What's to Like about Motorcycles

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Foolardi, Jun 9, 2014.

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  1. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    What drugs, exactly, would I have to take to follow your "thought" process?
  2. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Again you are! I did not say oil can not FAIL I said oil never wears out! When oil is stressed to such a degree that it allows metal to metal contact for what ever reason that is called a failure. When the oil cools etc even if it failed a shear test its still now worn out. Clean it and add the additive packages which again is not oil but *cof* additives, and it will be ready to use again.

    Try again or just admit you are wrong. Hey wanna bet $20? I did and lost.

  3. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    I just came across this post and it brought to mind something I've been thinking of. I'm actually considering a very small motorcycle, perhaps a 125cc or smaller, for taking road trips on. I've got my Sportster as my primary "road trip" bike but I remember doing long "day-rides" of up to 150 miles on my 70cc Yamaha when I was in college and it was a completely different experience going 'that slow' on a motorcycle. I was thinking it would be fun to plan week-long trips on a small motorcycle for just pure fun.
  4. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    The problem with conventional oils is that they create sulfuric due to moisture when the engine crankcase breaths from getting hot and cooling off. The acid is corrosive (obviously) and unless it's removed it will just continue to build up. When oil is recycled commercially the sulfuric acid processed out. This is not a problem for synthetic oil which is a major advantage for them and why they can go longer without an oil change.
  5. leftlegmoderate

    leftlegmoderate New Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Have fun with that bud! :smile:

  6. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Do you even have the slightest idea'r how nutty you sound.It's like saying gasoline
    doesn't wear out.Of course it does.It literally turns to varnish when left alone in
    a container or vehicle for years on end.
    Or rubber and tires.Tires also wear out.No matter if sitting idle in a heated
    garage.The rubber ages and gets hard and cracks.
    Why do cars of a certain era turn to rust.Because the metal wasn't treated.
    But in very arid climates like out west in dry desert-like conditions a car may
    not rust nearly as fast.
    But rust it will.Plus sun damage.The sun will bleach it out.
    Oil does wear out when used.It has to.It is the very nature of ATTRITION.
    When you hear someone say No ... Oil doesn't wear out it just gets dirty.
    They are in effect tying to sell you something.Everything on this Planet
    Wears out.In fact,it is Impossible for something NOT to wear out.
    Just like it is impossible for mankind to understand certain things.
    Right now we are witnessing the Sun wearing out or wearing down.
    Man was never possessed the ability to comprehend :
  7. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Are you stoned again?
  8. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    ROFLMAO - Never actually seen the movie as I'm not into slap-stick but that is a funny clip. A mini-bike would be a bit more minimalistic than I had in mind..... although something along these lines would be an interesting ride.....

    Sprint Chopper.jpg

    P.S. My partner actually has an old 90cc Harley Davidson engine sitting on a shelf. :)
  9. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    .... and not sharing?
  10. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Since this new and revolutionary bike H2 is upon us,even though the
    Motorcycle Mags are not reporting on,I went and called my old Motorcycle
    dealer,the next town over and inquired.It was a Honda/Kawasaki dealer
    and it went under a couple years ago.It came back last year as just a Kawasaki
    dealer.I was told that Honda no longer supports or starts up new delaerships
    with other than Honda as it's only brand.Doesn't sound right.
    The guy at the new dealer who told me that had a reputation for fibbing
    anyway.That's why they went under.Their Service dept. was full of crap most
    of the time.Constantly handed out excuses and the runaround and charging labor
    for time not spent on Bikes or ATV's.
    So's I called up the dealer and assed.About this new H2 model.Yeah the guy
    answering the phone knew all about it but hasn't any in stock and doesn't
    plan on having any.I assed why.He kinda went long on me in explaining there
    wasn't a market for a $ 25,ooo bike.I said ... well hay remember those Runes.
    There were 2 guys ahead of me with their $ 500 deposits.That bike was $ 25,ooo
    Plus { depending on double chromed wheels }.I managed to get the first one.The other
    2 guys wanted the double-chromed wheels model.The first Rune in didn't have
    those wheels.
    So I finally managed to ask what if someone wanted one { H2} could you order
    it.The guy said yes.So I;m guessing that is how it will work.I won't even get a chance to see
    this Great New Model { First Supercharged motorcycle EVER }.
    It also has State-of-Art Brakes and suspension and spot wielding and a neat colored
    Green trellis frame.The much more expensive H2R is like $ 60,ooo and has a
    titanium exhaust { because it is basically throwing flames at high RPM due to how
    the Supercharger is Full Bore on ALL 4 cyclinders,compared to just 2 on the
    base H2 model} .We're talking easily over 300 h.p. The sound of the H2R is like an
    Indy car.Really loud and aggressive.However it is a Track only bike.Not street
    legal.I wonder what would happen if say some rich dude bought one and stuck some
    plates on it and rode around town to show off.
    That'd be My Pipe Dream.
    Gotta have some Pipe Dream.
  11. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    I'm sorry but that to me is Juvenile.That bike is Kool.That's it.
    So is getting into food fights in college.Way ... way ... way TOO much is being
    made of motorcycles that are Kool.It used to be that Kool cars were used for
    events to draw a crowd but hardly ever daily use.
    Case in point ... The funny Station Wagon in the Chevy Chase movie :
    - Vacation - a Wagon Queen Family Truckster.
    When it comes to moving parts I kinda want something that works kinda
    I guess there may exist some really Kool super battery operated Dildo that
    not only knows just the right revolutions but can also make the needed faces
    and sounds that surpass the best laid plans of needed g-spots.
  12. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Are you off your medication?
  13. ChrisL

    ChrisL Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    I've ridden on the back of motorcycles before (a couple or a few times), and I didn't like it at ALL. While thrilling when you go fast and stuff, it is quite frightening when taking turns or tight corners and you have to "lean into" the turn. I felt like the bike might just fall over, and I could just imagine how much damage there would be to your body just falling off the thing at a high rate of speed, so while it's a lot of fun, it's also kind of scary. :wink: I have to say that I feel a lot safer in my car.
  14. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    You didn't know how to lean, I'd bet. I've been leaned over more than this, and didn't realize it until I saw a video later.

  15. ChrisL

    ChrisL Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    Well, I didn't the first time. It was my natural instinct to lean away from the road. Lol.
  16. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    I don't disagree with the superiority of synthetics and speaking in general terms most quality oils work well in modern bikes. I will also play the devils advocate and say its possible in extremely rare cases to damage the molecular structure of modern oils both synthetic and mineral, ie stripping atoms off oil molecules (in lay terms). Maybe that will satisfy my nemesis lol! Hey when I owned my kick start only, magneto equipped (morris fairbanks) DC linkert carbed (not to be confused with the beautiful cast brass unit that came on the big twins, no the DC looks like a tiny S&S super fuel stovepipe carb, and I read that the S&S was designed from that little cast alum carb), 1957 sportster I ran straight 50 weight AeroShell (60 or more in the summer if I could get it from the airstrip). Back then nearly twenty years ago, it worked so much better than even the Harley oils for protecting that antique top end. I did have sifton minus minus cams and head work tho....just saying. In my later Harley and my mustang I use synthetic or blends. Hey anyone I am looking for Harley a servi car project (not restored) any year any condition.

    About your idea of a small displacement road bike. I guess you know Kaw makes a 250 ninja, and hondas new grom is 125cc, but its riding pousture looks like torure. I am sure there are a lot of choices. I think it would be interesting to design a custom interstate going 200cc motorcycle. Not a chopper but a light frame or engine as stressed member framed bike. Nice full sized tires and for me anyway a comfortable seating position. Even in my 20s I detested the racing crouch posture hyper-bikes forced on me. I wasn't a roundey rioundy racer but did a bit of sat night dragracing at Bristol dragway, even a few trips down the polar raceway in Anchorage AK on my old big twin street HD.

    Hey Shiva, even better would to build a custom from junkyard parts which should be a dime a dozen for old 125 > 350 ccs. Let us know on the progress? And dont forget to look for me a HD servicar when digging through those parts (finder fee is available and I am serious) ! Lol

  17. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Most stock Harleys let you know right away how much you are leaning by creating a light show of sparks. I love to corner carve but like straight line drag racing better. I had a life threatening serious accident when I was racing my modified Harley, think modest but it did have a rare chrome moly frame and was styled in the cafe style like a 750 XR. Built of used parts still it was probably the prettiest and quickest bike I have ever owned.

    I was racing a guy around a curve way too fast and found out too late (it was dark) the curve was long and sweeping but the last part was severely off camber (the left hand curve was banked the 'wrong' way, holy Öhlins chris carr)!!!

    I knew I was in trouble and feathered the front brake in a despreate attempt to shave off a few MPH, but instead of slowing the rear high dollar tire lost traction but did so in a somewhat predictable way, and begin drifting around, so again I gave it a little rear brake.. that's called a 'death walk' as while in a leaning turn one applies a little front, then a-litte rear then a little front in a vain attempt to gain control, as the guard rail approached at probably 100mph I panicked! Instead of giving it a fist full of throttle I applied just a tiny, a very tiny little bit more brake to the rear and ... MISTAKE! The bike snapped around in a classic violent tank slapper and ejected me off the bike...the rest is painful history. The moral of this story? For me anyway stick to drag racing! (I was racing a superior GP style Kaw) he made it through the curve too! :(

  18. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Lol the guy that was riding you didn't know the value of um' foreplay. Just like when making whoopie (I am not trying to be creepy just making a funny analogy) one must prepare the passenger, man or women in this case. Did your driver tell you to sit as close as possible until you can relax? To hold on? Did he or she ride slow and smooth? Also if hugged up to the driver its easier personally speaking to control the bike in all conditions. It also depends on what kind of bike you are on. Most crotch rockets demand one assume the so called racing crouch, which is that bent over, knees around ones ears posture. IMO its only good for racing and or one up riding.

    I would suggest if there is a next time pick a bike that looks like the rider is sitting in a chair. And then pick a driver that has at least a year or two of experience. Even better go to a rental place and learn to ride your own! I am sorry you had a bad experience, and truly anything that's exciting does involve risk taking etc but you know that eh?

    ps knowing what I know, I would never, EVER ride with someone I did not know and hardly ever ride with someone I did know....well maybe if my bike broke it might be better than walking!

  19. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    I get it now.Lean too ... heave ho matey's.Watch MSNBC and learn the proper
    way to Lean Forward.And make sure to park ones Burgman in the proper
    parking stall.As if there is a proper way to park a Burgman.Or ride one.
    Or own one.Change the oil on one.But a nice Christmas gift for one.
    Remember it's Birthday.All the complications associated with ownership
    of that Grand of all Scoots ... a Burgman.
    I wonder if Sardi's of New York has a Burgman sandwich on it's menu.
    I heard it comes with one them little rubber red bicycle horns.Which
    tends to attract attention when the waiter brings it round to a side booth.
  20. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    If money was no object or you won a huge Lotto {Powerball }
    say Tens of Millions what motorcycle would you lust after.?
    I mean,one that is out yer price range ... Like Totally.
    I used to think a Confederate like the strange Wraith or maybe a new
    But I dunno.They are not daily riders and tend to be finicky.
  21. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Burgman 650 Executive.
  22. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Yes it's cool. Pragmatic? Not so much but it will travel down the road quite well and that's what riding a motorcycle is really all about. It's not about how much luggage you can carry or how fast you can go but instead it's about the pure joy of riding. I could travel with nothing but the "shirt on my back and a credit card" and have one hell of a good time. In fact, when riding in many states, I don't even carry a razor blade preferring to visit a barber that still does shaves as a "luxury" part of the ride like staying in a motel with a jacuzzi in the room to relax after a long day in the saddle. Does it cost more? Absolutely but that's a part of the joy of a road trip. It is, after all, a vacation and penny-pinching on a vacation is foolish IMHO.

    Some people just don't know how to really enjoy riding I guess.
  23. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Even I will admit that the Sprint chopper I provided as an example is a bit extreme. I don't know how comfortable it would be over longer distances but who was it that decided that a road trip was about covering distance? A 150 mile day can often be far more enjoyable than a 400-600 mile day on a motorcycle, As I mentioned I realy enjoyed riding my Yamaha 70 and it went "nowhere fast" because it topped out at about 45 mph (off a cliff LOL). There is something to be said about going "slow" on a motorcycle because you really get to enjoy every mile of the ride just a little bit longer. On my Sportster riding at 25-35 mph is almost laborious but on a small motorcycle that's "tooling right along" and therein lies the difference.

    I'll keep my eye open for a HD servicar. While somewhat rare to find these days I see them from time to time and I'll let you know when I come across one. They don't tend to be inexpensive anymore because they're in demand even when they require a lot of work just to get them running.
  24. ChrisL

    ChrisL Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    He rode like a bat out of hell! Lol. I've only ridden with people I know, and of course I held on! I don't have a death wish! :mrgreen: It's been a few years since I've ridden on a bike though. It was fun and exciting but scary too.
  25. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    No it will NOT.Stop with the balderdash.Peter Fonda was quite up front about the
    Captain America bike in - Easy Rider - .He and Hopper had to stop after just a few
    miles on those bikes all throughout shooting { Dennis Hopper was also Director }.
    Because those hardtail frames were murder.And with a bike sitting SO close to the
    ground with extended fork it makes for awkwardness.Meaning the bike has little
    center of balance.A Bikes weight has to be evenly distributed.That is where engineering
    comes into place.No major manufacturer introduces a new model w/o extensive
    testing and re-tweaking of engineering.A Bike has got to do certain things.
    Not fall over easily or have a hard time turning { turning radius and wheelbase }
    Sputter on start-up or stall out.
    From what I read out of yer posts,Motorcycles may not be your bag.
    You might be more suited to Hot air Baloons.
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