White Genocide Museum

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Anders Hoveland, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    It is an online museum. In South Africa in the past 2 decades there have been horrific racially-motivated attacks against whites on a massive scale. The perpetrators are rarely caught, and there have been accusations in many cases that the local police do not care.

    Meanwhile, the Black-led government has been busy trying to disarm the population. It is not an outright gun ban, but the government has passed every other possible law to attack gun ownership. Only one self-defence gun is allowed per person, and that gun can only be a handgun or manually-loaded shotgun. Ownership of a firearm without a license is punishable by up to 15 years in prison, and license applications most commonly take over 4 years to be "processed", and once a license is granted it is only valid for 5 or 10 years (depending on the license category). The government essentially reserves the right to deny a license to an individual for any reason (using the legal terms "lack of good motivation" and "risk of becoming violent" as excuses). While these restrictions seem to be more targeted at poor Blacks in the cities, they also affect white communities, leaving them vulnerable. The whites in the cities have formed enclaves with high walls to protect themselves, not uncommonly with electric fences. The police forces are drastically understaffed. The police take hours to respond to burglary calls. Sometimes a burglary victim who has captured the burglar may be told to take the burglar to the police station himself, because the police cannot send someone out. Yet, despite this, those in the cities are often denied licenses, with the justification that they do not need guns because there is a police presence to protect them. This has led to predictable effects, with whites being targeted with home invassions, execution, and torture.

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