When will Julia Gillard Resign and take her unelected Foreign Minster with her?

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by philxx, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    you can say what you like about that Grub,Peter Slipper at least her did one honourable thing and resigned ,unlike you know who ,yes the Dictionary meaning rewriting,former INDUSTRIAL LAWYER ,deciever of the Australian people and whore of US Imperialism just like Rudd and Howard before her ,Right wing NSW ALP ,and Bob Carrs lackey Julia Gillard.

    For the sake of Australian capitialist democracy I thought the Prime Minister that wants to be President,would have "Gone to the people "surely she realises that the game is up ,"the tax without revenue" ,and the "Must be balanced budget" kind of puts an end to it ,Hello Wayne Swan andPenny Wong don't know anything JULIA wake up the Australian people WANT YOU OUT,even those that voted Mistakenly thinking you different from Howard ,so lets tick the Boxesw ,

    1.Howards Illegal War in Afghanistan ,Policy Continued.

    2.Refugee Policy,Continued.

    3.Middle class welfare at the expense of Workers and Poor.Continued.

    4.Racist ,military INTERVENTION against Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory .Continued.Yep,thats a special one so julia gillard,little welsh girl made good in OZ,when are you going to reinstall anti discrimination protections for the aboriginal population of Australia ,you RACIST![before we get to sexism julia how about your RACISM]Well!!!!!???

    Oh and thats before the carbon Tax flip flop ,Waste on a grand scale and everything she touches turning rancid and stupid ,the excising legally of the nation of Australia by its own Government well that is the end ,if ever a nation required revolutionary action its this one ,and to top it off the queen of england still rules .

    RESIGN JULIA OR ITS THE 1 000 000 workers and friends March on Canberra .

    we could still have an election by Cristmas and share it at home with the Soldiers that we sent to Afghanistan. AT HOME

    Rememberence day NOV11 will suffice could go to the polls by December 13 ,gee got ring to it ,DOWN WITH THE ALP GOVERNMENT OF JULIA GILLARD ,return democracy to the People thru Election or Revolution only 2 choices .l

    Bob Carr is the first unelected foreign minister of australia BTW!

    this man has NO FACE JULIA!

    Sussex str ALP Lawyer\jurno Politican ,UNELECTED!

  2. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    The whole Government was not democratically voted in by the majority of people. The ALP only became Government, because 2 sleazy Independents sold the constituents votes for bribes. One day soon the people will wake up and realise that politicians have been the greatest waste of money ever conceived. They are nothing more than old Roman Senators living off the peoples money, and their votes to keep them in power to keep taking the peoples money. LOL LOL
  3. lizarddust

    lizarddust Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    I believe there is something in our constitution, if the foreign minister resigns, is unable to perform his/her duties or dies, the government of the day has the power to select a new foreign minister.

    I think this came about when the Australian Constitution was drafted, foreign ministers would visit foreign countries by way of sea travel which at the time was hazardous and the position could quickly be filled.
  4. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    I thought they called Bob Carr the "foreign minister", because he looks like an alien.
  5. Ziggy Stardust

    Ziggy Stardust Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2008
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    The PM can appoint any MP to Foreign Minister (or any cabinet portfolio) at any time, aka a cabinet reshuffle.

    Carr filled a casual vacancy in the senate, he was nominated by the PM and confirmed by a vote from a joint sitting of parliament. This happens every time a senator resigns before their term ends.

    As for the OP:

    1. Bipartisan
    2. Bipartisan
    3. They made cuts to private health insurance rebate and the baby bonus, raised the tax free threshold to $18k per year and increased the pension. So, no. Also the "middle class" is the overwhelming bulk of "workers".
    4. RDA was reinstated about 3 years ago under Rudd.

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