Morons, these farmers are. Stuff them bаstаrds let them suffer and starve they know it all. Chase Whites out and call them imperialist racists. Then when you can't do anything with the land and your people starve tell Whites to come back. Then when the farms are build up again and everything works well call the farmers White devils and chase them off their land.
These people have had tens of thousands of years to come up with farming systems to feed themselves, and they can't do it. Just saying.
I would have been a white zimbabwean, I don't know if I would have moved back. On a side, it's home, on the another side, you can't really risk that the black majority has another whim and exterminate you.
These people are clearly without any self-esteem. I mean - how could one be so dump. If one chase you, you don't have a place there, simple as that.
I do not believe they will return in substantial numbers. I lived in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia, actually) during the last part of the Ian Smith government. The white farmers who stayed on after "black rule" did so with the promise of white-skilled appreciation. They got 'the chop' instead. I cannot think they will ever forget it.
They care about the people who live there.... many whites know they will die in Africa.. and die violently and yet they stay, because there are still many black people who want them there and need them there. It is love for the country and love for the people, placing their interests above your own.
not sure if its worth responding to this post as he has been banned, probably for racist tirades judging from his post here. seems to be a very simple understanding of the situation and quite ignorant.
to create a sustainable farming sector you need time and the right land. Zimbabwe has been the victim of the scramble for african resources by White European Christians for the last 500 years. this likely has had a massive impact on Zimbabweans being able to build a suitable farming infrastructure to feed its nation. they'll be fine as much as you hope they will not. good day to you sir.
Racial guiltiness is a leftist invasion, nowodays white "zimbabwean" farmer are not responsible for what their grandfather did, and have even less reasons to sacrifice their children for that if the black majority want to commit a genocide.
love for the people, really? where is the evidence of this rather than "for the love of money"? what the white farmers should do is go back, teach them how to run these global farming enterprises then quietly leave. thats what a good christian should do. if the whites want to benefit from the massive resource base of african farmland then ask the Zimbabweans to share with the world not go in and try to take over.
i disagree. todays white farmers are responsible for what there dead forefathers did, or rather didnt do.
You're at the same level than someone which hate all black because he was assaulted by one black one day. There is no law on that earth that would enable for instance to sentence the son of a murderer for the deeds of his father, the only country doing that is north korea which tend to deport a whole family when one member of this family commited a fault.
no where did i say that, i stated that all White Zimbabwean Farmers who failed the Zimbabwean people and ran back home to europe once their ill gotten wealth was confiscated, are to blame. Not some White Boy in Russia who never set foot or harmed an African. Im guessing English isnt your first language which is why you fail to understand what I type so my apologies if I come across rude. historic crimes can still be prosecuted by a good lawyer but of course you havent created a law that punished unpunished crimes as youd all have triple life sentences. however, GOD did create a law for that which is why the west are all atheists because they know their true fate.
well... what are you waiting for mr good christian.... off you go to Africa fyi they are not going in and taking over...clearly you are incapable of understanding Africa and it's ever changing politics
Indeed, english is my third language. So what, there were a risk of a genocide, and I would mention that south africa is in high risk of genocide according to genocidewatch, if a genocide start in south africa it could contaminate zimbabwe. What did you excepted of the white zimbabwean, waiting patiently that the main zimbabwean population decide to kill them ? Mugabe made it clear they were not welcome there, so they were right to leave.
A risk of Genocide? You mean the type of Genocide that White Europeans have already committed in South Africa? You reap what you sow, White Europeans ran back to europe as soon as Apartheid was abolished in Zimbabwe. Horrid people to the core every last one of them, Demons.
I already told you that I don't believe in racial culprit, neither in hereditary culprit. I'm neither a christian which believe in the original sin, neither a leftist which believe that white people eat muslim mexican babies the morning for breakfast. If I would be 35 YO father of 9 YO and 6 YO children (just taking an example), I wouldn't get my children killed in Africa to satisfy some leftists because my father or my grand father was nasty to some black people some years ago, or even because I was nasty myself. But again, if you want to think the northern korean way, It's not my problem.
Well when I create mess, I care, if my grandfather created a mess, I would be particulary sorry for the mess he could have created, but I wouldn't feel guilty for him. But I care too of the people I have the responsibility of. And there is nothing exceptionnal in that. Most horrible organized crime organization and dictatorship know that common thing : there is a lot of people which are willing to die as a hero, much fewer that are willing to see people they love get killed for their fight.
@Esau I would add that very few people in the developped countries care of all the victims the traffic drug did when they smell their pot or take their cocain but like to pretend they care. Yet for their comfort, they still smoke weed. And this way, white people and black people act the same way, that's a general truth, a lot of people like to pretend they care. But how many of them are ready to change their life style to prevent an evil to occur. Doesn't all people, whatever their colour of skin is, around the world like to buy cheap clothers made often in the most terrible conditions in poor countries. Most of white zimbabwean farmers can do anything about the past of their father and grandfather. I think it's very easy to throw them the rock and ask them to feel responsible for the act of their father or grandfather when so much people in every countries doesn't feel responsible when it's about to change their own habits.
White Farmers controlled 97 percent of all arable land and their crops were all for export. Blacks lived in the company store and there was no way forward. Add a decade of severe drought... It was bound to fail.