize they have a problem personally with sunflowers.
    Point is, our posting says more about where we are individually at any given point in time than it does our world or people we don't know or just see on tv.
    What's right with America?
  2. locke_demosthenes

    locke_demosthenes New Member

    Sep 11, 2011
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    We in America have it better than most places. Yet we still complain about the small things. We have much to be happy for as does any place in the world. It is not about where you live. It is about your perspective on life and how you live it. Most people in America are to driven by greed to stop and think of others but there our those few that show us what life is about. For Example: I met a homeless 18 year old today who is still in school and can't seem to find a job. Feeling bad I tried to give him twenty dollars. He just smiled and said "I don't need it I have what I need and that is all." It broke my heart he was so happy about having nothing it didn't bug him.
  3. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    yup that and a dime LOL

    You can scream and hollar and kick and cry all you want.

    Oh wait the powers that be crapped all over the economy and and stole your money to reward foreign bankers for ripping off home owners and now its a buck.
  4. Daybreaker

    Daybreaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2007
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    We have the most ridiculously beautiful population of women the world has ever seen.
  5. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    not per capita
  6. Awryly

    Awryly New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2010
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    It is learning, thanks to the 9/11 Commission and Obama, that its place in the world is not to forment revolution and engage in wars that favour its corporate interests but rather to advance internationally the values it was founded on.

    It may still yet be a selfish approach in order to preserve its own security:

    ...but it has the prospect of incidentally empowering others.
  7. Daybreaker

    Daybreaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2007
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    I'll confess, I'm still counting.
  8. GenX1971

    GenX1971 Banned

    Apr 12, 2010
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    <eyeroll> I can't wait 'til I'm 42 and reach the perfect solution to life the universe and everything.
    Maybe I'll have no worries at that point; but if I sit here on a political forum I'll just have more.
    So all the best to the folks on the forum.
    And thanks for all the fish.

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