Which of these will occur first?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Pollycy, May 13, 2016.


Which of these will occur first?

Poll closed Jun 3, 2016.
  1. 1. The FBI finishes investigation of Hillary Clinton's dealings on national security and emails.

  2. 2. The Army begins a courts-martial of Bowe Bergdahl on charges of desertion/ misbehavior.

  3. 3. Hell freezes over.

  1. cupAsoup

    cupAsoup Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Maybe is not it. Your kind is definitely a dying breed and thankfully so. Also, Ronnie reagan was ill for most of his presidency and not in control of his faculties. He was the worst president of modern times and we have yet to recover from his insanity.
  2. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    The only statement you've made that has any validity is that we Boomers are a dying breed. Thank you, O Master of the Obvious. The same is true of your generation... it only takes the passing of time. As for the rest, you postulate that Reagan was ill, not in control of his faculties, the "worst president of modern times", and all the rest of the groundless, rabid, hyperliberal twaddle I've heard for years....

    All I know is that during Reagan we got up off our knees after four disgusting years under Jimmuh Cawduh, produced an economic recovery that was a REAL recovery, made a lot of money without a crippling load of new "social programs", and achieved our goals as individuals if we were willing to think, to work, and to persevere. During Reagan's presidency the tactics were adopted and implemented that caused the implosion of the only real, viable enemy we had at the time -- the Soviet Union.

    But I've told you all of this before, and there's no use in repeating it. Live your little life, love your little socialism, cement yourself to your precious Madame Defarge Clinton, and watch America go even further down into a septic tank of dependency and uselessness than it has under that thing that sits in the White House now. I hope your generation enjoys having nothing, and being nothing, because you will get more of it before you're my age... a LOT more.

    [​IMG]. "Whatr yu doing? Im not doing anything either. Wanna know what I had for lunch?"
  3. Day of the Candor

    Day of the Candor Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Got any proof for any of this bull(*)(*)(*)(*) or are you just farting through your keyboard? We should be lucky enough to have another president just half as good as Ronald Reagan was. We would be rich, powerful, and happy again as a nation. But of course you liberals wouldn't like it because it wouldn't be all PC. You guys love all this goofy crap that doesn't do anything to help the country but instead just hurts it.

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