There are so many deniers on here, not just skeptics, all scientists are skeptics, but actually people who outright deny AGW for some odd reason without due investigation. ( googeling "why global warming isnt real" is not research) SO! i thought well most of these ppl who outright deny are part of the rediculus group of ppl who believe in creation " science" . Im asking all deniers AND skeptics alike to please share their beliefs on evolution , natural selection, Anthropolgy and the like. Lets not make this an attack on religeon because there are many who are christians , jews, muslims, yada yada yada, who do subscribe to evolution due to the fact that they cant stare plain faced into that must empirical data and say dinosuars were jesus's giant pet lizards LETS HEAR WHAT YOU ALL THINK DONT BE SHY
Irrelevant! My religious beliefs or lack there of are no secret on this board but desperate warmmongers who bring up peoples faith in the AGW debate they are losing are simply scumbags. Go burn in the hell I dont believe in.
Who's to say God didn't create evolution? Darwin believed in God. As for AGW, that is more like a religious belief and one I don't subscribe to.
The adaptation portion of "evolution" is undeniable, the part where we all developed from an amoeba is where I have a problem. Simply not enough evidence to give that any credence.
Dont give this trash much attention its obviously a sock of one of the warmmongers here most likely panzer.
Thanks for sharing your belief in evolution, natural selection, Anthropolgy, and AGW. Some people cannot just depart from their early childhood belief in Santa Claus and instinctively seek to replace it with something similar. Such is a human psychology. I don't deny AGW. It would be as silly as to deny existance of Santa Clause or evolution to those who believe in such. The tread should be moved to religion subforum and merged with "evolution is a joke #9" or what ever is the current number.
Indeed, Iolo. For, in my opinion, asking someone whether or not they "believe in" evolution should always be akin to asking someone whether or not they "believe in" gravity. But seldom does science win out over night. I mean, it was not until fairly recently that the bulk of humankind came to the understanding that the earth was not a flat plane. After all, we homo sapiens are a very young species; one that has only relatively recently learned to move about in an upright position. Yours. GM
I believe that Charles Darwin's religious beliefs are best described as having been that of an agnostic. He tended to vacillate between Christ having existed and Christ not having existed. Yet never did Charles Darwin subscribe to the notion of Christ's divinity. Ergo, Darwin was more of a Unitarian Universalist as am I - an atheist Unitarian Universalist. Yours. GM
So someone that believes the creationist intepretation of the Bible, without question, has inferior intellect. Yet, someone that believes MMGW crowds interpretation of the IPCC report without question has superior intellect. I believe both groups are a few bricks short of a pallet. An omnipotent God isn't that limited, and the writers of the IPPC document aren't that omnipotent. For hundreds of years, the church defined the Bible to most of the western population. It burned books with opposing views as being heritical, and killed those they couldn't convert. Now the true believers in MMGW are defining as heritic, those that don't share their faith. The true believers in MMGW have religious outrage at non-believers. But, non-believers are doing nothing to stop them from their belief. We are tired of getting their book thrust in our face, and demand we bow down to a scary god that demands a vow of poverty because of "The Model". Especially, when that vow of poverty has very little impact on "The Model". Further more, we must show our faith in their talismans, the solar panel, the windmill, and the hybrid. When those talismans are mathamatically incapable of having very much impact on "The Model". Blind belief is blind belief, and those that are sure they are truely enlightened are dangerous.
This. Especially true for the AGW debate. Both sides, albeit more for the skeptics. We aren't in a position to make claims (except for a few) with any certainty. I'd rather leave it up to the real experts. The truth will eventually come out. It's science, not politics.
Not a denier nor a skeptic (I accept evolution and AGW and do not believe in the moon hoax, 911 conspiracy, birther conspiracyor any of the idiotic conspiracies) but I want to address this, another use of the Luntz Research strategy to discredit the science of CC: I cannot speak for all "true believers", but my outrage is not at the "non-believers"; my outrage is at RW blogs who spin, lie, and misrepresent what we "believers" think and at the idiots who read the blogs and think they understand the science. My outrage is at the climate conspiracy freaks who, when backed into a corner on the science, mention Al Gore as if he controls what I think. My outrage is at the climate conspiracy freaks who, when backed into a corner on the science, accuse thousands of researchers of wanting to destroy the US and the UN of promoting a world government using the IPCC reports. My outrage is at people who misrepresent the economic impact of any attempt at mitigation and do not or cannot see that the economic impact of climate change will be far worse than if governments do nothing. And to the OP, scientists never "believe" in their conclusions. Belief usually implies the existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. Scientists trust in their conclusions because those conclusions are the result of experiments and not faith.
Sorry. First sentence. "...all scientists are skeptics...." That did make me laugh. It's amazing what gullible scientists will believe if the money is there.
hey patrick your an idiot. yeah scientist are skeptics lol your so brainwashed you thing the word skeptic applies only to nutjobs who outright deny scientific conclusions based upon brutaly strict testing. And i can tell you that the vast majority of scientists are not in it for the money science pays crap to researchers. they are in it for the pursuit of knowledge something you CLEARLY lack by making statements like that
I guess you started a chain reaction. Whatever made you you made me laugh. Indeed it is amazing how many believe that scientists are superhuman almost supernatural. I think such people once tried to understand a basic concept of an integral and gave up after 3 hard attempts. The lesson should be - never give up, calculus is really easy.