You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink... I told you to get the above information and we would move forward. Your lack of ability to do this simple request shows you don't KNOW how to get the proper information to move forward with the discussion.
NOW you see why I have him on permanent ignore..I don't even cheat and read his ignored posts,because that'll be time I'll never get back..
Whatever, I can't be bothered with your childish games and silliness. When you grow up, we might be able to talk, but until then, I'll leave you with your fantasies. I'm not interested in your particular brand of low-level debate.
I asked you to provide me with information to move forward with this discussion. You not being able to provide that information tells me that you don't know how to get or derive that information. That means I'm wasting my time.
There's a strong belief that planes crashed on 911, but a ton of doubt sits next to each supposed event.
There is strong evidence that planes crashed on 911, but a ton of doubt sits in the minds of the irrational. - - - Updated - - - Exactly, these things don't just happen on tv.
You can't post a single fake plane image with markings or windows. The only proof I need to expose your fantasy is one video. Do you know who April Amonica is and where she was on 911?
It's funny when truthers get twisted in their own hyperbole. You want me to post a picture of a fake plane? Why?
So you say there was no plane just because you can't see windows or markings on the poor resolution pictures of the airliner?...Are you serious? And Amonica was in a chopper watching it unfold disinformation is all you seem to be about
Maybe the towers were fake,part of a ultra massive and infinitely complex plot,by the Zionist lizard hybrid folk,with thousands of players sworn to secrecy,and enforced by a Vulcan mind meld. See? I can make up ridiculous stuff too ,like truthers do.
That's up to you. But you cannot post an authentic image from 911 of what flight 175 would have looked like had it really been there. Ya know, markings, windows, tons of eyewitnesses on the ground, and a real crash.
And you can't disprove the existence of the passengers on the manifest. You can't disprove the existence of the insurance payouts. And I could go on and on and on .... All right then, post it. Yes, she was in a helicopter reporting on the crashes and she watched the second plane strike.
She was reporting on the WTC attack from a helicopter when the second plane struck. Show me where that is wrong. Here is the video: [video=youtube_share;ZAlA-H4QJRo][/video] Note the second plane strike at 2:26. So, what was that about me not knowing what I'm talking about, Lizard Guy?
If the airliners didn't actually crash into the Pentagon, WTC, and Shanksville, how come the airline companies haven't hired investigators to find the missing planes? If the twin towers weren't hit by airliners, but were victims of a false-flag government attack, how come the insurance companies that had to pay Silverstein billions of dollars to rebuild the towers, haven't been investigating the massive fraud? oh, I see, the airline companies and the insurance company, are IN ON IT.