Wherefore woke corporatists?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Zorro, May 26, 2023.

  1. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Wherefore woke corporatists?

    'The right has a saying: “Get woke, go broke.” It does seem as though it is sometimes the case that taking a woke leftist stance hurts the bottom line. Just ask Budweiser or Disney. And yet it’s seemingly done all the time.'

    Companies used to 'rigorously enforce “no-politics or alignment with causes” stance (see this). What changed?'

    Our education system changed and our privileged Gentry stratified. The Front Office used to be filled with folks that started on the factory floor and worked their way up. Executives used to be folks who worked through college doing manual labor. In this process they mixed and mingled and befriended a number of different cultures and social classes. No more.

    Now it's the gated neighborhoods, kids go to elite schools and then colleges on loans and never mix outside their circle.

    'The people who are now rising to strategic decision-making positions in corporations came out of Academia bubbles where they never had to deal with a contradicting argument, or maybe even know one existed. They’re getting a rude awakening in the marketplace now, and so are their shareholders.'

    Yes. Deplatforming rather than debate makes everything a fight rather than a discussion. But, when a for profit company goes to war with their customers, unlike colleges who can punish those that don't regurgitate the propaganda, customers simply go elsewhere, which is why big companies hate competition, what they actually hate is US having choices, because then we can choose not to business with them.

    That is also why we do not want government in control of everything. Everything that government controls is more where you have no choice if they become dictatorial.
    1. 'the generation that is often in charge these days was educated, steeped, and marinated in leftist social activism as an absolute good and perhaps a required good.
    2. human resources departments have become completely dedicated to these things, as well; and
    3. the companies are afraid of threats and boycotts by the left if they don’t toe the leftist line.'
    I think all of those are having an effect, especially 1.

    What's new is the Right applying economic pressure.

    The Good Book says "Without wise leadership, a nation falls; there is safety in having many advisers." Proverbs 11:14

    It's important to listen to a wide variety of views and for the various lawful factions within society to have a voice. That brings balance, and balance brings safety, prosperity and health. We could use more of that.

    Please discuss.
    Last edited: May 26, 2023
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  2. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    I'm sure that's part of it. But its too concerted for that to be the full explanation. One theory put forth (that I think is correct) is that capitalism (and even corporatism) has succeeded in placating the working class enough to eliminate us as 'agents of change' against corrupt elitist authoritarianism. Pretty much everyone has a car, a smartphone, warm clothes and a meal in the fridge. We aren't desperate enough to be the tools of radical change, nor are we particularly vigilant in looking out for surreptitious forces bent on controlling us. The 'useful idiots' of a century ago just aren't very useful anymore, and are instead fat and ripe for the fleecing. The class that's useful for bringing about authoritarianism are the financial, political and social elite, the people who despite their fabulous prosperity continue to have the insatiable desire for more. They have the desperation (for domination) necessary to be the new agents of change, and as a benefit, they already have most of the control necessary to wrest the rest of it away from us. The corporations are the new 'revolutionaries' that will bring about the sugar coating of the new 'collectivist utopia' (based on the false promise that they will manage it- they will of course be the first to be purged from it, no one suffers a traitor...) ...within which will be delivered the poison of the neo-feudalist hell whereby the ruling elites will regain their 'rightful' thrones of power they lost centuries ago during The Renaissance and The Enlightenment.

    Or so they believe. The desperation of the working class is growing as we watch the wealth of the world consolidate into the hands of fewer and fewer people, and our essentials get more and more expensive. More and more of us are preparing for the desperation and suffering our would-be rulers clearly intend to foist upon the masses. Perhaps they believe we will suffer it meekly. I disagree. I believe they have taken our will to not 'fire the first shot' as a sign of weakness, when in fact its simply our insistence upon civility. Offensive violence is never justified. However, violence as a defensive response to violence is perfectly justified. At a certain point, their control can only be further increased with violent force. Then we'll find out who the real 'agents of change' are.
    Last edited: May 26, 2023
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  3. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    That would explain why they are enemies of Freedom and our Constitution that secures our Liberty.
    Oh, with the FBI raids, I think we're there.

    Every Federal agency head has to be confirmed by the US Senate, and we stand to do very well in the upcoming Senate Elections. The radicals in charge of the DOJ and the FBI are likely bugs in search of a windshield.

    Senate Elections - Consensus has us at 50 - With OH, MT, AZ all Dem seats that are currently toss ups and clearly in play.


    If we can also hold Congress and take the Presidency, we should be able to clean out the agency heads, and with enabling legislation, make it much easier to replace the rank and file, below the appointees, that ran the insurrection that wiped out Trump from the inside.

    I think it's important to remember that they are resorting to force because they are failing to persuade. It's not a sign of strength, it's an admission of failure.
    Last edited: May 26, 2023
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  4. ECA

    ECA Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2018
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    I don’t know who is worse. The woke A holes or the snowflakes who get so upset at those who are woke. Meh….both are a55 clowns.
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  5. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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  6. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Woke Hollywood Sinks Into Irrelevance After Multiple Box Office Failures
    'They might as well get rid of the box office all together and come out of the closet as the defacto propaganda wing for governments and globalists...'

    'The formula for box office success these days seems rather simple – Produce a solid story with relatable and likable characters, and tell that story in a setting that makes sense with as few distractions and tangents as possible. In other words, make a normal movie without the intent to manipulate your audience with propaganda.'

    'Most movies that follow this basic formula will rake in the cash. Any movie that insists on browbeating the audience will bomb; get woke, go broke. The problem is that Hollywood elitists just can't help themselves. They think they're smarter than the audience and smarter than the box office, and they would rather lose their entire business and fade into obscurity than admit the truth: The market dictates the success or failure of popular media, the media does not dictate the market.'

    'To be fair, the media culture we live in today is far different from what it was even 10 years ago. The entertainment industry is no longer interested in keeping he public happy or distracted, they're only interested in “platforms.” They see every movie and every popular franchise as a vehicle to deliver their gospel, the gospel of woke. It is likely that they believe if they saturate the market long enough and thoroughly enough with their messaging that one day the public will just give up and accept woke as the new normal.'

    They aren't reading the room.

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