When George met Trayvon

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by krashsmith81, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. krashsmith81

    krashsmith81 New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    George Zimmerman had just finished burning a cross in his backyard when he decided to go scout the neighborhood for an innocent black kid to shoot.

    Trayvon Martin was walking down the street listening to his favorite gospel album on his phone when he spotted George. He approached George to ask him for directions to the nearest church. He told George he was trying to locate a church that had a night time Bible study, so he could learn more about the Word of God.

    "Not tonight, blackey!", George said in a menacing voice. He continued, "The next time you are in a church, it will be for your funeral, and trust me, it won't be an open casket!"

    George then proceeded to slam his own head into his vehicle, breaking his nose.

    Trayvon was shocked, and took a step back. George stared at him through the angry eyes of a White Hispanic Supremicist.

    "Now I can claim self defense when I shoot your sorry arse!", George said, and then began to laugh maniacally. He then proceeded to push Trayvon to the ground and get on top of him. He shot Trayvon in the chest.

    "Take that!", screamed George.

    As Trayvon lay slowly bleeding to death, he managed to say, "Please tell Oprah Winfrey to compare my death to Emmitt Till, to help repair race relations in America!"

    "Whatever you say, dirtbag!", came George's cold blooded reply. He watched Trayvon die, then called the cops.

    The police weren't buying George's story at first, until he remembered he had a box of Dunkin Donuts in the car, which he sucessfully used to bribe them into believing his version of events.

    It was a sad day for all, the racist was found not guilty, and the Democrats lost their next great Presidential Hopeful.

    The End
  2. Dale Cooper

    Dale Cooper Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2013
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    That made me laugh out loud.

    Actually, the whole thing gave me a giggle.
  3. krashsmith81

    krashsmith81 New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    Thanks, I was bored earlier, and tried real hard, glad to know someone found it funny :)

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